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This post is to explain the main points of the biostatistics assignment found in this file
and to show it’s not that difficult

**** Now There're 3 assignment . We have to give them to the cr on 15th november ( The Deadline is 15th november)
<< This explanation is for the first assignment >>

1- Research question:
What is the subject you want to investigate about ?
For example, the doctor in the first lecture gave us an example which is Vitamin D deficiency and its reasons

Also, I think you should write a short paragraph describing your statistic question or subject, for example (if my subject is about vitamin D deficiency) :

Many people suffer from many disease (e.g. rickets …. Etc) that are thought to be caused by vitamin D deficiency which is important to our body in many processes . This statistic aims to investigate
and search about the main reasons that lead to this problem.

(This explanation and the relationship that I think is present between something and another is called “Hypothesis” and our goal is to find if it’s true or not.

2- Sampling method:
We took them in the lecture, they’re also in the slides
it describes how did you chose your sample?
did you divided the population into groups?
did you chose them randomly? How ?

you have to ask yourself these questions and conclude what’s is the best method you will use.

for example: I want my sample to be 100 participants form second year medical students
I will stand at the door of science hall 2, and every 5 students I will ask one about his/her opinion about the lecture
this method is called : Systemic random sampling
* you have to read and understand them all and then chose what you like

3- Data collection technique:
How did you collect you DATA ?
it maybe one of thses ways:

Using available information -
Observing -
Interviewing (mainly face to face) -
Administering written questionnaires -
Focus Group Discussions -

In the previous example, at the door of science hall 2, I asked students several questions (e.g. what’s your opinion ? … etc)
this method is called Questionnaire method

you may chose another way for example Observing, by observing students and find the percentage of them who seem to get bored during the lecture (don’t observe just ask me I will tell you it’s 98% :P)

5- Collect data from at least 20 participants : I think it’s clear

6- Enter Data using EXCEL:
First you have to know these terms:
Frequency : The number that you get for each
e.g. you found that 40 students like the lecture ( then the frequency is 40, simple )
Relative Frequency
it equals the Frequency/ sample size ( in this situation = 40/100 = 0.4)
The summation of all relative frequencies must equal 1
Percent Frequency :
multiply the relative frequency by 100 to get the percentage ( 0.4 * 100 =40% )

Now let’s go back to excel, just look at this picture below to understand what you have to do after calculating the values above

7- Analyze data and report the finding using graphs, charts, and table:
Tables like the one you saw in the picture.
you can make charts and graphs using excel too … select the needed data > go to insert > select pie chat for example .. as in this picture:

I really don’t use excel very well so forgive me I can’t explain more because I don’t now

Search in youtube and you will find explanations for each point of the assignment
Good Luck ^_^
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