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dear Isaac/Kenzie ,
I am really sorry for the way I treated u nd I was in the wrong I should've never done that I know its hard for me to be the "trusted" person again but all I'm gnna say is how sorry I am nd I should've never treated u like shit nd I should never go back to Archie nd I found out he didn't like me nd I know it was true I should've believed all along but I didn't cuz I was to focus on who the boy i like when I truley liked this one boy but he would never like me cuz I'm js a slag who should never date anyone nd I hope u know that I'm always not gnna be the right person for u nd I'm truley lucky to meet u when I was wiv Ajay u was the one who helped me when he treated me like shit nd the ups nd downs we had nd I miss our jokes nd our laughs nd I get it u don't wanna be mates again or even trust me cuz I'm js a slag who everyone says I am but I believe that nd I miss our times we had our laughs played Roblox nd the time we always haves jokes nd I do really miss u nd I hope u know I'm here for u but u hate me cuz all the things I did nd I understand that nd I know u would never forgive me cuz I ruined my second chances nd there's no point of me having another chance I hope u find the girl who really loves u the way I did nd I hope u know u was the most caring, kind , loving person who cares abt people when there down nd always checks up on them nd I hope u know that u find the #1 girl that would treat u the way u treat them!. nd I hope u know u was the most amazing boy who helped me through my ups nd downs nd I am truley nd very sorry for me treating u like shit when I shouldn't have done that nd I blew my second chance so there's no point of me having a another chance nd i really hope u find the most gorgeous, kind , caring girl u ever met nd I hope u treat them the way u treated me nd I hope ur doing well nd I should've never be mates wiv Archie cuz the drama will still do on nd on nd I know I was the wrong person

-from angel
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  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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