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Published on October 24th, 2022 at 05:09pm EDT

The lottery for the 2022 Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) is now complete.
Canada’s PGP looks to help Canadian sponsors reunite with their loved ones, enabling these parents and grandparents to obtain Canadian permanent resident status and enjoy associated benefits such as access to universal healthcare and having an eventual pathway to citizenship in this country.
Get a Free Legal Consultation if You Received an Invitation for the PGP 2022
After conducting its lottery between October 12 and October 20, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has confirmed on its website that it has concluded the distribution of 23,100 invitations to apply to sponsors in the 2022 PGP pool.
In a similar format to the 2021 PGP, IRCC decided not to allow a new round of interest to sponsor submissions this year. Instead, the decision was made to issue ITAs for the 2022 PGP to more of the interested Canadian sponsors who submitted an expression of interest through IRCC’s website back in the Fall of 2020.
Any interested sponsor who received an invitation during this latest PGP season will want to confirm their program eligibility once again prior to submitting the application. As of the date that an ITA is received, PGP sponsorship hopefuls have until December 24, 2022, to submit a completed application.
PGP lottery invitations remain some of the most highly coveted ITAs in the entire Canadian immigration space. Interest to sponsor from Canadians looking to bring their parents and grandparents to Canada currently continues to far outpace the number of application spots available. In fact, with respect to the size of the sponsor pool within which IRCC distributed ITAs this year, IRCC revealed it received over 200,000 interest to sponsor forms in October/November 2020.
In the 2022 PGP cycle, however, Canada aims to continue cutting into that pool of the 155,000 interested remaining sponsors by receiving and processing 15,000 completed PGP applications from the 23,100 ITAs given out.
Get a Free Legal Consultation if You Received an Invitation for the PGP 2022
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