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Multiplayer Online or Cooperative is all FRIENDS LISTER Based



Poor multiplayer options, basically no multiplayer . Limited fun with boring and predictable gameplay . bugs and glitches. Static linear levels No classes Extremely restricted content

Despite the PC version having a severe Ownership Bug that prevented access to the game for countless hours, it's probably for the best as after playing for 30 minutes I was bored by the stale and lack of any fresh ideas, it's basically the original Diablo with a minecraft paint job.

Bugs, glitches and glitches all across the board - I couldn't even play for the first day, and even when I could play I didn't get any of the Hero Edition DLC that I paid for but that doesn't really matter because the most significant problem with this game is the absolutely horrendous excuse for multiplayer, it does not have it at all It's a lie and a half-truth. Multiplayer Online or co-op is all FRIENDS LIST-based, which means that if you don't have any friends who play this game then it's essentially a single player game, the online multiplayer is useless and attempts to mislead the player into thinking that you can play with random people or play random games like in most ARPG games. TL;DR It is necessary to have 3 other players on your friends list that also play MC:D to play this game multiplayer.

Since it's minecraft the enemies are notably lacking and are repeated time and time again, oh zombies...oh archers in skeletons ....and occasionally , a more difficult souped up version could appear. But you won't enjoy it because for any player who is serious you'll likely become bored after a few stages ....that's right ....STAGES. Dhakacourier The areas don't flow as in the majority of ARPGS where you begin at one area and explore around vast areas these are small areas that have a an objective for each stage...complete it...return to camp...pick the next stage and so forth, its extremely basic.

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