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Michael Reeves Merchandise
Michael Reeves has been a YouTuber for over ten years and he is also a Twitch streamer. He creates tech-comedy videos. He is part OfflineTV. Michael Reeves Pillow 's known for his Boston Dynamics Spot demonstrations.

Reeves's zodiac sign is Scorpio. He has four wings. As with many people who have this type, Reeves has a keen intellect and is analytical. He is interested in understanding people on a deeper, more personal level.
Enneagram 5

Fives possess a deep knowledge of the world and are analytical. Also, they have a strong desire for competence and to be helpful. These are the core reasons they do what they do:

In healthy relationships Fives connect to their emotional self and feel like they belong with their partner. They tend to be more level-headed when interacting with others and they don't always show how much they care about their relationship.

In unhealthy relationships Fives can be cynical, pessimistic, and even sarcastic. It is possible that they feel exhausted by their partners' demands and withdraw to protect them. This can lead them to feel lonely. To avoid feeling this way, Fives can reconnect with the physical self through activities such as yoga and team athletics. To regain calm, they can use music. They should listen songs that have a slower tempo, as these songs soothe their mind.

Scorpios have a darkly enticing energy, and their doggedness is difficult to match. A deep intensity, which radiates reverence towards elders and the family, is bubbling just below the surface. It also reflects a willingness for the Scorpio to dive into the depths of emotions and a strong desire to achieve power.

Pluto, Pluto's planet, is responsible for transformation, death and rebirth. Pluto rules Mars which is a water sign. Scorpios reflect these themes through their relationships. Most people, including Scorpios, are not afraid to face the dark or painful things. They use these truths to sharpen their understanding of life.

Aquamarine comes from the beryl group and has the watery energies that Scorpios love. This blue stone will encourage Scorpio to let loose of rigid control, and go with the flow. It can also assist this sign in deciphering the deeper meanings behind their emotions.
Enneagram 4

The Individualist
Enneagram Type Fours as a member the heart based trio are sensitive and aware of themselves. They want to cultivate relationships, but may feel that they are not seen by those around and disassociated from their peers. Type Fours' core desire is to discover their unique identity and lead a meaningful, purposeful life.

This is usually achieved through eccentricity, niche interests, or artistic talent. These people are sensitive and tend to project these feelings onto others.

Type Fours who are called 4w3s may have a Five Wing that adds Three traits to their Four personality. This combination makes Type Fours more extroverted than other fours. Although they have the same need to explore themselves and their inner worlds, their focus will be on their feelings. Modeling, fitness, music, or teaching are some of the careers 4w3s choose. They can use their creativity and intuition in order to heal others.
Enneagram Six

Sixes tend to be responsible, conservative, and loyal. The Sixes are also logical, analytical and intellectual. And they spend a great deal of time preparing and worrying about the possible future. In order to do this, they will often ask many questions. This is not because of their insubordination or rebellion, but rather because they have to look at all angles.

Healthy Sixes have a good reputation for being reliable and trustworthy. They may get stuck on negative thought patterns if they are stressed and can focus too much on their fears.

Sixes desire two things above all: stability, and support. Most Sixes will find satisfaction in careers that involve caring for people and the community. Sixes could excel as policemen, firefighters, ER nurse or psychotherapists. They can also make excellent managers and leader. They tend to be more routine-oriented than any other Enneagram type.
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