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1. In Act 2, Scene 3, when Walter introduces himself to Mr. Lindner, he displays a nervous and anxious emotion. He stutters and fidgets with his jacket buttons, suggesting that he is not comfortable with the situation. This is because he knows that Mr. Lindner's visit is related to the offer to buy their house and the possibility of the Youngers moving into the all-white neighborhood, which has caused tension and anxiety for Walter and his family.

2. Beneatha is the first Younger to recognize that Mr. Lindner has a sinister motive for the visit, as she observes his patronizing tone and his emphasis on the "special community problems." On the other hand, Mama is the last to see his true intentions, as she is initially swayed by his polite manners and his offer to buy the house at a profit. The immediacy of Beneatha's recognition can be attributed to her education and her critical thinking skills, while the delay in Mama's recognition can be attributed to her desire to find a peaceful solution and her faith in the goodness of people.

3. "Special community problems" might refer to the racial tensions and discrimination that exist in Clybourne Park, as Mr. Lindner implies that the Youngers' presence in the neighborhood would create these problems and upset the community's "delicate balance."

4. Mr. Lindner's statement that "most of the trouble exists because people just don’t sit down and talk to each other" may contain some truth, as communication and understanding can often resolve conflicts. However, his demeanor suggests that he is using this statement as a facade to cover up his true intentions, which are rooted in racial prejudice and discrimination. He speaks in a polite and friendly tone, but his words reveal his underlying biases and his desire to maintain the neighborhood's racial segregation.

5. Lindner's statement, reworded without the facade of friendliness, would be: "A man has the right to want a white neighborhood, and he will do anything to keep it that way, even if it means buying out a black family." His intentions are to persuade the Youngers to sell their house and not move into the neighborhood, as their presence would challenge the racial status quo and upset the white residents.

6. When Lindner denies that race prejudice is a factor in the residents' opposition to the Youngers moving into the neighborhood, Walter responds, "Just tell me the truth, Mr. Lindner. You don't want us in your neighborhood because we are not white." The diction in Walter's response is especially accurate as it cuts through Lindner's facade and exposes the underlying racial prejudice that is at the heart of the conflict.

7. If I were the Youngers, I would not sell the house to Lindner, even if it meant making a profit. The house represents their dreams and aspirations, and selling it would mean giving up on those dreams and submitting to the racial discrimination and oppressionthat Lindner represents. Moreover, selling the house would mean accepting defeat and surrendering to the status quo, which is something that Mama and her family are not willing to do.

8. Walter's response to Lindner's offer does not surprise me, as it shows his growth and maturity as a character. At the beginning of the play, Walter was a dreamer who was easily swayed by money and material possessions. However, after the loss of the money and the realization of the importance of family and community, he has become more principled and less selfish. His refusal to sell the house to Lindner, even though it would mean a profit, shows his commitment to his family's well-being and his rejection of the racial discrimination that Lindner represents.

9. Mama says that her plant (which she has been nurturing throughout the play) has finally "come through" and "just bloomed for the first time in my life." She then describes how the plant needs both sunlight and care to grow, saying "Sometimes people can't do both...but the sun, even though it moves around, shines down on them anyway. They got to have a little understanding and find the time." Mama's comments about the plant symbolize the importance of nurturing and caring for oneself and others, even in difficult circumstances. She also implies that people need both love and support (the "sun") and hard work and dedication (the "care") to thrive and reach their full potential.

10. WhenBobo delivers the bad news that Willy Harris has run off with the insurance money, Walter initially denies it and refuses to believe it. He asks Bobo to repeat himself multiple times, hoping that he has misunderstood or that there is some mistake. However, as the truth sinks in, Walter becomes increasingly angry and frustrated, realizing that his dream of investing in the liquor store is now shattered and that his family's future is uncertain. His reaction demonstrates the importance of the investment to him and the devastating impact that its loss will have on his family.

Closing: Raisin in the Sun can be set up as a Faustian legend, as it follows the classic theme of a character making a deal with the devil in exchange for power or wealth. In this case, Walter's desire for money and success leads him to make a deal with Willy Harris, who ultimately betrays him and takes the money. The play can also be seen as a cautionary tale about the dangers of sacrificing one's values and principles for material gain, as the Youngers face the consequences of their decisions and must find a way to reconcile their dreams with the reality of their circumstances.
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