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The Consequences of Prostitution: Examining the Effects on Society


Prostitution is an ancient vocation that remains in society today, however, it carries with it a number of consequences that have far-reaching implications. This article will explore the risks and effects of prostitution on society, providing data and perspectives from experts, while supplementing these with analysis from the author. By the end, the reader will have a comprehensive understanding of the impacts of prostitution on society.

The Negative Impact of Addiction

The psychological and physical effects of prostitution are considerable for both the prostitutes and society. In terms of health, while SOME prostitutes can manage their health and hygiene, many suffer from the aftermath of addiction such as alcoholism, drug abuse and sexually transmitted diseases. One of the contributing factors to this is the lack of adequate or appropriate healthcare for the people in this profession. The risk of addiction increases when the prostitute is exposed to unsafe sexual practices. Furthermore, the risk of HIV infection is greater as many prostitutes will engage in unprotected intercourse.

It has been documented that when addicts use and/or sell drugs, they often turn to prostitution as a way to support their drug addiction. In some cases, men or women may have limited resources and feel that prostitution is the only option to generate money. This further exacerbates their risk of addiction. As a result, drug and HIV-related infections spread beyond the prostitute, leading to increased crime and violence.

Psychological Impacts

The psychological consequences of prostitution can be seen in those who practice it. Studies suggest that many prostitutes tend to suffer from depression and other mental health problems, which are enabled by the lack of appropriate psychological support. Prostitutes may be exposed to violence from clients or pimps; sexually assaulted; or coerced into activities they don’t want to do. Those who are forced into prostitution will often feel trapped and hopeless. This can lead to an increase in suicidal thoughts and even suicide attempts.

In some cases, the psychological effects of prostitution can be so extreme that the prostitute develops post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a debilitating disorder that can manifest in intrusive thoughts, avoidance behaviour, flashbacks, changes in emotional responses and an impaired quality of life.

The Impact on Children

Those engaging in prostitution often have children and do not always take into account the negative impacts that their activities have on them. Children of prostitutes can experience low self-esteem and deep psychological issues. Emotionally, prostitution ads may feel neglected because one or both parents are often away from home for long periods of time. Many children of prostitutes may face feelings of shame, humiliation, and guilt that can last into adulthood.

Negative emotional and mental health can manifest in physical issues, such as poor eating habits, and can result in physical ailments, including obesity, which can have far-reaching consequences. Furthermore, there is a link between prostitution and trafficking, where a child is coerced into sex work to support their parents’ addiction. This has direct implications for the safety of children, as the traffickers may exploit them for financial gain.

The Social Impact

The society in which prostitution occurs is also affected. Communities that have high rates of prostitution suffer from an increased rate of crime and violence in comparison to other areas. The presence of prostitutes may be interpreted as a sign of an unhealthy and unsafe neighbourhood. Furthermore, communities where prostitution is predominant may also be at risk for the transmission of sexually transmitted infections as passers-by are exposed to unsafe sexual practices.

The presence of prostitution may also convey a negative message to society by pigeonholing certain people into predetermined categories or roles, and by exposing those within the profession to stigmatization and discrimination. Those in prostitution are often seen as inferior and lesser than those in other professions.

The Role of Government

The role of the government in protecting prostitutes from harm and providing them with sufficient support services is essential. It is important that governments put into place laws and regulations to protect those who are in the prostitution industry, and that they also provide support for those who choose to leave and find a different career. In order to do this, governments should provide social security and adequate health services to protect against sexual abuse and addiction.

The government should also implement legislation that criminalizes those that organize or traffic people into prostitution. They should also fund research into the effects of prostitution on society and develop strategies to reduce its negative impact. By understanding the effects of prostitution on society, governments can advocate for greater protections and establish better policies.

Screening and Education

Prostitutes may need to undergo screening and drug tests to ensure their safety and the safety of their clients. Screening may include background checks, HIV/STI testing, and drug tests. Additionally, education should be given to those involved in and considering entering prostitution, to ensure that they are aware of all the risks and implications of engaging in the profession. This may include education on HIV/STI prevention, on contraception and other methods, and on the risk of addiction.

Education should also be available to those considering leaving the profession. This may include information on the alternatives to prostitution, such as vocational training or job placement programs.


Prostitution carries with it an array of implications; physical, psychological, and social, and its effects on society may be profound. It is essential that governments, law enforcement, and social service providers collaborate to identify ways to protect those in the prostitution profession and reduce the negative impacts it can have on society. By understanding and finding solutions to the underlying causes, such as poverty and addiction, society can ensure that everyone is provided with an environment that is safe, supportive, and empowering.

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