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Minecraft Snapshot 19w35a

This week, we introduced you to the Bees and many of you have asked us about the theme of the update. Bees are only one half of it and the other half is bugs! We want to take things a little slower this update to get things right. So from now until the end of the year, we are committed to bringing you all an improved Minecraft experience, with fewer bugs and more frames!

Changes in 19w35a

- Bees are now trying to stay clear of water

Bee Nests are now less frequent. Bee Nests won't spawn without air within the Nest. Villagers will be kicked out the bed that players are trying to use.

Fixed bugs in 19w35a

MC-849 - Eating a food item / drinking potion / curing zombie / feeding animal is a possibility of also consuming a second food item or potion without any animation

Endermen are able to teleport into water to avoid projectiles MC-144766.
Alice popkorn

MC-156856 - Ravager pathfinding AI becomes broken when Ravager encounters a Pillager Patrol MC-159190 - Duplication issue with consumables MC-159357 - Bee breeding does not count toward "Two by Two" (minecraft:husbandry/bred_all_animals) advancement progress MC-159429 - Switching to a different item while consuming a honey bottle will change it into an empty glass bottle MC-159446 - Bees get pollen from lower half of sunflower MC-159456 - Bees are floating one pixel above the ground when sitting on the ground MC-159472 - Trees spawned from saplings can have bee nests MC-159476 - Bee model is not centered properly inside of the hitbox MC-159574 - When switching to another item while drinking a potion, the item is replaced with an empty bottle and the slot with the potion is cleared MC-159733 - Craftable bee hives are not flammable MC-159825 - Honey Bottle not included in A Balanced Diet advancement

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