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What is OP?
In internet forums and message boards, op stands for original poster, or the person who started the thread that users comment on. It’s a common abbreviation on sites that encourage conversation between users, like Reddit and Twitter.
In video gaming, OP is shorthand for overpowered, describing an indomitable character or player. Gamers often use OP to discuss items, weapons, or characters that seem overpowered compared to others in the game. This can be a bad thing, as gamers prefer games to be balanced contests of skill and not decided by one overpowered character or weapon. Regardless, op is a popular term in gaming slang.
Aside from its gaming context, op also has other uses online. The acronym is frequently used on TikTok and other social media platforms, where it can refer to the user who first uploaded a post or video. 서울오피 can also refer to a post or video that’s being discussed in the comments section of another video, as when someone says, “Regarding your op,” they’re referencing the original post or video they’re commenting on.
If something in a game is considered to be OP, players may ask for it to be nerfed. This is a process where developers rebalance a weapon or character to prevent it from dominating the game and making it unfair. For example, if a sword in "Doomguy" was considered to be OP, the developers might nerf it by lowering its damage or adding a cooldown.

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