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c. Requirements for the Digital SAT

The digital SAT is taken at a test site on a Testing Device as defined below. It is administered on College Board’s Bluebook™ exam application (“Application”) that you will need to download to your Testing Device.

i. Preparing to Take the Digital SAT:
Step 1: You will need an eligible testing device (your “Testing Device") that connects to Wi-Fi. Eligible Testing Devices include: a personal or school-managed Windows laptop or tablet, personal or school-managed Mac laptop or iPad, or school-managed Chromebook. You cannot take the digital SAT on a mobile phone.
Operating System. You may need to update the operating system on your personal Testing Device in order to download and access the Application. Any changes to device and operating system requirements will be communicated to you before test day.

Borrowing a Testing Device. You may qualify to borrow a Testing Device from College Board or its partners if you submit a request for your test registration before the deadline. If so, additional rules relating to borrowing a Testing Device will apply to you and will become part of this Agreement. Submitting a request does not guarantee that College Board will provide you with a Testing Device. Test sites cannot provide you with a Loaned Testing Device on test day unless your request made for the test date was approved. If you are approved to borrow a Loaned Testing Device, we will make all reasonable efforts to provide you with such device on test day. However, we cannot guarantee that a Loaned Testing Device will be available on test day.

Step 2: You must download the Application from to your Testing Device before arriving at the test site. Students using a school-managed Testing Device must work with the school to get the Bluebook app installed before test day. Loaned Testing Devices provided at the test center will have Bluebook already installed.
Step 3: You must sign in to the Application using your College Board online account username and password, sign the Application Terms and Conditions, and complete exam setup before the test. The Application will generate your admission ticket once you complete exam setup.
Step 4: On test day, you must make sure your Testing Device is fully charged. If your Testing Device does not have at least 3 hours of battery life, you may wish to bring a portable charger. The test site is not responsible for device charging, and College Board cannot guarantee you’ll have access to an outlet to recharge your device. Students approved for extended time who are testing for longer than 3 continuous hours will be given the chance to access a power outlet at their test site.
Step 5: Once in your assigned testing room, you must complete exam check-in on your Testing Device and follow the instructions provided in the Application and by your proctor. You will need to connect to the test site’s Wi-Fi network and reconfirm that you are bound by these SAT Terms and Conditions before the test begins.
ii. Taking the Digital SAT: Each section of the digital SAT has two parts called modules. Once you move on from a module, you cannot return to any questions from it.
iii. Online Calculator for the Digital SAT: There is a calculator built into the Application for your use, but you may also bring an Acceptable Calculator (as described above in Section 1(b) to the digital SAT.
iv. Managing Your Time on the Digital SAT: The Application will have a timer that will count down the minutes and seconds remaining in each module. You can hide the timer, but once there are 5 minutes remaining, the timer will become visible until time is up. When time expires, your work will be automatically saved and submitted. You will not be able to keep working on a question after time expires. You are required to stay for the full duration of the test. You cannot end a module early or submit your answers before the timer runs out.
v. Answer Submission on the Digital SAT: You must enter your answers in the Application. You cannot work in any other program or application while the test is running, and you cannot paste work into the Application from another program or application. Attempting to open another application could result in score cancellation. You will not be submitting any handwritten work, and you will not be uploading any files or photos. You may not submit answers through any other method. Your answers are submitted when they are received by College Board. If your Testing Device is connected to the internet when the SAT ends, your answers will be automatically sent to College Board. If your device is NOT connected to the internet when the digital SAT ends, you will need to connect to the internet within 24 hours and follow directions in the Application.
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Regards; Team

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