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PIBR indicates that it publishes information on its I&D regulations, proceedings, and results on its website to promote understanding amongst members and the public and in the interest of transparency. In addition to its standard-setting role, PIBR has carried out a range of activities to assist its members with the implementation of the auditing standards. The PIBR has developed activities to raise awareness of the IESBA Code of Ethics and to assist its members with the implementation of the standards. PIBR is primarily focused on familiarizing its members (who are statutory auditors) with the IFRS by providing trainings and CPD courses on the IFRS. They serve as a framework for credible and high-quality professional accountancy organizations focused on serving the public interest by adopting, or otherwise incorporating, and supporting implementation of international standards and maintaining adequate enforcement mechanisms to ensure the professional behavior of their individual members. The page includes a timeline for adoption of the standards in Poland, Polish translations of the standards (translated by PIBR), and implementation support materials. PIBR has a dedicated page on its website on the new suite of quality management standards issued by the IAASB.

Following amendments to the Act on Statutory Auditors, Audit Firms and Public Oversight, and the consequent establishment of the PANA as the new supervisory authority for auditors, PIBR retains no further responsibility for conducting quality assurance reviews. SMO 1: Quality Assurance The PIBR was previously responsible for the establishment and implementation of a quality assurance review system under the audit oversight entity. Procesy poznawcze, oraz w potężniejszym rozumieniu system poznawczy (umysł), nie są domeną tylko dobrą, są raczej cechą systemu nerwowego taką pojedynczą, jako skłonność do robienia skurczów mięśni także podnoszenia się zwierząt. It implemented and maintained a QA review system for all non-PIE audits and reported that it was working to ensure that the system met all SMO 1 requirements. SMO 6: Investigation and Discipline In accordance with the Act on Statutory Auditors, Audit Firms and Public Oversight of 2017 as amended, the Polish Chamber of Statutory Auditors (PIBR) and the Polish Audit Oversight Agency (PANA) are responsible for the I&D mechanisms for auditors. The PIBR reports that its I&D procedures are based on SMO 6 requirements; however, only statutory auditors may sit on the Disciplinary Tribunal. PIBR may considering completing the IES Self-Assessment developed by IFAC as part of its continued progress and ensuring that the recent revisions to IES 2, 3, 4, and 8 (specifically on ICT & professional skepticism and effective in 2021) are incorporated into national requirements.

If appropriate, PIBR may consider plans and dialogue with the MoF to adopt IFRS for SMEs which might support and strengthen the financial reporting regime for SMEs in the jurisdiction. The PIBR conducts disciplinary proceedings for statutory auditors who do notatek adhere to CPD requirements and for other offenses that are not related to the performance of assurance engagements or in violation of national professional standards. Meanwhile, the PANA conducts disciplinary proceedings against statutory auditors for violations and offenses related to the performance of the audit profession other than those which are subject to the PIBR responsibility. SMO 3: International Standards on Auditing The PIBR is responsible for drafting auditing standards for application in Poland and proposing them to the audit oversight entity (PANA) for their approval. SMO 7: International Financial Reporting Standards As a member of the European Union, Poland is subject to relevant EU regulations regarding the area of corporate financial reporting and subsequently, the EU requirements are transposed into Poland’s national legislation.

Its mission is to ensure the reliability of financial information and the security of business transactions. IPSASs have not been adopted and the MoF does not appear to have set the adoption of IPSAS as an objective. As of 2022, PIBR reports that all effective IAASB pronouncements (i.e., the 2020 IAASB Handbook) have been adopted in Poland by reference in the National Auditing Standards (NAS). pomoce naukowe As feasible, IAASB pronouncements that are adopted in Poland should have the same effective date as that provided by the IAASB. wypracowania IFAC bears no responsibility for the information provided in the SMO Action Plans prepared by IFAC member organizations. Pursuant to the Act, it is currently not possible for non-accountants to nominated to the PIBR disciplinary tribunal. If feasible during any future legislative amendments, PIBR is encouraged to consider the inclusion non-professional accountants in its disciplinary council as part of strengthening public interest representation and perceptions of independence, which are important to public confidence in the enforcement procedures. SMO 4: Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants In accordance with the Act on Statutory Auditors, Audit Firms and Public Oversight of 2017 as amended, the Polish Chamber of Statutory Auditors (PIBR) has responsibility for adopting ethical requirements for auditors subject to approval of the Polish Audit Oversight Agency (PANA).
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