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*Apocolypse Crying*
Logan Marsh is driving a dilapidated old red Chevrolet with his friends Will White and Ethan Aguilar. Logan Marsh struck a deal with a demon a year ago to gain fortune in exchange for destruction and mayhem. He had no idea that it would lead to the end of the world.

Logan Marsh was sitting at a bar one day when a hooded person chose to take a seat next to him. ''Are you Logan Marsh?'' said the strange figure.
''Yeah, who's asking?'' Logan said. ''Good day, my name is Balthazar. I am a demon. I was wondering if you were looking for a distribute,'' the mysterious individual remarked, gazing aside. ''A demon, you say? Sure... I want a million bucks,'' joked Logan Marsh. ''However, in exchange for ruin. This will come at a cost, Logan,'' the intriguing guy replied. ''Well, not when I have a million bucks,'' Logan joked. ''Remember, a transaction cannot be undone; once you sign the contract, you are eternally committed to this arrangement.''
Said the mysterious figure. ''Whatever, where do I sign?'' Logan inquired. ''A blood deal,'' the person said as he peered down at Logan's arm and pulled out a knife. ''Ah!'' Said Logan as his arm was hacked into. ''What are you doing?'' yelled Logan. The blood was taken by the demon, who then departed. Logan feared he had been too intoxicated and chose to return home. The following morning was overcast, stormy, and rainy, and when Logan walked outdoors, he saw something was wrong: the streets were deserted. The first day of the apocalypse. Logan, having found two of his friends, decided to locate a place to hide and drove to a bunker. After a year Logan and his friends wanted to replenish, so they started driving past zombies in the current day. When they saw a lady screaming and running away from the zombies, Logan came to a halt and opened the window, yelling, ''Get in!'' The woman got inside the car, and they began driving. ''Show me your arms!'' said Ethan. ''What? Why?'' yelled the woman. ''We need to make sure you're not infected,'' Logan said. ''Fine!'' The woman exposed her arms to demonstrate that she had no scars or bitemarks. They then decided to return to the bunker to keep the woman safe, and when they arrived, they went inside. ''My name is Logan. Logan Marsh,'' Logan addressed the woman. ''Hello, my name is Mollie.'' She spoke. ''It's been a weird year... Zombies, floods, and meteors,'' Mollie told Logan. ''Yeah... It has...'' Logan responded, recalling the agreement he made a year before. ''What were you doing out there in the first place?'' Will inquired. ''I was trying to get to find new shelter after zombies destroyed my old one,'' she explained. ''Well, you've got one now,'' Ethan said. ''Yeah, and I'm glad because I would have died without you guys,'' Mollie said. After a few hours of sitting around the campfire, Logan brought out his old guitar, saying, ''I'm a bit rusty,'' and plucking the strings, he began singing, his voice like an angel. They all took part. and then they all fell asleep. Logan slipped out and walked outside for some fresh air the next morning, when he observed zombies, who saw him and raced over, ''Guys, get up, they've found us!'' They all sprang up and grabbed weapons before sprinting outdoors, where Ethan shot a zombie in the head and Logan used a shotgun to blast two of them in the chest. Mollie swung an axe, severing one of their heads. ''Nice shot,'' Logan said. ''Thanks,'' Mollie said. Will dashed back inside to get a weapon, but Logan handled it. ''So, Mollie...,'' Logan began. ''Where are you from, exactly?'' he queried. ''I grew up here, and my family was among the first to be taken by the apocalypse,'' Mollie said as she lowered her head. ''I'm really sorry to hear that,'' Ethan said as he walked alongside her. Logan was visibly distraught, knowing it was all his fault. ''Yeah, I'm sorry...'' Logan said, literally meaning it. The others had no idea it was Logan's fault and assumed it was a botched scientific experiment. ''I'm going to go prepare some lunch,'' Logan remarked as he stood up and walked to the kitchen, which was directly next to them. Logan cooked soup for them because they didn't have time to replenish. The earth began to tremble unexpectedly, and they all sought shelter, knowing that this happened regularly. After a brief time of being shaken, Mollie stepped outside to ensure there were no zombies in the area. Logan then strolled out, saying, ''We need to restock shortly, maybe you can come?'' ''Sure, I don't have anything better to do.'' Mollie stated. ''We're going to restore be back in a few!'' Logan yelled into the bunker. He then piled firearms into his car and drove away. ''So, where are we going?'' Mollie inquired. ''There's a grocery nearby that we haven't yet visited; we should go there.'' Spoke Logan. When they arrived, they were ambushed by zombies; Logan got out his rifle and began killing them, as did Mollie; they walked inside and looked for items. Ethan and Will were bickering back at the shelter. ''You should have gone with them!'' said Will, ''Why me?!'' Ethan responded. ''You're the one moaning that I had to go!'' Will shot back. ''Well, you should have gone to make sure they were safe,'' Ethan pointed out. ''They were already gone by the time I thought of it!'' Will said. ''Fine, if you're going to be an ass, I'm leaving and looking for a new home!'' Will stood up and stormed out of the bunker. ''Do it; I don't care!'' Ethan yelled. ''Shit!'' said Ethan as he sat there. Will was his friend, and he didn't want him to get wounded, so he hurried out to see him sprinting through the fields, yelling, ''Will! William!'' Called out to Ethan, but Will gave him the middle finger and continued going. ''Asshole!'' said Ethan as he walked inside. Logan and Mollie returned and said, ''Where's Will?'' ''We got into an argument, and he ran away,'' Ethan explained. ''How come you didn't stop him!?'' said Mollie. ''Don't even get me started on that crap!'' said Ethan. ''Hey, this isn't her fault,'' Logan said. ''We need to find him,'' Logan added. ''Yeah, whatever, I'm going to bed,'' Ethan said, Mollie and Logan rushed outside screaming Will's name, they got in the car and drove away, they saw someone walking down the road, ''Will?!'' Shouted Logan, the person turned, Logan realised it was a zombie and drew his gun, ''Wait!'' yelled Mollie, ''That's my brother...'' ''What, what do you mean?'' Logan inquired. Mollie hastily exited the car, clutching her now-zombified brother; the zombie appeared perplexed; Logan aimed his gun at the zombie; ''Get away from him, he could bite you!'' Logan shouted, ''But he's my brother,'' but, suddenly, the zombie bit Mollie on the neck. ''Ah!'' Logan instantly shot the zombie, yelling, ''Mollie!'' ''Cory!'' yelled Mollie.
''You shot my brother!'' Mollie shouted. I'm sorry, I panicked, and he bit you!'' Logan exclaimed. Mollie cried, and went to her brother, who was now laying dead in her arms, a commotion from the road was heard, and a massive surge of water hit them and took them away, ''Mollie!'' Shouted Logan ''Help!'' screamed Mollie. Mollie then shouted beneath the water, and Logan grabbed her and swam back to the bunker, which had been filled with water. Logan instantly remembered Ethan, and he rushed inside, but Ethan was not there. Logan swam back out and got out and kept swimming till they reached a home that hadn't completely submerged and sat on the roof. ''Are you all right?'' Asked Logan, Mollie glanced up and glared at Logan, accepting her fate. ''I'm sorry,'' she apologised. Logan screamed, "It's all my fault!" Logan glanced at her sobbing, and after a while the water came down, and they couldn't get off the roof, Logan climbed down and smashed through the window, he looked for a ladder, and eventually found one, he walked outside, and when he put it up, it wasn't tall enough, ''It's not long enough!'' Logan screamed, "The ladder won't go that far!" ... ''It's alright, leave me,'' Mollie said, ''Just... Leave me,'' Mollie said again.
''No! I'm not leaving you like this!'' Logan said. Logan climbed the ladder and climbed the house to the roof, grabbed Mollie, and she escaped through the window; he carried her downstairs and raced outside. When they got close enough, they noticed Ethan unconscious on the ground. ''Ethan,'' shouted Logan, carefully setting Mollie down, he hurried up to Ethan and checked his pulse, he was dead. Logan stared at him and started crying as he held him in his arms, ''Please, please!'' Why did we abandon you!?'' he wailed.
Mollie limped up, her gaze now fixed on Ethan. When Ethan was caught in a wave, he banged his head and sank further into the water, where he finally perished due to a lack of oxygen. Logan brought him inside and placed him in his bed, where he sat while Mollie made coffee. After the day had gone, Mollie and Logan went asleep, the next morning Logan received a note that stated: ''Dear Logan, if you are reading this, I am dead. I realised that because I had been bitten by a zombie, I would ultimately turn into one. I didn't want to endanger your life as well because of my idiotic deed. I apologise. Goodbye.'' Logan dropped the paper and raced outdoors, yelling to the heavens, ''Why?! WHY ME?!''
Logan knelt on his knees and began to cry as it began to shower fire. He was perplexed and went inside. ''Is it raining fire? What-'' Logan said. Logan gazed down at his revolver, contemplating his last choice, which was to end his own agony, but just as he was about to squeeze the trigger, he heard someone outside say, ''Hurry, let me in!'' Logan threw down the gun and dashed outside. ''Will!'' ''How did you escape the fire rain?'' Logan said as he hugged his friend. ''I have my ways,'' Will said, ''What happened?'' Will inquired, ''Mollie was bitten and committed suicide, and Ethan was caught up in the water.'' Will came over, feeling bad because he had just pointed his middle finger at his friend, which was his last interaction with him. Will immediately went to embrace Logan after hugging his dead friend's lifeless corpse, saying, ''I am so sorry I had left.'' Will stated. ''Yeah...'' Logan said.
They both decided to check if they could discover any more survivors, when they came across a strange-looking home with its light switched on, they both raced inside to see a man on a computer, ''Excuse me!?'' questioned Logan, ''Who are you!?'' exclaimed the man, ''I'm Logan, this is Will.'' ''Casey Saunders, I'm an author, and I'm currently working on a book called Apocolypse Crying, which is about a group of friends who strive to escape a zombie apocalypse. It's going to be a great success.'' Said the author. ''Is that some sort of joke?'' Logan inquired. ''I'm not sure what you're on about.'' replied Saunders. ''You just defined our life in two minutes,'' Will said. ''Come on, guys, you can't be serious,'' Saunders said.
''Let me see,'' Logan said, looking at the computer, which read ''Let me see,'' Logan said, looking at the computer. ''Wait a minute, that's exactly what I just did,'' Logan said.
''Surprise,'' Saunders continued, ''I am the creator of this entire world, which I generated out of pure imagination. Just by writing.'' ''Alright, quit playing about, are you some kind of psychic or what?'' Logan inquired. ''No. My imagination was all that was required to make you. I can make you just as easily as I am capable of killing you. Just like I did with your pals.'' According to Saunders. ''You did this?'' Logan exclaimed, ''You sent me through Hell for what? For your amusement?'' Logan yelled. ''Of course,'' he says. Why else would I wreak such havoc? I needed to find a method to occupy myself.'' said Saunders. ''You know what, Saunders? Fuck you.'' Logan said. ''See, I had you do that as well,'' Saunders explained. ''No. No. ''Fix this now!'' shouted Logan. ''Let me show you what more I'm capable of, maybe a zombie attack?'' suggested Saunders. the author. Suddenly, zombies burst through the door and rushed upstairs. Logan fired the zombies but ran out of ammo. Will wanted to engage the zombied but they dragged him and ripped him apart. ''No, Will!'' Yelled Logan. ''I have complete freedom to do anything I want. Logan, this is my tale.'' Saunders stated. ''Bring him back, bring them all back, everyone you destroyed. Everything you ruined. If you can ruin it, I'm sure mending it won't harm.'' The undead collapsed to the ground. ''If you want things the way they were, that's great.'You have your way, Logan,'' Saunders replied.
''Are you Logan Marsh?'' a strange man said. ''Piss off,'' Logan muttered as he walked outside.
The end.

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