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Immigration Debate
Studies prove that immigrants influence the economy and social conditions of a country. The increasing ratio of immigrants in a country, alarms the nationalists. Simultaneously, the business enterprise class is benefited with the service of the immigrants. The seek out the best impact of immigration, demands serious debate. The steps for changes in the immigration policy, is a sensational issue in america. Illegal immigration may be the most controversial issue in the USA

The people against immigration argue that immigration has lead to increase in unemployment and checks the privileges of its citizen. They say that the absence of immigrants will increase the job opportunities of the citizens, which can only help to increase wages. In addition they fear that their children will hesitate to take technical degrees due to competition in the field with immigrants. The immigration critics suspect the loyalty of the immigrants towards the country. They fear that the rise in the immigrant population affects the stability of the full total population. how long does uk visa take are not ready to share the privileges and natural resources with the non natives.

Immigration debate blows up once the other group strongly supports the necessity of immigration. The business enterprise people and some economists strongly think that immigrants actually helped to improve the economic conditions. They believe that high skilled professionals are crucial to meet your competition in the global market. They think about the job competition arguments as absurd since more immigrants are performing jobs which are rejected by the natives. They also point out that the absence of low wage labor will only lead to mechanization of the procedure rather than wage hike.

Immigration debate have not yet reached any acceptable conclusion. The government has to consider the argument of both the groups. However, steps against illegal immigration are to be encouraged as a way to ensure social security. Immigration debate has raised protests from immigrants. The guest work program is projected as a remedy. The consensus for the formulation of a fresh policy, which will address all of the immigrant issues, is expected to evolve as a result of the immigration debate.
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