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Tobacco: a Brief History
From early America and through over 1 / 2 of the 20th century, tobacco was one of the most essential parts of the national economy. You may still find plenty of tobacco companies out there--but the market is less powerful now due to research and cancer studies. The Surgeon General's Warning has certainly had an effect--as the expense of tobacco products rises continually.

At first in the history of tobacco, the unwanted effects of smoking tobacco were virtually unknown, and therefore tobacco seemed harmless. However, by enough time we reached the first 20th century, information about the health ramifications of tobacco began to be published in newspapers and magazines around the world.

read more of tobacco indicates that in Germany in 1930, scientists were able to make a distinct correlation between cancer and smoking tobacco. However, in the history of tobacco on American soil, it had been eight years later when Doctor Raymond Pearl, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, declared that smokers (more often than not) usually do not live provided that non-smokers.

In the annals of tobacco inside our country, even by the entire year 1944 the American Cancer Society claimed that no absolutely definite scientific evidence had been discovered that would link lung cancer or any kind of cancer to smoking. Of course, now the annals of tobacco has reached the point that we are fully aware of the dangers. We now know that there are dangerous, cancer-causing carcinogens in smoking tobacco that can end your life likely sooner than you would like to.

Nonetheless, even with these details took a long time to really absorb in to the consciousness of the American public. In the end, it turned out so many years of unknown damages, that the people were more likely to remain uninformed--because they might not need expected this news at all.

In the early 1950's the magazine "Reader's Digest" published articles entitled "Cancer by the Carton" which discussed individual details specifically about the dangers of smoking. Third , phenomenon, a growing number of publications provided informative articles similar to the one in "Reader's Digest" and cigarette sales actually started to reduce.

By the mid 1950's the tobacco industry began its counter-attack. The tobacco sellers and researchers conducted their own studies of the effects of cigarettes on someone's health. This is when tobacco companies started selling additional merchandise, cigarettes with an increase of filters and lower-tar. Because people loved to smoke so much, and because they had been brought to the illusion that there have been "healthier" cigarettes available, the sales market for tobacco was up again. But the new, light cigarettes were, in reality, no healthier than regular cigarettes.

Tobacco products are virtually impossible to quit for many people. Some say an dependence on tobacco is harder to break than an dependence on heroin. Therefore, there's still a required market for tobacco and tobacco products, because some people will always be people smokers. The annals of tobacco could have altered our perspective and lowered the quantity of individuals who smoke, but there is not a chance that smoking will ever be eradicated completely.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes consumer information, health, recreation, teaching, and gardening. For more of her articles about tobacco products please visit Smoke Shop
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