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Affordable Commercial Refrigeration Repair Houston
The History of Residential and Commercial Refrigeration
Refrigeration; we go on it for granted. Industry upon industry remains reliant upon the safe travel and storage of certain goods to provide a quality product, as well as function properly. Look at that Kobe beef steak on your plate; would that have made it to the US and onto your plate if left unrefrigerated by hospitality grade equipment on every step of the journey? Don't think so.

Commercial refrigeration services have grown by leaps and bounds in just a short timeframe. Both residential and commercial refrigeration repair, installations are multi-million dollar industries that are utilized across the world in hospitality, food and beverage, climate control, and many other industries. But, did you know just decades ago, commercial and (especially) residential refrigeration was unusual?

Making Ice
As far back as the early 20th century, there is no method to create ice cost-effectively for residential or commercial purpose. The most frequent way of stocking through to ice was through actually HARVESTING it. A crew would venture out during cold weather and cut/transport huge sums of natural ice. Typically, a larger crew of around 75 men could get back with 1,500 tons of ice every day. The ice was hauled to huge ice houses; heavily insulated storerooms to hold and preserve the ice, all year round.

The Iceman Cometh

And how was that ice delivered to residences and businesses throughout a town? There was previously a select profession, which would get up early through the summer and deliver measured, cut blocks of winter-harvested ice around town. This was achieved via insulated wagon, cart, or truck. Just as a milkman used to deliver fresh milk, the iceman delivered cold blocks of ice for storage in an icebox. This enabled residents and business to store and keep perishable goods, sending the services industries ahead by leaps and bounds and greatly enhancing capacity to keep foods and goods fresh.

The Modern Refrigerator
Modern refrigeration units, built from the concept of the 1869 "Compression Ice Box," weren't commercially available for residential use until around 1911. commercial refrigeration repair houston began a commercial use push in the later 19th century (especially by breweries), but not without the growing pains regarding cost. However, methods of freezing certain gases right into a liquid state in 1876 became the basis for large scale commercial refrigeration designs.

In the first 19th century, due partly to pollution and contamination permeating the ice cutting industry, almost every beef and meat warehouse was outfitted for commercial refrigeration. Commercial refrigeration repair blossomed using the same methods until around 1920, when newer, less harmful refrigerants were discovered and employed.

Today, commercial refrigeration repair and installations have reaped the advantages of years of refinement. Using green energy initiatives, minimal resource consumption, and sustainable refrigerants, commercial and residential refrigeration have grown from simple luxuries and amenities, to full-on utilities that must definitely be protected through commercial refrigeration repair for continued use.

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