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The Queue The Queue: XXL Gilled Burpito

The Queue is equally packed with questions and answers as it is hilarious jokes that are hard to comprehend.

Nina Katarina posed the following question:

The new Looking For Raid will be limited to 25-man sizes. How many tanks, healers and dps slots do you think LFR will require? The majority of guilds have two tanks, 5-8 healers, and the rest dps. Does this mean that we can stop the tank tyranny and make the healers the ones to receive instaqueues?

I for one am delighted with our new rulers that stack spirit.

It's interesting because some people were unhappy that Raid Finder wouldn't have a 10-man edition. But what they don't understand, is that the distribution of active WoW players is very close to the distribution of roles within a perfect 25-man team with two tanks and six healers, with the rest DPS. A 5-man team requires one tank for every one healer and three DPS. Likewise, the 25-man group requires one tank for each three to five healers and 12 DPS. It's a pretty clever solution, I'd say. However, we still don't know a lot about Raid Finder and it's hard to predict how it will affect the pet class/spec/role you choose.

all8280bcc asked:

Do you believe we'll see new arena equipment in patch 4.3.3 or in the next xpac update?

Historically, there's a new Arena season with every new raid tier.

D-back asked:

My Worgen Rogue just turned level 81. I've been slowly changing the gear of the Northrend on him but I can't wait for the random daily dungeon. I keep seeing "don't meet requirements" message. Is it because of ilvl? I replaced the older useless family heirlooms and have a few Northrend items.

Yes, the dungeons of Cataclysm are limited based on item level. Blackrock Caverns requires an average of 226 items to gain entry. Be aware that heirlooms may have an item level that is lower than 0 , and can affect your average. However you can offset this by carrying another object similar to the slot type in your bag. The item level is a way to check your bags.

I'd recommend a quick trip to the Auction House. You can determine the items that are at the lowest level are, and then spend a little gold to replace them. Also, you'll get quest rewards or cheap greens that can be used to counteract the trinket heirlooms of the helm, and the cloak.

Prelimar asked:

I've not been paying attention, so please forgive me if this has already been answered. But is it possible to transform PvP gear into your PE set and vice versa? Some of the PvP sets are fantastic and I would love to play with them. Some PvE sets would look amazing in BGs.

It is possible. Transmogrification is not affected by the stats of an item in the event that they aren't stats.

JonasB asked:

Will the Dragon Soul raid be tuned under the assumption that we have equipment from Dragon Soul Looking For Raid? Or will we be ok so long as we have equipment from Firelands/4.3 5mans?

This question or a variation of it is asked pretty much every time the new raid is due out. You must have an item spread that is at least the same as the normal mode of the previous tier in order to tackle a new quest efficiently. The minimum level of an item to enter Firelands for instance is 359, which is the level of equipment from Blackwing Descent and Bastion of Twilight. However, you can still do it wearing some 353s!

Becca asked:

I've been away from the sport, and haven't played in over one year. What is the current manner of conduct concerning need/greed/pass, particularly with PUGs?

Roll need if the item is an upgrade or has additional benefits over the one you currently wear. If the item is suitable for vanity or off-spec pieces, but you think that someone else in your group might be able use it, it's best to inquire before rolling need. Roll greedy on the item if you don't need it but are willing to take it even if it's not in use. If you want to break it down into enchanting materials, roll disenchant on it. If you want to spruce it up, place an animal on it.

Matrillik was asked:

Dawn Moore is nervous about her new boss, "Asira Dawnslayer", in Hour of Twilight? I would.

Please. Fox has been threatning to kill Dawn for like two years. I believe she's okay.

Xues was

In randoms, I've noticed that I'm seeing? in the past few days. for the server names. Are these players on private servers? Some of them have been kind of jerks, and I was curious about where they were from.

Private servers are not capable of connecting to the official servers. The question mark may be a communication issue or a UI glitch.

Trippy asked:

Can I make use of a single source item to transmog two items? For instance, will I be able to utilize Shadow's Edge to transmog both of my Reforged Trollbane's my warrior is dual-wielding? Or can Shadow's Edge only be used to transmog 1 Reforged Trollbane and would I need another Shadow's Edge to transmog my 2nd Reforged Trollbane. (And yes I am aware that you could only obtain 1 Shadow's Edge due to it being an item which requires a quest in order to obtain.)

Perhaps, but it is possible.

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