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-discussing the main reasons and points for first, second and third peel.

.Rainfall distribution and variation
-Run-off occurs mostly in Gulf of Carpentaria at 24.7%
-Rain occurs mostly in the Northen regions of Australia with an average of 2100mm of rain annually
-Rainfall is not entirely predictable as it is very variable, only predicting for around 10 days in the future using weather satellites and help of meteorologists
-Drought can be slightly detected from forecast precipitation and temperature in the climate
-(OPTIONAL) Orographic rainfall is the reason why the central parts of Australia are dry

.Competition for water
-Introduction for the MDB (Murray-Darling Basin), where it is and its economic and environmental importance
-Explanation for floodplain harvesting and over irrigation, and how large irrigators are doing the bad thing. (They hire lobbyists who are professionals and try to influence government official's decision on behalf of their client.)Flood plain harvesting is when a farmer or irrigator intercepts the excess water that came from rainfall and is flowing on floodplains and collects them into their own private dams. (Not illegal)
-There are many droughts and dry areas of the river that impact ecosystems and the environment on land around including agriculture and animal habitats

.Judging ONE Large-scale water management plan in Australia to achieve sustainability
-Desalination is a way to remove salt from the ocean water, and with the process being called, reverse osmosis
-There are 6 desalination plants in operation, either being constructed or waiting to be used
-Desalination works from water being forced into high pressure, through a filter which is fine enough to remove salt
-Very energy intensive, very expensive to construct and operate
-Chemicals used to kill the algae or the brine can damage marine ecosystems

-rephrasing introduction, not introducing anything new.

Extra information
.Dams which damage environment and financial status of the city or company
.The MDB (Murray-Darling Basin) located in South Australia

Water cycle information-
Condensation: The changing of water vapor into droplets of liquid water in from of dew, fog or clouds.
Transpiration: The process by which the water absorbed by plants passes into the atmosphere.
Precipitation: Any or all of the forms of water, whether liquid or solid, that fall from clouds and reach the ground. (e.g. Rain)
Run-off: The movement of surface water down slopes.
Evaporation: The process by which water is changed into water vapor.
Frontal rainfall: When warm air is forced to rise over the cold air at a weather front. Warm air is less dense than cold air.
Orographic rainfall: When a mountain range forces a moist body of air to rise. Only a little rain makes it beyond the mountain range, producing what is called the rain shadow effect.
Convectional rainfall: The rainfall that happens when the sun’s heat causes the ground to heat the air, and this warm air rises, cools down, and forms clouds that can result in precipitation.

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