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1. People may perform aerobic or anaerobic exercise without even knowing it or purposefully engaging in traditional exercise activities. The unit offered several examples of traditional exercise-based activities for aerobic and anaerobic fitness. What are some examples of non-traditional ways that people might engage in aerobic or anaerobic fitness in their daily lives?
Some examples of non-traditional ways that people might engage in aerobic or anaerobic fitness in their daily lives are running, swimming, dancing, kickboxing, biking, cross country skiing.
2. Physical fitness has many benefits that we learned about in the unit. Can you think of any disadvantages or drawbacks to working on your physical fitness? List and briefly explain some negative side effects that could result from improving your personal fitness.
Some disadvantages or drawbacks to working on your physical fitness can be injuries if you're not performing the workout correctly. Another one can be poor dieting due to not being fully informed of a dieting plan.
3. There are a ton of ways to stay active and physically fit in your life. This goal becomes even easier if you have a job that relates to personal fitness in some way. What are some career options for people who want to make physical fitness their full-time job? Which of these careers interests you the most and why?
Some career options for people who want to make a physical fitness their full-time job are personal trainers, physical therapist and sports medicine physician. The career that interests me the most is personal trainer. Before, I was the type to not like any type of physical activity, I would avoid participating in any activity for my p.e classes but as time went by, I started liking it more. I started working out but of course since i didn't know anything I wouldn't do the right workouts for myself, and I didn't have a plan set up. I started getting more into fitness and i really like it. I want to help others get comfortable with fitness and show them that it's not hard, all you need is consistency and confidence.
4. Many people exercise on their own with no professional help. Others prefer to hire someone to help them on their fitness journey. Why might someone choose to hire a personal trainer and what are some of the benefits?
I believe some people prefer to hire someone to help them on their fitness journey so that it can help them stay consistent. Having a personal trainer can also help by having the motivation to keep going and to not give up. All personal trainers push their clients to become better.
5. Imagine that you are designing an exercise plan for someone looking to lose weight quickly. They have a busy schedule and can only dedicate one hour per day, five days per week to exercise. They also have a home gym with a treadmill, bicycle, weights, and yoga mat, and they do not care for being outside. What type of exercise plan would you create for them? Write down a sample fitness plan for one week that you would give them. Briefly explain why you chose the fitness activities that you did.
I would create a combo of cardio and strength training.
Mon: 20 min on treadmill
20 min on bicycle
20 min of strength training using weights
Tues: 30 min of yoga
Wed: 20 min on treadmill
20 min on bicycle
20 min of strength training using weights
Thurs: 30 min of yoga
Fri: 30 min on treadmill
3o min of strength training using weights.
This plan targets different muscle groups and energy systems. Cardio will help burn calories and helps lose weight, strength training will help more with building muscle and boosting your metabolism. Yoga will help with flexibility and reduce stress.
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