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we've seen most of Schindler's evolution from a businessman's morals to a savior's morals, and the evidence has come from consecutive chapters.
we've seen a sequence of step that make the argument. This supports the theory that his change was gradual.
it's clear that Chapter 15 is the crux, the finale, however what is the true significance of this scene? Is it deeper than past realizations?
(At this point we have seen most of the evidence for Schindler’s evolution from a businessman to a savior, but it’s been missing one piece, the finale. chapter by chapter makes it seem like it's gradual and that each scene is of equal importance, however it's clear that chapter 15 is the most important.)
we've seen a sequence of steps. it's presented as if they're all leading up to something. so then chapter 15 is like the crux.
1. shown so far: Schindler evolves step by step from businessman morals to savior morals.
2. counter argument = key thing happens here, but wait you told me it was a gradual transition.
1. what changes is not from no morals to morals, not from selfish to selfless, but something smaller and still important; from businessman morals to savior morals.
2. wait a second, this was a sudden change. the nausea was different, it hadn't happened before. something really big changed here, maybe even whole morals.
maybe something related to how everything was building up to that moment. nausea = disgust. this is about moral disgust. it happens when someone watches something outrageously gross and immoral.
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