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2015 was said to be a good year.
2015 has been designated as the International Year of Light.
I've been watching all those things that have been happening throughout the year and I see no light.
The year started with massacres in Nigeria with more than 2.000 deaths and then, on February, the conflict at eastern Ukraine didn’t mean to stop. And after United Nations decided to adopt Resolution 2199 to combat terrorism, Egypt attacks Libya. On March, by the time NASA was making a huge achievement, few days after, an Airbus by Germanwings crashes, killing all 150 on board. Those events are been followed, on April, by a terrorist attack in Kenya, killing 148 college students. A magnitude 7.8 earthquake strikes Nepal causing death to more than 9.000 people. Starting from May, Milan holds Expo 2015 and then a second major earthquake in Nepal kills 218 people. After that, Ireland becomes the first country to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote. At the beginning of June, FIFA needs a new president and the 41st G7 summit is held in Bavaria. Subsequently, ISIL claims responsibility for four attacks in several cities causing the death for more than 287 people. Few days later, the second-deadliest air disaster operated by Indonesian Air Force, killed 143 people. In July, Greece becomes the first advanced economy to miss a payment in the 71 year history of the IMF. But then, NASA performs a close flyby of Pluto and Cuba and USA re-establish full diplomatic relations after 54 years of hostility between the nations. And then again, Turkey begins a series of airstrikes against PKK and ISIL after their bombing. In August, after a year of research, the Malaysian Airlines Flight that was missing was found in Reunion Islands. 2 weeks later, a bomb kills 20 people in Thailand. Scientists announce the discovery of Homo naledi, a previously unknown species of early human in South Africa and NASA found liquid water on Mars. And when September seemed to start well, a stampede in Saudi Arabia kills at least 2.200 people. Also, Russia begins airstrikes against ISIL and anti-government forces in Syria in support of the Syrian government. October brought a suicide bomb in Turkey that killed at least 100 people at a peace rally and another air crash near Sinai killed all 224 passengers and crew. Then, in November, the Chinese and Taiwanese presidents formally meet for the first time. A week later, multiple terrorist attacks claimed by ISIL in Paris, result in around 129 fatalities.
Before even finishing this year of light, we are counting almost 15.000 deaths. The same time that ISIL is spreading death for “the name of God” and countries are fighting each other to prove which is the strongest; NASA and scientists are the ones that are really “taking advantage” of this planet, by exploring and discovering the unknown yet things about our world.
I’m 19 years old. I should be worried with what I’m going to do with my future, not wonder if I’m going to have one.
But I still believe in humanity. I see that people still care about each other, they want to help, they want to make this world a better place, they just need a little push and encouragement.
Are you going to be the one making the first step?
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