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First Signs of Dementia in Elderly People
As you get older, you may begin to notice some changes in your cognitive ability. These changes could be related to dementia. If you notice your memory has deteriorated, it is important to see your doctor. The sooner you are diagnosed, the more you can prepare for your future.

While the early signs of dementia are generally mild, they can be difficult to detect. It's a good idea to talk to your loved ones about your concerns.

Early signs of dementia include changes in your behavior and in your thinking. For example, you may become anxious and withdrawn. You might also have trouble understanding and remembering people's names. Or, you might become confused about the time of day.

gps tracker for dementia patients Other symptoms of dementia include loss of familiar places and tasks. wandering alarms for dementia This may make it difficult for you to complete daily activities like driving, shopping, or going to the doctor's office.

There are several ways you can diagnose dementia, but the first thing to do is talk to your doctor. He or she will review your medical history and perform a physical exam. They will also conduct cognitive testing to see if you are experiencing memory problems.

Depending on the type of dementia you have, your doctor may need to perform additional tests. Treatment may focus on treating the cause of the problem or the symptoms.

dementia wandering If you notice that your loved one has a hard time getting around, you may be able to catch an early sign of dementia. If he or she is having a hard time using the phone, driving, or other daily activities, you should talk to your GP.
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