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Excessive Worry
Archaeologists along with other scientists suggest to us that civilization really began after we humans developed imagination. The earliest cave paintings that have been found are dated to around 40,000 yrs . old. It was around this time that humans enjoyed sort of industrial revolution by developing very refined tools and weapons and generally changing the world around them.

But how does imagination come into all of this? To create or create anything at all, it must all start in the mind. We should 'see' it inside our mind's eye first before it ever assumes any physical shape. Once our ancestors found that they had this capability to 'see' things in their mind's eye and then follow through and make them, there is no stopping them. Anything was possible.

Since 40,000 years is a pretty small amount of time, historically speaking, it could be said that not only is imagination a comparatively new phenomenon on Earth, but once discovered, took off such as a rocket! Other animal species seem to have this ability, but nothing approaching our level. Also to paraphrase Shakespeare; "Just what a good article is imagination."

Without it, where will be our wonderful books. Our palaces and buildings. Our roads and cities. Can we doubt that imagination is our finest psychological tool?

Most unfortunately, though, imagination could be sadly misused, a subject we've touched upon before. It must be said, though, that even worrying has its place, like anxiety attacks and anxiety. That's why the article's entitled; "HOW EXACTLY TO Stop Excessive Worrying," with the accent on 'excessive.'

If you are suffering the latter two you don't think there is a place for them, but of course there is. So far as worrying's concerned, suppose excessive worry walks your decision and tells you that if you give him $1,000, he'll quadruple that in half a year. The difficult part is you know it has happened to other people. Naturally enough, then, a nagging worry will be set up in your mind. In the event you or shouldn't you give him that $1,000?

Worry goes together with imagination, doesn't it? In fact, our word 'worry,' originates from the old English word for 'strangle.' But can you see where all of this is leading? All the way back again to our old friend 'imagination.' It is a very fine line. The negative part of imagination, which is really worrying, can take us back from doing this much that either we feel we have to do or wish to do.

We'd like to use for that job. We know we have the qualifications for it, but as an eternal worrier, we feel we'd mess it up somehow. The truth of the problem is that the one who always worries throws him or herself into a state of self-hypnosis. A kind of paralysis. There isn't a great deal of point in worrying if you don't plan to do something about it.

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