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So, before I start here are some things you should know. First the characters that come out come in a hero villain succession, as you can see it went from saitama to garou then to genos and then sonic so it's safe to assume that the next character to be released into the game will be a hero. Each character gets 4 unique moves and some ultimate's which varies depending on the character, each move is a move that is used in the anime and from what we've seen so far the developers are doing a pretty good job at replicating them. Anyways here are 5 characters that I think would be perfect for the game. Just a warning this game might contain some manga spoilers so if you haven't, I suggest you skip to ---- see what characters I think should be added.
Ok coming in at number 5, we got Mumen rider, mumen rider is the number one class c hero and although he doesn't Excell in any physical or magical abilities I think he could be a great addition to the game. In this one punch man game he moves of his moves involve him crashing or throwing his bike so I think that his moveset would be pretty simple. His first move could be a simple bike crash into another player still allows you to combo extend . For the second move I think a simple punches combo would be good similar to consecutives punches except instead of the same thing just some kick and punches with different animation. For the third it should be a down slam move which allows the bike to jump into the air for a split second and then land on the player downslamming them into the ground named Bike downslam. And lastly for move 4 a bike counter that throws the bike at the players called Bike throw. Ok moving on when it comes to ultimate's I generally dont think mumen rider is a strong enough character to have a ultimate that's as flashy as the others so I was thinking like a saitama summon move where he can use the same ultimates that saitama have but its more of like a little saitama shadow that appears before you and uses it. Ok next up coming in at number 4 we got atamic samurai. Atomic samurai is S class number 4 and one of the strongest characters in the anime, he's pretty much an upgraded version of sonic except he's less focused on a speed and has an overwhelming balance of power and speed. In the manga he's fought some of the strongest monsters revealed in the game and was able to hold his own. I was thinking he could have a sword similar to sonic's but a different design and a different m1 animation. For his first move it would be named Atomic slash, similar to Sonic's first move it would dash forward and do a series of slashs but a different animation, for his second move I was thinking air slash which would be a range move that sends slash of compressed air one inspiration for this is the mist air move in project slayers. For this third move it would be a series of multiple slashes hitting across the players and allows you to combo extend. And then for the last move I was thinking of a jumping move that has the player slam the sword into the ground hurting everyone thats in its range. Ok next up we got the ultimates, now in the anime Atomic Samurai uses a special sword called the sun blade which enhances his samurai abilities by hundreds. So I was thinking of it being the same moves except now you have a new sword thats beaming with the energy of the sun and now all your moves do more damage and have longer range and more speed. Personally I think its a pretty good concept but I doubt we are gonna see him for another 5 characters. Anyways lets move on. Coming in at number 3 we got metal bat For his first move I was thinking a simple barrage of hits with his metal bat called metal barrage, for move number 2 a downslam move that uses the bat and hits the player into the ground, and for the third move a Spiral of Metal Bat simlar to scatter except its completely vertical and has less range. Lastly, I was thinking of something similar to normal punch but it uses a bat instead and sends the players flying like your hitting a baseball. Ok next we got the ultimates, so first he would get a fighting spirit which is some red aura around him and similar to Garou's ultimate he slams the bat on the ground, now one thing think would be really cool is a counter move similar to when Garou and Metal bat were fighting, the player its about to hit you and go behind them and send them flying, another move that could be really cool is spiral of overwhelming victory where do just do barrages of slamming the ground with a bat while you keep on flipping. I think Metal bat has a lot of potential for the game and I hope to see him soon. Ok coming in at number 2 a character that is highly anticipated is Boros, Boros is one of the strongest characters we've seen so far in the game. Now I feel like his character would be complicated cause a lot of his moves are over the top. Now I feel like his regular move set could be very similar to Saitama's except just different moves and animations. First move a barrage of punches but more similar to genos punches, for the second move you grab the oppenent and slam them into the ground, and for the third move you jump kick into the opponent sending them flying, and for the last move I was thinking something a little bit more unique like a regen move that gives a little health back as Boros does have super regenerative abilities, Ok next we have the ultimate moveset which should be pretty easy considering he uses a wide range of energy blast. Ok move 1 Meteroic burst you dash to the player hitting them similar to speedwave cannon, for move 2 you jump up and slam into the ground hitting everything within your range, for move number 3 I was thinking an explosive blast that damage everything within its range and for the last move Collasping Star roaring cannon which is this gigantic blast of energy. Anyways I think if Boros would added his ultimate would be highly overpowered making him a character that everyone would wanna play. Ok coming in a number 1 a character that practically everyone wants to see be added into the game. This character is Tatsumaki, Tatsumaki is S class Hero number 2 and has incomparable telekinetic abilities making her second to only a couple characters in the series. Now I feel like her character would be a lot harder to put into the game as she is a psychokinetic which means that she won't come into physical contact with the people she touches, so in order for her to be put in the game she either is gonna need a guaranteed hit or like a sperge of telekenetic energy that sends in a straight line to the player thats blockable etc. For her first move I was thinking a simple rock throw where you send a rock at the player, for the second move you grab the player with your telekinesis and throw into the ground, for the third move I was thinking a wave of telekinetic slash similar to the shuriken move that sonic has, and lastly a counter move that sends the player flying . Now for her ultimates the first move I was thinking of was a gigantic meteor similar to planetary devastation if you ever watched Naruto, a gigantic meteor is gonna form and hit all the players on the ground, the second ultimate move could be a gigatantic whirlwind that sucks in anybody thats close to it as you can see in her fight against Saitama. And for her last move a barrier that temporarily immobilizes anyone thats in it but not too much range so that way its not overpowered. Anyways before I end the video I just wanna say that these are all based off my personal opinion and in no way do I have any knowledge of what character or moves the developers are gonna bring to the game. But yea thats its make sure to drop a like and a sub turn on post nofications and lemme know in the comments what character you would like to

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