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The two dolls relax on the giant beast in the meadow. The large creature sleeps on its side, it's chest rising and falling with each breath. The older brother lays on a large arm while his younger brother lays in the mane. It's a bit chilly out with the trees swaying from the harsh winds, some sweeping the ground. The mane is very fluffy, but the younger doll wants to rest in a better place.

He slides off its head and walks to its face. "Hello?" The beast eyes open halfway and make eye contact. "C'mon, open up." He speaks casually. The beast raises its head and opens its toothless maw, the actual teeth being the wavy shaped lips that part. "Hey you wanna come in?" He turns to his brother still leaning on its arm.

"Yeah, sure." The taller shivers from an especially strong wind while standing up. He hesitates to move closer as his brother is gently swallowed. He isn't as used to the whole being eaten safely thing as it's only been a few times before this.

He stands in place as it extends its neck to get a better angle. It's teeth hold him at the waist as he feels its head turning up to swallow. The lips let go and he's moving closer to the throat. He hears two gulps before being pulled down towards the stomach through the long tube. It's pitch black as he reaches his brother, shifting to get a more comfortable position. The squishy walls give in and cup them both.

They could feel each other by touching shoulders in the dark. They could hear deep breathing that shrinks and expands the stomach, a slow heartbeat beating higher up the body, and soft gurgles bubbling in the intestines. "Why'd you move here? You could've just stayed in the fur."

He turns his head, "I like the noises. This place is better than a bed in my opinion." He grins, rubbing the wall near him. The little brother moved to use both hands and rub back and forth. The beast noticed this and slightly shifted, making deep purring noises that vibrate around them.

It's adorable, and he decided to join in giving belly rubs to try and get more purrs, a soft smile on his face. The other villagers, especially his family, would find this scary and would reasonably stay away from the beast, but it's only the two of them that get this experience. He kinda wants to keep this to himself anyway, as this feels too good to share with others yet.

It was only a few minutes before the three of them fall asleep, the two little people comfortable and shielded from the weather.
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