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Rei spoke to Marlene
Issue: landline registration
Resolution: registered landline on xpg//run itg no dial tone//issue resolve//recap//eoc
AN: 8499100670275139
Callback #: (484) 352-7666
Rei spoke to Denise
Issue: query about loyalty awards and about the process of adding a wireless cable box
Resolution: educated cx//cx disconnected the call//endorsed to support//eoc

AN: 8499100211856058
Callback #: (215) 549-2855
Rei spoke to Kathy
Issue: payment arrangement
Resolution: educated cx//talked to billing agent//transfer to billing dept since cx wants to speak to an agent for doing the payment arrangement//recap//eoc

AN: 8993207560081294
Callback #: (724) 216-2178
Rei spoke to Cleveland
Issue: cx wants was on service disconnection and wants to connect to xfinity service//
Resolution: educated cx//transfer to new customer sales//eoc

AN: 8499101390556980
Callback #: (215) 284-4199
Rei spoke to Sandy
Issue: cx wants tpo change caller id
Resolution: call got disconnected//endorsed to support//eoc
AN: 8299310110203912
Callback #: (304) 707-6020
Rei spoke to James
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: add the modem on the account//complete service order//run itg modem activation//send provisioning signal//issue resolve//recap//eoc
AN: 8773400131867228
Callback #: (203) 841-9781
Rei spoke to Corbin Dow
Issue: cx requested to have a tech appointment for flex box and other equipment
Resolution: educated cx//set tech appointment//issue resolve//recap//eoc
AN: 8773201550228433
Callback #: (603) 731-6557
Rei spoke to Amy
Issue: cx wants to know the status of the modem shipment
Resolution: upon checking the account there isn't pending order for a shipment//educated cx about it and suggested to do a priority shipment//done approval with cx via sms and email//approved closed the shipment//educxated cx//eoc

AN: 8499052840005021
Callback #: (609) 933-8014
Rei spoke to Susan Dow
Issue: cx wants to disconnect the services tomorrow but dont want to change anything yet today since she will be movingh to a new address tomorrow
Resolution: educated cx//recap//eoc
3 hendersen way greenland new hampshire
AN: 8773201100820010
Callback #: (603) 944-6597
Rei spoke to Kaye
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: run itg modem activation//speed gateway issue//itg routed to tech//set tech//educated cx//cx has other coxa line that he wants to try// call got disconnected while trying to connect the modem on the 2nd coax outlet//endorsed to support//eoc
AN: 8499052080306725
Callback #: (732) 709-6499
Rei spoke to Vance
Issue: cx has a tech that cant connect cx t o comcast service
Resolution: checked the comments and the tech reffered the order to construstion//educated cx//recap//eoc

AN: 8299310031312958
Callback #: (304) 839-7151
Rei spoke to CORTNEY
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: add the equipment on the account//had error//tried removing rental and adding it again//run itg//modem activation//send provisioning signal//issue resolve//recap//eoc
AN: 8299420602848163
Callback #: (202) 567-1595
Rei spoke to Michael
Issue: cable box error
Resolution: activate the cable box on acsr//run itg//no picture for error code on 1st cable box//issue resolve//before running itg on the second box it was already working//issue resolve//recap//eoc
AN: 8993210430003308
Callback #: (412) 216-8762
Rei spoke to Manuel
Issue: modem no connectivity
Resolution: run itg modem no connectivity//speed gateway issue//itg routed to tech appointment//cx dont want tech//itg isnt responding cant close the itg//educated cx on how to set tech appointment on xfinity app//call got disconnected//endorsed to support//eoc
AN: 8499050560939163
Callback #: (856) 796-1595
Rei spoke to Edward
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: run itg//
AN: 8773101950015796
Callback #: (617) 448-8684
Rei spoke to Christian
Issue: flex box error
Resolution: run itg no picture error code//flex box is red//itg routed to set up tech appointment//set tech//educated cx//recap eoc
xre 02022
AN: 8499050070030834
Callback #: (609) 425-9770
Rei spoke to Shane
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: run itg modem activation//modem not online//itg routed to set tech//set tech appointment//educated cx//recap//eoc
AN: 8773103761750504
Callback #: 9789711913
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

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Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

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Regards; Team

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