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Sir Kent's Paint by Numbers Guide to Revolution
1. Unite: this is one of the trickiest steps to revolution; uniting the divided left. The best way to do this is to start with those who are of a similar mindset, and expand out from there. There is some important rhetoric that must be maintained in order to unite the reformists and the revolutionaries: divided, neither will reach their goal. Using this rhetoric can convince some. Tell the reformists that you will continue along the path of reform for as long as is viable, and the revolutionaries that you will rise up as soon as the time is right. Make the point to both that in order to achieve their goals, they need more members, not just from the left, but the public at large. Make concessions as necessary. Say for instance one group wishes to live a simple subsistence life after the revolution, promise them the land and tools to make it happen, and let them have fun. They can always be brought back through democratic means if their people tire of such a simple life. The Tankies should be closely watched. They can not be trusted. The best course of action is to convert them. If that should fail, use them instead.
2. Reform/Rally: These two steps happen at the same time. With the newly united left (as united as possible that is) we must begin
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