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Help me do my cancer research project for my biology class. Below are the requirements for the project. I AM DOING MY PROJECT ON KIDNEY CANCER, SO DO THE PROJECT BASED ON THAT CANCER.
Create a powerpoint slide on our communal class slides presentation compiling your research of this type of cancer. Make sure your slide includes...
Name - The name of your chosen cancer
Symptoms - Common symptoms leading to detection of this cancer (What are the symptoms of the disease?)
Description & Causes (be SPECIFIC)
What cell type, tissue, organ, or organ system does this cancer usually arise in? (Cells → Tissues → Organs)
What is the normal lifespan (turnover rate) of those affected cells (in other words, how often do they divide)?
Description of Cancer and Causes:
What percent of your chosen cancer is inherited (caused by genetic predisposition) vs acquired (caused by environmental risk factors)?
What mutated gene is associated with your assigned cancer?
How do these relate back to regulating the cell cycle, DNA repair, or programmed cell death? (ex. Tumor suppressor genes, proto-oncogenes)
What are the risk factors, mutagens (ie. asbestos, nicotine, UV radiation, viruses, etc) or signalling molecules (ie. hormones), that are associated with this disease?
How do they mutate the gene and therefore interrupt DNA repair mechanisms or the control of the cell cycle?
Treatment for this cancer - What are the treatments, and how do these relate back to regulating the cell cycle, DNA repair, or programmed cell death?
Prognosis - likely course of disease (survival rates)
Commonality - How common is it? Why is it common/uncommon?
MINI Claim Environment vs. genetic predisposition - Make a claim about whether or not you believe that your assigned cancer is MORE caused by the environment or genetics and WHY.
Evidence (one piece)
Reasoning - how evidence supports claim
Sources - Include sources you used for your research on a sources slide (or in the speaker notes on your slides)

Include paragraphs explaining the information below those bullet points if possible (since I need to do a virtual presentation, so make me a script to read the content of each slide with some more explanation so I don't just read the bullet points.This presentation needs to be 5 minutes ) But still make the bullet points have a good amount of information on them, and use multiple sources for each side. List the sources below each slide. Also, follow the rubric I post below, and . Also, include the sources you used to find the information for each slide after telling me the information. below is the rubric.

Symptoms of Cancer
Student lists most common symptoms associated with their chosen cancer.
Symptoms are accurate and represent how this cancer would be able to be detected
Symptoms are all encompassing to the stages of cancer (symptoms for earlier stages may differ from later stages).

Type of cell/ tissue & Lifespan
Student states the name of the cell/tissues/organs affected by their cancer
ALONG with the accurate lifespan of that cell NORMALLY (how often it divides)
Explains potential patterns noticed with the division and occurrence (commonality - why it may be rare or common).

Genetic Predisposition vs. Environmental Risk Factors
Student provides an accurate statistic of the percent of individuals who get this cancer through genetics predisposition (inheriting a mutation).

Mutated Gene
Student lists potential genes associated with assigned cancer
Student specifically describes at least one the potential mutated gene that causes assigned cancer. (Function of Gene)
AND student relates it back to regulating cell cycle, DNA Repair, OR programmed cell death effectively. (What potentially happens if that genes is mutated).

Student lists any potential mutagens AND risk factors.
Student explains at least one mutagen associated with cancer (what is the mutagen - where it is found,etc.)
AND student relates it back to regulating cell cycle, DNA Repair, OR programmed cell death effectively.(mechanism of action).

Treatment options for their chosen cancer are listed and are accurate.
At least one treatment option is explained in HOW these relate back to regulating the cell cycle, DNA repair OR programmed cell death (mechanism of action).

Student explains the prognosis and survival rates accurately.

Students accurately says whether or not their assigned cancer is common or rare
Student provides effective reasoning (explains) as to why it is common or rare.

Students opinion is accurately supported with at least one piece of evidence, along with reasoning to elaborate on that piece of evidence.
Claim - Students makes a claim
Evidence - Student provides at least one piece of evidence to support the claim.
Reasoning links that piece of evidence to claim.

Shows a clear understanding of all the content included.

Flipgrid Presentation
All components met. (5)
Clear speaking voice (understandable - tries to pronounce words correctly).
Presentation is about 5 minutes (6 min max).
Presentation is completed and taken seriously (formal presentation)
Presenter is not reading off of slides (elaborating). Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed.
Slides are shown on flipgrid video.
***Do not read your CER in your flipgrid presentation!

All components met. (4)
Copied & pasted to class slideshow
Contains pictures that help students visualize information
Contains bullet points and bulleted phrases (no paragraphs)
Easy to read

Sources included on a slide or in speaker notes.
All sources used are reliable.

Once again, you are doing this on kidney cancer. Include the slide information (only bullet points as well as sources). But afterward, also give me the full explanation so I can post that on a separate doc and read it for my presentation. Include all sources for everything. Here is a template for what the slide topics should be: Symptoms, Description & Causes, Cell Type, Treatment, Prognosis and Commonality, Genetics vs. Environment: (This is the CER, be really in depth with this on the slide). And any more information you think is necessary. be sure to give a good amount of information on the slides and use multiple sources for each slide, and include a longer description after you give me the slides to read off for the presentation. Kidney cancer. Go.

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Regards; Team

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