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1 Richard began the meeting by greeting and welcoming all participants.
2 Richard explained the agenda of the Meeting.
3 nirmal share the screen
4 nirmal said , the two points has been done , 1) partial order status and also we are able to do now partial order 2) sending notification of all the order steps also done.
5 nirmal started demonstration
6 nirmal create order for customer and asked to richard about the email id is correct?
7 nirmal says to richard can i send email to Daniel to verify
8 nirmal create order form front end, starte with the order and order status is quotation
9 Richard says to team we change the quotation to draft .
10 nirmal says we discussed to change quotation to draft in the website not the status
11 Richard says we also need to change internally for not getting confused.
12 . nirmal agree on to change it internally.
13 nirmal says to Daniel to check for email notification.
14 . richard says Danial received the notification. Daniel asking to Richard about how client is able to modify the order.
15. Nirmal says only admin or Danial are able to edit it before confirmation of order.
16 . Richard says danial asking about before in progress status client will be able to modify the order.
17. Nirmal says we need to check for possibilities , also show how customer is able to edit order in cart.
18. Richard says danial wants to see as admin he can modify the order and how is reflecting on the user portal.
19 . Nirmal gives the demo on the same. Also asking on Quantity change and product add we need to send notification to customer and any another point ?.
20. Richard says we need to send notification on those filed which are related to order.
21. Nirmal says we need to check for sending notification on quantity change , product change and on price change. also did i have to check the edit option in the website or not
22. Richard says YES. if it is possible
23. Nirmal started demo on partial order.
24. Richard says Danial wants to check he revising the email about the invoice.
25. Nirmal says on which status we need to create the invoice.
26. Richard says need create invoice on delivered quantity
27. nirmal says i will update that. and continue with demo . Nirmal create invoice and send to Danial and ask for to check receive or not.
28. Richard says YES.
29. nirmal show how we can send payment link. and end with demo.
30. nirmal said i also sheared next implementing points in agenda and asking about priority points so he can start work based on that. and discuss on the point in the agenda and requirements for the same.
31. Richard says let me check with the details .
32. discussion between Richard and Danial.
33. Richard says to team to stop order if customer exceed the credit limit due day. And we need to show on invoice number of boxes and measure of boxes.
34. End with meeting.
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Regards; Team

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