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Specifics It Is Advisable To Be Aware Of Forbidden Knowledge and Esoteric Secrets

Why did these early mystery schools in addition to their teachings need to establish secrecy in the first place, or perhaps in certain cases conceal their existence entirely? One good reason was since it was required to avoid persecution from others, whether or not it was the mainstream religion in that particular kingdom or its harsh government. And this type of secrecy extends back many thousands of years, and also the persecution of these schools would continue.

Early Catholic Church, especially via the Inquisition, accused many people of heresy for their radical uncatholic beliefs, and lots of early Gnostics were imprisoned or executed. Small wonder why such sects was required to keep hidden and conceal what you truly advocated. And there were numerous pockets of those little heretical groups throughout Europe and further east as well, many of which eventually did succeed at keeping their existence secret, although some people might put together through the Church.

Even now most mainstream churches or religions frown heavily around the so-called New Age groups, accusing them of worshiping Satan or instigating diabolical plots etc, which are fabricated to instill fear in naive people. Many Christian churches, considering they feel their very own Christ-centered dogma is the only truth, believe whatever else is from the devil, whether it's New Age groups, esoteric schools, ancient traditions, and even all of the other mainstream religions. In accordance with these elitist churches, every one of these individuals are going directly to hell. I know think that sort of close-minded, erroneous thinking is quite insidious, or even heretical alone through the standpoint with the more universal wisdom teachings. Because it is just a part of their sales hype to scare individuals to join their church, to warn them about hell to help you be saved from hell-fire, so their numbers will grow.

Take into consideration is always that various esoteric tools get to initiates, and oftentimes power tools require a certain level of power and authority. Inside the wrong hands, these power tools can cause serious problems, and can harm others. This is true inside the Wicca tradition, or other magic traditions or pagan groups, because whenever you perform certain rituals, like spell-casting, proclaiming incantations, or work with candles, charms, and magic potions, etc., one should use caution what he is doing or you will see negative karmic repercussions. As an example, more malevolent individuals could use such tools of power for casting curses on people, or cause trouble in their lives, i have known of these accounts. This is black magic, and you're messing with dark forces you really wouldn't like to delve into.

However, some rituals could be safe, though not deeply understood by many people, only with the adept practitioners themselves. Especially in connection with mystical "priest-craft" in a few esoteric orders, in which the priests perform their mystical rituals and sacraments of alchemy, which deal with transformational properties. For example, the Eucharist is obviously alchemical, as the bread and wine is transmuted into the body and blood of Christ, with a mystical level. Fundamentalist churches believe this Communion ritual is practiced simply in remembrance of Christ only. Naturally, the Catholic persuasion uses the term "transubstantiation" where the change is literal, as an alternative to merely symbolic.

Although debate continues involving the churches, whether or not it is simply symbolic, figurative, or literal, the deeper understanding resides using the mystical practitioners who know better. In my own experience, the Christ-presence was in every individual, or needs to be, especially if one becomes enlightened, which means you must meditatively contact this inner presence. Therefore, your personal being, the bread and wine of your being is transformed and transmuted to the body and blood of Christ, so you will be the individual who is alchemically transformed because you partake, that's, turned into a Christ-being. Perhaps it's easier to say you have awakened and after this have profoundly realized your true inner Self. In this case, the Christian Philosopher's Stone may be the Christos within, or Christ-Self. Hence, the symbolic and literal aspects are in this mystical form of Communion, or Being received by Union with Christ.
However, partaking of this kind of mystical Communion is just one method amidst many resulted in this type of awakening. There are many meditative practices that will assist as well.

Concerning the Eucharist or some other illustration of alchemical transmutation, you will find three ways of thinking in alchemy we must consider: symbolic, literal, along with the combination of both. The first school proclaims certain types of alchemy are merely figurative and is explained symbolically or allegorically. The next school says alchemy is strictly literal. Along with the third school declares that for alchemy to be real, it requires to have both components of symbolic and literal transformation. In line with the third form, the Eucharistic bread and wine is not simply symbolic of our bodies and blood of Jesus Christ, but they're literally transmuted in to the body and blood, that the partaker receives to ensure that he may be transformed in the operation, and even enter a mystical state where he may soon become enlightened, hence entering the mystical Body of Christ.

The guarding of certain alchemical secrets due to their power has become maintained for thousands of years, given just to initiates and adepts, because other individuals who were uninitiated could use them unwisely if they are not trained properly, or wrong individuals could acquire such tools and make use of them for sinister purposes.

For more details about esoteric school go this useful webpage
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