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Why Regulate Bundled Travel Insurance?
Do you have the required travel insurance that may safe guard both you and your family members if the unthinkable happens? Before read more answer yes, is it one which has been FSA approved not just one which has simply been tacked on your package holiday offering limited superficial perks?

Most assume travel insurance would be to cover you against loss of your sunglasses and at the worst theft; realistically speaking they're the least of your worries which is why so many choose to not to take insurance out as they rationalize, 'hey I'll just buy new ones'! A more realistic approach has to be taken when it comes to your travel insurance, such an essential item should cover you across the board, from accidental damage to accidental breakage of your respective body parts! All it requires is a slip, fall and before very long you are being 'siren-screeched' down to the nearest hospital beneath the assumption that every country includes a blessed NHS-style health policy to cover the expenses.

On arrival at the hospital in agonizing pain the final thing you'll be expecting is some pushy nurse thrusting a clip-board with reams of paper attached, each requesting a signature proving you have the funds to pay for treatment before they take you through to see the doctors to repair your ankle which is now the size of a balloon! Surely this is simply not the way you anticipated your holiday going, closing your eyes you've got a flashback of the vacation salesperson explaining the many benefits of travel cover, how most standalone providers will give you a massive �1million pounds of health cover when in Europe and �2 million for the rest of the world. You recall her mentioning something about theft and loss and it was at that time hat you powered down, tuning her out as she told you how beneficial the funds would be in the event of an emergency.

It was only when she moved on to talking about the cheaper bolt-on option that could be attached to your package holiday your ears pricked up. It appears once a pricey standalone product emerges people switch off, you offer them a cheaper alternative and they're all ears again! Not paying any attention to the differences and only hearing the similarities, just like the cover of a lost wallet or perhaps a broken couple of sunglasses. Rather than watching the covers shortcomings and failings you signed on the dotted line, proud of yourself when planning on taking out travel insurance at all! No longer patting yourself on the back your brain is racing when you are forced to reflect on your options, you don't want to compromise on your own health by obtaining the cheapest type of product on offer, which will usually mean leaving a healthcare facility again, your foot now the size of a football and planing a trip to the free clinic that includes a full day's waiting time whatever the severity of your symptoms!

Unfortunately it has been the truth for an impressive "10 million Britons who traveled abroad this past year", who have been mistakenly thought they had sufficient travel insurance only to realise that the cover that they had applied for alongside their flights and accommodation didn't adequately cover them for "medical expenses" that may cost thousands for a straightforward broken bone and up to hundreds of thousands in the event that you require immediate complex surgery. Remember the pricey administrative costs that are associated with hospital treatment and yes you do have to pay for the ambulance ride to a healthcare facility as well!

The tour operators supposedly offering this 'cheaper' alternative on closer inspection have been cited by customers to be overvalued, for the cover they're offering in comparison to their supposedly expensive standalone is significantly inferior. Knowing that "in regards to a third of travel cover sold" in the UK "is bundled in with vacation packages usually by flight companies and tour operators" causes concern for the individual insurance companies because they are taking advantage of a huge section of the marketplace which invariably casts a shadow over-all travel insurance providers irrespective of their credibility and reliability.

Onome is an author of several articles regarding Travel Insurance. She actually is known for her expertise about them and on other Business and Finance related articles.
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