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Brand Yourself - Necessary to Your Success
A young mother visited Mahatma Gandhi and complained that she was attempting for some time to create her son quit eating too many sweets and sugar. Like each mother, she was deeply worried about the results of sugar taking that may harm his health. Considering his reputation, she asked Gandhi if he would speak with her son about his eating sugar in the hopes that what of this great man would encourage the young boy to stop eating sugar. She was surprised when Gandhi thought to her: Come back in three months, because I have to prepare myself to speak with the boy about his eating sugar.

It elicited great interest of the people surviving in her community and broader area and many of these wondered why he needed 90 days to get ready himself for that task.

Various rumours spread and everyone interpreted and speculated concerning the reasons for this act.

After three months, in the current presence of a large number of people, Gandhi sat next to the boy and in a straightforward way told him that sugar was not good for his health, and that he will be bigger, stronger and healthier if he consumed it less or none. The boy agreed to begin the journey of not wanting to eat sugar and from that moment on he reduced the intake of sweets and lastly completely quit eating them. Noticeably surprised, the girl thanked Gandhi for his wisdom, compassion, and words and then asked him why he needed 90 days to get ready for such simple message. Gandhi replied profoundly: "Reputation alone is not sufficient. Upon your visit fourteen days ago, I too was eating sugar." And he went on to explain he could not speak of or teach the young boy never to eat sugar if he himself hadn't taken that journey.

Imagine that you awaken one morning and in daily newspapers, in the column on stock market quotations, find alongside regular issues also your name. Exactly, your name is similar to a share on the currency markets.

Now ask yourself, how many people would demand, not to utilize the term "purchase" for its potential inadequate connotation, your share, meaning you, of which price, to which extent and just why?

This is just what are we talking about with regards to one's own brand. There are numerous definitions of brand. Essentially, a personal brand is really a synonym for your reputation. It indicates just how other people see you.

Each of us is really a brand, whether being aware of it or not.

The easiest way of finding out your individual brand is playing a casino game of association. Write your name on a piece of paper. Then, without thinking, write below three words that immediately evoke associations of you, for example: reliable, professional, positive, entrepreneurship, books, etc.

Look at all three associations and circle one, just one word that you think people would contact immediately upon hearing you name.

Thereupon, ask, without sharing the associations using them, a broader circle of friends, family members, neighbours, experts, chiefs, fellow workers, etc., to accomplish exactly the same and hand it out to you or, even better, to put it in a mail box, anonymously, in order to remain to the very end honest with you, having no fear that you may get angry or misinterpreted the things they have written.

Always bear in mind that feedback may be the breakfast of champions.

Review all associations and compare them with yours. Pay special attention to that one you among others have circled.

In that sense, "Your individual brand is about what other people think about you, it's not everything you think about yourself."

Good news is that the non-public brand may be built up and founded in ways and direction you want.

To achieve that, we shall follow a simple three C's of personal branding comprising: clarity, creation and consistency.

C- Clarity - it might be the main phase in your personal brand building since here you lay down a cornerstone of your future personal brand. After we've got to learn how others see us, we ought to define our fundamental life values and get answer to the question: who are we, what do we believe in, what values do we cherish..? At this time you need to be completely honest with yourself since only a brand which is in line with your daily life principles and philosophy may become and remain authentic.

Then we have to make clear: Who are we? What's our occupation? What's our field of activity? What are we currently the best at? What would we prefer to do in future? What would we prefer to differentiate us from the pack? It is an imperative here to define USP (unique selling proposition), that one thing, just a single thing, whichh makes us different from others, which makes us unique.

I had made a detailed and friendly connection with Muhammad Yunus, Founder of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh and a developer of the concepts of microcredit and microfinance, before he became the Nobel Peace Prize recipient. At a conference in Paris, he revealed to me in an extended conversation how he defined his USP.

Yunus is really a doctor of economic sciences and graduated from the just about the most prestigious world schools. However, it alone was not sufficient for success. Science of economics and business covers an extremely broad area so he previously to select particular specialization. He decided to do specialization in economic development field.

Subsequently, just like physicians or lawyers, architects along with other professionals, he should define his sub-specialization. He chose the poverty field as a global phenomenon then one he was grown up with; something his country have been fighting against for years.

Within that phenomenon USP, something unique he'd be recognized for, should be defined. He realized that the then economic concepts do not affect positively the lives of the poor from his surroundings.

Carefully observing, he learned that more than 99% of all businesses on the planet developed economies are categorized as the domain of the so-called small and medium-size enterprises, and also 92% of most business accounts for the so-called microenterprises which at average employ only two persons.

Through exploring in his country and beyond, he found out that the largest problem the poor confronted with was a lack of access to money for start-up, maintenance and additional expansion of their business. Commercial banks with the resources available had no reaction to that niche market; therefore, a completely different approach was needed.

It started as an experiment which has been later transformed into a global world movement. It was 40 years back that Yunus lent out of his own pocket 27 dollars to a group of poor women who made furniture out of bamboo. All 42 women, without exception, returned the loan, earning at the same time some additional money because of their families. Yunus learned that a small, almost symbolic, loan may regain dignity and encourage people to assume responsibility for their own lives.

He founded the Grameen Bank which disbursed around six million of loans. This innovative and beneficial method of a worldwide problem solving has led to the nowadays situation where more than a billion of people world-wide use micro-loans and over $100 billion can be used for crediting micro businesses as one of the fastest-growing industries world-wide.

Bearing in mind the importance of microfinance instruments in fulfilment of these mission, the US declared the year 2005 as the International Year of Microcredit. In 2006, Muhamad Yunus received the Nobel Prize for microlending, economic development, reduction of poverty and world peace, and his book "Banker of the indegent" defeated all records of sales worldwide and was translated in virtually all world languages.

Even though this industry has produced meanwhile a lot of first-rate professionals, famous names and undisputed authorities, the name of Muhammad Yunus is right now the synonym and probably the most identifiable brand when it comes to microloans, or the initial association evoked when hearing the term "microloan".

C - Create. When you find out what brand you would want, we must define the steps to be undertaken as a way to create it.

I would like to request you to insert your name in your search provider of preference and see what arises.

In the event that you name pulls up no information- you should not be upset about any of it since it gives you a chance to create your brand-new brand from the beginning. If your name pulls up some information, the steps will be the same but in this type of situation you would deal with the upgrading, re-branding or re-designing of your existing brand.

Basically, you can find two key channels for promoting your brand- online and offline.


We live in the era of information technologies. It will be impossible and irresponsible never to follow that relentless trend. Be sure that it is the first rung on the ladder that someone will make in order to check on you for any purposes- whether to hire you, create a business contact with you or opt to accept or not your invitation for coffee or lunch.

Internet is really a powerful as well as the cheapest media for creation and promotion of one's brand. Here I am going to mention just few channels and basic rules for using them for the said purpose:

Facebook ( Facebook is obviously the most dominant social media service. It really is unbelievable just how many persons have Facebook accounts and don't utilize them properly. Basic rule is that is monitored, absolutely all. You need to fill in not only basic data but also the data required in every available sections. When you are doing that, ask yourself: What message you are sending to individuals who visit your account. The photographs you post ought to be decent and reflect your personality, that is, the message you need to send to others. Complete your cv in great details and make it interesting.

Selection of music, movies, serials, quotes, things you like, speak about you a whole lot and it provides you with an ideal opportunity to define by yourself, step by step, your new brand. A fundamental rule is to connect with as many persons as you possibly can, to update your account regularly, and share the things correspondent to the message you would like to send and remove everything which can damage your brand.

Twitter ( Twitter is an online social media and microblogging service that allows users to send and read "tweets", which are in fact text messages. The service has recorded an increasing worldwide popularity. Nowadays, anyone who cares of his personal promotion has an account on this social networking. Share those links via other channels as your reference to these persons makes others perceive you as an effective person, that is, a brandname worth introducing.

Webpage (internet site) and blog come in my opinion the most powerful form for promotion and building of the own brand.

I have my web page where you could get acquainted with me in an exceedingly simple and interesting way, find out about might work and activities, or just follow my blog where I post regularly the topics on success, and so get a chance to participate in the extremely vigorous, interesting and most importantly positive discussions and comments on the blog, Facebook, Twitter along with other social networks. It also contains the video recordings of my short presentations, the most famous quotes, stories, announcement of future topics, visits, and in general the activities you might participate, all free of charge.

Use on-line promotion, take active part on forums under your name, and make your appearances with the goal to be perceived and recognized in light of your new brand.

Leave nothing to chance, let your social profiles speak for you personally, be proactive, positive, consistent and you will be surely noticed.


Here we discuss the promotion in a genuine, not virtual world. Do you remember the story about Gandhi right from the start of the chapter? top 10 pharma companies in India is that you have to live your brand every day at every moment since just in that way you can reach others.

Look perfect - Folks are strongly visually-oriented.Some researchers found that people make major opinion on you in the first four seconds. Each day before leaving home consider: What clothes, watch, phone, and pendant do I wear?

How well you dressed are and what message do you send by your appearance?

You will never get a second possiblity to make the initial impression.

All successful people I know pay great attention to their appearance and try to look the best they are able to in every situations. They leave nothing to chance. You never know, maybe just today if you are hoping the least, you'll by pure accident bump in to the person you would like to meet for a long time and who is important for your success. I made some of my best contacts that down the road helped me a lot in my own job, at the airports.

It repeatedly surprises me how people are carelessly dressed in this example, given that almost all successful people travel a whole lot, that they have to wait frequently extended hours at the airports as the flights are often being delayed and behind schedules gives a good chance of making contacts with someone who, in normal circumstances, would not have time for shaking hands, let alone to talk to you.

Looking perfect, being among the well-groomed and dressed up people at a certain place will boost your self-confidence, reflect toward outside world a note of satisfaction, pride, positive energy and success, facilitating which means that your contact making or, at least helping you send a picture of your as well as your brand that you cherish so carefully.

My intention here's not to give fashion advice but to stress the next: If you aim to be successful and recognizable and famous for your success, you will need to follow some basic rules in your line of business.

Your appearance ought to be consistent with your occupation. So, if you belong to the business world your dressing should be conservative. Ideal colours for man's suit are dark blue and gray; wear solid shirts and ties without loud colours and patterns; wear the ones which fit into an overall picture you wish to communicate to other people.Ladies should wear business wear with the appropriate length skirt, maybe a scarf that compliments the suit; less is better, less jewellery and less colour.

Use only a good and decent parfumes. Choose your shoes meticulously and get them to always polished and shined.

Subtle, quality accessories (hand watch, mobile telephone, type of computer, bag) mean a lot and will show that you pay attention to important details.

Hairstyle ought to be conservative and you should always be freshly shaved; look at yourself in a mirror and have how you wish to be perceived by others and to what extent your appearance is consistent with your brand.

Just one additional tip: when buying clothes, spend twice as much, buy half just as much.

Go for quality over quantity. Follow the dressing styles of successful people, especially those who inspire you, and you will not make a mistake.

Seminars and conferences

Try to find out per year ahead which seminars or conferences are in your market niche and their schedules- when and where.

Attend those events, apply for them beforehand and communicate with organizer and provide to participate as a speaker in one of the panel discussions or to take part in the very organization. Anyway, participate actively, ask questions and touch upon the topics in line with you fields of interests. Make good preparation beforehand, look like an individual very familiar with the things a speaker discusses and very soon the news will undoubtedly be spread about you and your brand will become known and recognizable within the circle of people matters to you.

Articles and media

Contact professional magazine and mass media. Introduce the editors and journalists. Offer to create a text on the topic you should be known for. Much like the seminars and conferences, usually do not expect to be paid for that at the very beginning; payment should come later on, once you build up your individual brand when the price will not be even mentioned, so when the only thing that counts will be your response to their invitation.Start with the minor, less known magazines. Send your article together with your impeccably created CV to other influential newspapers, expressing your readiness to create or touch upon something similar for their newspapers, at that time and place convenient in their mind. Be persistent and calls should come sufficient reason for each new success, your brand becomes more and more recognisable and people talk about you in a variety of circles, without you paying attention.

You continue to focus on your promotion and all of the sudden you feel the brand you intend to be or the brand you intend to purchase for yourself.

C - Consistency No brand has been created overnight. Brand building is really a long-term investment which brings you an excellent potential. In your lifespan it is possible to change companies, occupations and also the countries you work in, and your brand will always go with you, even before you.

Building of a solid and consistent brand is time consuming process which requires patience, but most of all it needs consistency in everything you do, discuss, read, and visit. Your personal brand should reflect your true personality, put simply, you must live your individual brand.

Your office, working room, books you have on shelves, the car your drive, the hotels you stay static in, promises you give, each and every part of your life should be personification of one's brand.

Consistency is really a trademark of big brands on the planet, let it be the trademark of your brand too, of that famous stock "I" on life stock market which will many people demand due to the true value for what is not possible to determine the price.

Verdi wrote his masterpiece AIDA. Nowadays, lots of marketing professionals utilize the name of this masterpiece because the abbreviation for various things.

I find it will be very simple to use that abbreviation at the end of the chapter about branding as a couple of steps you need to follow in order to make others to accept your brand, namely, to see you as you intend to be seen.

A - Attention (firstly, grab people's attention)

I- initiative (take an initiative, be proactive, promote your brand-new brand))

D - Desire (arise in others a burning desire to recognize and talk about your brand)

A - Action (finally, be equipped for action once your brand-new brand becomes recognizable, attractive, appreciated and too good to be ignored).
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