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The Job/ Internship Search Follow-up Call

1. Call the contact (a manager or HR) and introduce yourself:
Good morning My name is Valentina and I recently relocated to Denmark due to my husband's career opportunity. I lived in Malta for the past 15 years I have solid experience in the administration sector as well I have a long path with customer service.

2.) Say something friendly:
“Thank you for taking my call.”

3.) Give the reason for calling:
“ Mr./Ms. , wanted to speak to someone and ask for the chance to express my interest in an internship at Siemens. Over the past year, I have heard lots of great words about your company, which has transformed the Energy Industry with revolutionary advancements in the field of “clean and renewable” energy. As someone who gets excited by innovation and aspires to work in the Energy Industry, it is evident to me that Siemens’ is the place to be and I would do anything to work there. I have always had a strong interest in both business and science and I feel that working in this industry would combine my passions in the perfect way.

7.) Sell yourself- Don’t be pushy or beg:
“I’ve just wanted to express how interested I am in your position/company. I think my
skills, education and experience would be an asset to your company.

8.)Close the conversation:
Thank you for taking the time to speak with me.”
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Regards; Team

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