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Comparative Analysis of Education and Trained in the East and the West - A CRUCIAL Review
Since December 2005, I have been seeking the right solution for various differences between the upbringing of the generation in Europe and in the East. Although I spent 5 years in Germany - A major country of Europe - but the experiences of days gone by two year somehow opened my eyes and washed my brain from my dusty and unclear images of the European social system, which I will explain here. In fact the schooling and educational training is the key factor for the completely difference in livings compared to that seen in the East.. The base may be the start-up or foundational education system in the schools.

Specifically speaking, the subcontinent, the center of tradition and cultures is a mixture of various kinds of personal values and traits found in one's character! They are somehow basic instinct of any individual in any part of the world. Such as human feelings, passions, emotions etc. these can't be refined and polished. Now aside from these basic heredity institutions there exist other values which decide difference between us and a European. The difference can be integrated in clear structure if the system of the two is fairly clearly understood!

The pupil in school have been brought up within an education system with scenarios of culture, half-history, geography, science and most of the part hinges upon religious bondage and social ethics. Religious and ethical limits sanction utmost in society and in family. One is absolve to think, utilize his capabilities in a few aspects of life but boundary conditions exit too. It could be pro and contra for the generation there! Text syllabus of The East - Subcontinent -ranges all of the basic international standards censored with some "extras" of life. What is needed there is an introduction of basic foreign languages at the institution levels. For several years English has been the only real foreign language taught in the schools but considering an excellent demand of other language in future, it would be highly preferred if they start to become thoughtfulness to fringing a good broad spectrum of world's famous languages in to the syllabi.

Generally, languages are chosen as English, Urdu; Arabic, other major language which one critically analyse as a major failure in the schools. Optional and compulsory subjects are somehow chosen in "a ladder-way"... This means that if the elder relation has become a Medical doctor, the younger will also choose the same subjects irrespective of their own mental aptitude and inclination, could be he or she is a good teacher or journalist. It is somehow a wrong trend of development as contracted in Germany w here students are given opportunities in order to flourish their academic peaks and then they decide somehow to find the right profession. Compulsory subjects are basic sciences, mathematics, geography of the land and Islamic studies. Therefore the concepts of refined on the principles of Islam

Now why don't we have a glance at the German system of schooling. Scientifically known that a general "start-up" of a child's character shaping begin from the mothers bally. The hierarchal characteristics from parents play an essential role. When he is in the school, he could be given - easier to say - he learns a lot about his surroundings. In Germany, what one observes is a good educational scenario that is often observed in all school which ranges from the compulsory and optional subjects, language, technological etc...Religion and ethics are treated somehow with equal importance. What fails here is, somehow, the barrier between mingled sexes, illustration of sexual relations. The training in the schools is somehow critical view to comment.

The federal government proclaim it to become a step to so-called control the populace and many diseases. Could be get more info to reveal such remakes but look at the growing statistics of separation and family matters although they will have an excellent general education. The sense to target here's that their brain is shaped so that what they learn besides good worldly life is stress free life, holidays, freedom of mind, somehow a little respect towards their parents who lives independent life in separate homes. No-one "disturbs" one another or up to certain point which is to not bother them... but on the other hand a good academic life is seen in youngsters and elders. The system somehow, shapes them and nourish inevitably in such a life style independent of being Muslim of Pakistan or Iran, or Buddhist of then into a complete opposite person compared to that brought up in the East mainly in Pakistan or Arabian lands.

In European schooling system, what we observe here is the fact that, first, there's freedom of doing everything, anytime! It is possible to just suggest someone one thing but cannot order. It really is seen also in the articles of German lawful restrictions which give priority to human freedom! Consequently it generates first a scene of independence which up to certain limit, admirable and desirable. Because this independence leads one to stand up on his own feet when he could be left alone, it really is assisting to shapes his personality by their own hands. But generally, neutral observation implies that most of the cases are undesireable effects. The educational materials derive from pretty much no religious lessons and when yes, the interpretation has been altered so that it only fits them. Viewing this the main world through a wide vision glass, one can image a good materialistic growth, technological apex, fast media and communication, and robotic life but sorrowfully saying, individual personalities are declining.

On one side the state syllabus and taught text books are filled with the data improvement like geography, science, technology, human rights but on the other hand they cross the limits like the open education in schools about Sex and methods which eventually, more or less, lead youngsters losing their virginity; no care of dresses or school uniform which symbolizes a well-shaping, discipline and "to check out" nature of a child; in deed respect to others. You can conclude that is a natural human instinct which people have modified nowadays into education... one doesn't need any special teachings for "milli-meter jobs" and stuff like that.

Result! where on the one hand one leads a somehow educationally balanced personality but somehow however, critically speaking, personal social life are crushed and likely to be ruined without the notice. The life sketches as into the children of an unmarried mother living with their step father's family. Marriage also seems to be a casino game of time! Because, many school of thoughts proclaim it as bondage to build up child's personality. Luckily, there are a few associations of Christian and Muslim too and other religions which show time and energy to time programs in order to revive the matrimonial importance in the young generation. But unfortunately the laws bound the hands of such association to implement the God given doctrines. There are a few courses too, to track the disoriented couples who spend vain and reward-less-period years before even thinking to get the ring-of-marriage. Anyway all hangs on the essential foundational education of the youngsters.

We blame each others on the bases of your respective so-called faith. But if one could analyse with only a neutral view indicate select those factors which perturb the association or a relation, one would easily come to a conclusion that true Islamic regimes, using its hidden wisdom, beat and synchronize the heart of individuals to compare them with other pattern of lives. Before becoming emotional and touching the feelings, just factor out the reality in nature around you!

It really is observed that the tendency of a human personality develops according to the surroundings. Well! The point is to convey may be the hierarchal influence of social values which is significantly added by the parental authority in bringing up the children. To a major extent the schools sharpen and shape the character of a child in Germany. Recommendation should be given "with compulsion" that everyone should get some special subjects with supporting religious reforms for the child. At the end one would finish by feeling somehow a need of Islamic schools in Germany for the raised of Muslim children or any others who want to know the reality of/in Islam in Germany. It isn't due to differentiation or integration but as to highlight the matter that is only the method of teach them the real values by which Islam flourished in its peak during the past 1400 A.H. year ago!!

To know different cultures, learn other languages, discuss closely related religions, life-style and English, Arabic calligraphy are some of the extra curricular activities which are a significant section of his life.

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