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5 Keys Principles of Lean Management YOU NEED TO Pay Attention To
Lean is really a proven model to control teams in industries that are highly demanding, such as software development, manufacturing and construction. That is due in large part to the truth that Lean methodology is simple to understand and has an instant impact when implemented correctly.
What are the 5 Key Principles of Lean Management?
Define the values
You need to first determine the task value of the team as a way to lay the foundations for a Lean Process. You should differentiate between value-adding and waste activities. It is a group activity that should involve everyone, to make sure that everyone understands and so are all on a single page.
To identify the value you are delivering to your visitors, think of the end product of your work and what the clients gain from it. Value means everything your customer pays you for. However, some teams do not necessarily create a direct benefit for the customer, but they enhance the value of the business (e.g. QA teams).
In this instance, your organization is the customer. The value of the task of an excellent assurance team is, for example, how many bugs they find and make sure that your company delivers a valuable product to its customers.
The theory of Lean management identifies seven forms of waste. Waste activities are classified as either pure or necessary. The main difference is that certain waste activities are essential to aid value-adding activities, while pure waste activities only harm the Lean flow.
In the exemplory case of software development, quality assurance is a shining exemplory case of an unnecessary waste. Although it doesn't provide direct value to the customer, quality assurance means that the value of the development process isn't lost.
Map out the worthiness stream
The next principle of Lean is about the blast of value. After identifying the worthiness your team creates, you need to visualize the path it requires to reach the customer. This is often done in Lean management with Kanban boards.
The Kanban board lets you map every step in your process, and visualize the worthiness blast of your team. The basic Kanban board originated within Toyota's production system which is the foundation of Lean management. It is just a vertical flat work surface with columns for every of the three states of any project:
In progress
While visualizing your workflow in this manner is a good start, it's important to map your process with an increase of precision by adding the steps that make up each stage. A "Requested stage" can include two steps, such as order received and ready for start. "Happening", however, usually gets the most steps.
Software development is usually divided into stages such as tech design, development and testing. There are also several review phases.
You should first focus on the value-adding processes to create a Lean Process when mapping out your value stream. As your process changes, be sure you come back to the map and make corrections.
Create a flow
In the wonderful world of Lean management, flow plays a major role. When creating a value flow, you want to be sure that the delivery is smooth from the moment you receive the order before moment you deliver it to your customer.
Bottlenecks certainly are a major obstacle to achieving a smooth flow. You need to thoroughly monitor how tasks move through your workflow as a manager. You need to absorb where tasks become stuck, so that you can investigate why this happens. Bottlenecks can be caused by a insufficient capacity at a particular phase, wait time on external stakeholders, and many more.
Review stages tend to be the most typical bottlenecks of any process, because the amount of people who review the work is usually significantly less than the number that submitted it.
It is very important eliminate bottlenecks from your process so that you can create a Lean flow. If you fail to eliminate bottlenecks then protect existing ones to avoid them from becoming clogged.
Limit the number of projects that your team is allowed to have simultaneously happening. You should discuss this with your team and decide on appropriate WIP limits that will help them to achieve maximum efficiency.
Multitasking is bad for productivity, therefore make sure your staff know this and test out different limits to attain the smoothest work flow as possible.
Establish Pull
The 4th principle of Lean asks that people establish a Pull System after a smooth workflow has been created. The theory behind this principle is easy: only start new work when there is demand and when your team's capacity is spare. You need to aim to only create the worthiness your customers need and avoid overproduction.
Let's compare what sort of typical push system and a pull model process assignments that will help you visualize the difference.
In a push-system, a task will undoubtedly be created and assigned to a programmer. A manager or team leader will take the work units which are needed and assign them to team members. Work is merely pushed to individuals who are going to do it.

With the pull system, the tasks that require to be completed are placed in a queue. An available developer will go to the queue, and select that that has the highest priority they are capable of focusing on. The people carrying it out will pull the assignments from the queue and commence processing them.
Your goal as a Lean Organization would be to provide value to your clients in probably the most efficient way possible. Focusing on two key metrics for every task is one way to achieve this:
Cycle time
The cycle time is the amount of time your team actively works towards completing your tasks, while the throughput is how many tasks you complete inside a given time period.
You should strive for shorter cycle time, that may result in a higher throughput from your own team.
Seek Constant Improvement
Lean management is founded on the principle of continuous improvement.
You should always strive to improve your team's processes by focusing your efforts on the actions that add the most value to your customers while eliminating as many wasteful activities since you can.
Continuous improvement is possible with methods like Plan-Do-Check-Act. This technique is also referred to as PDCA. It's more of a mentality that you should instill in your team. You need to think about the method that you lead your team to achieve continual improvement.
You may need to change your management style if you are a traditional manager who prefers to control every activity, even small tasks. A big change in your mindset may help you implement a shared-leadership model.
The continuous improvement of your business is only going to be possible if each person in your team is in charge of their own tasks. It usually is difficult to obtain them to defend myself against even the tiniest of tasks. Increase their trust and independence over time, based on their performance.
As a leader, you have the responsibilities to help your team understand the significance of every Lean principle and how they can adopt them to their culture.

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