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Write the Argo pack deciding that they are tiered of staying at camp half blood because of how most of the campers are treating Luke
Write about one of the former members of the Titan army Darcy a daughter of Nyx who was allowed to come back to camp half blood after the war because they were so young having a nightmare mare and asking their cabin counselor for Luke. Luke was like a father to the kids in the Titan army. Darcy was no exception he held her hand while she got her flu shots. The counselor an omega son of Nyx named Mac is hesitant he still thinks of Luke as a traitor. But Mac just sighs and goes to fetch Luke from the Poseidon cabin where the Argo pack decided to sleep
Write about one of the former members of the Titan army Darcy a daughter of Nyx who was allowed to come back to camp half blood after the war because they were so young having a nightmare mare and asking their cabin counselor for Luke. Luke was like a father to the kids in the Titan army. Darcy was no exception he held her hand while she got her flu shots. The counselor an omega son of Nyx named Mac is hesitant he still thinks of Luke as a traitor. But Mac just sighs and goes to fetch Luke from the Poseidon cabin where the Argo pack decided to sleep

Write about Percy having his his heat he doesn’t know what the protocol for an omega in heat was in camp Jupiter. He hasn’t had a heat since Sal was conceived since before he came to camp Jupiter. He goes to Dakota as he is the head alpha of the 5th cohort and Percy’s direct superior. It hits Percy that this is the first time in a long time that he is going to have to spend his heat alone. Except for the first few heats he had when he was young he had spent all his heats with Luke on the princess Andromeda. Dakota escorts Percy the omega barracks it’s actually the medical and supply corps dormitory but they are exclusively made up of omegas so everyone just refers to as the omega barracks. Dakota hands Percy off to the leader of the medical corps a kind omega named Jeremy. Percy notes that the the omega barracks are a lot smaller and not as open as the the cohorts barracks. each person has their own room and the living area was much cozier and less used than the community center that it was in the cohorts barracks. Jeremy gently explains Sal was being looked after by the other omegas and that he is going to be spending his heat in one of the spare rooms in the barracks and that he wasn’t to be alone with anyone except omegas especially not an alpha. Make it really long and explore what being an omega in camp Jupiter is like

Write about Percy getting dressed and Dakota coming to check on him Percy is wearing his pants but he doesn’t have his shirt on. Dakota spots the faded mating mark on Percy’s shoulder it was usually hidden underneath his shirt. Dakota asks and Percy just says that it’s from Sal’s alpha dad. Sal’s father Luke was dead he died saving Percy and although neither of them knew it at the time Sal too. by killing himself to stop Kronos.

Write about Mars showing back up to camp Jupiter to inform the camp about the Greek camp and how they were sending a flying ship called the Argo to to camp Jupiter. Percy is excited because now that he has his memory back he knows that he’s originally from camp half blood. Percy is also worried because he hid both the fact he was an omega and his relationship with Luke from Camp half bloods. Write Percy telling Frank and Hazel about his time a camp half blood and the Titan war. About Luke being the head alpha and leader of the titan army and Percy and Luke had to keep their relationship a secret. And how no one at camp half blood except for Luke knows that he is an omega. And that Percy didn’t even know that he was pregnant until after Hera kidnapped him.
Write about the Argo arriving at camp Jupiter. Camp Jupiter is happy to have Jason back as he used to be head alpha before he went missing. Annabeth tackled Percy when they reunited it had been a nearly a year since Percy went missing from camp half blood. Annabeth is surprised when Percy smells like an omega Percy had always said he was an alpha. Annabeth puts together that all those times Percy left camp to help a mortal friend out with their heat he was actually going through his own heat. Percy introduces camp Jupiter to Annabeth the beta daughter of Athena. Annabeth introduces Percy to Jason the alpha son of Jupiter Piper the alpha daughter of Aphrodite and Leo the beta son of Hephaestus. Annabeth asks Percy who Sal’s alpha father is but Percy isn’t ready to tell Annabeth that he was mated to Luke the one who had started the Titan war and was the leader of the Titan army.

Write about Athena going to spy on Sally Jackson in her apartment. Athena knows that Percy was at camp half blood over seeing the construction of the new cabins and Poseidon had his hands full in Atlantis dealing with the annual shark migration. Athena finds Sally asleep at her kitchen table with books and research notes scattered across the kitchen. Sally clearly used the kitchen as her main work space it made sense she and Percy lived in a small 2 bedroom apartment in New York the kitchen also doubled as both the dinning room and living room a small couch and tv tucked in to a corner with a fireplace. As Athena looked over Sally's work she realized what Sally was researching, rituals to honor the Mycenaean gods Specifically Poseidao.

Write about Athena going to spy on Sally Jackson in her apartment. Athena knows that Percy was at camp half blood over seeing the construction of the new cabins and Poseidon had his hands full in Atlantis dealing with the annual shark migration. When Athena enters the apartment the first thing she notices is the celestial bronze sword next to the door it must belong to Sally because Percy always carried his sword riptide with him in the form of a pen. Athena finds Sally asleep at her kitchen table with books and research notes scattered across the kitchen. Sally clearly used the kitchen as her main work space it made sense she and Percy lived in a small 2 bedroom apartment in New York. Athena notices a small alter next to the fireplace it was clearly dedicated to Poseidao with seashells a small horse figure a glass bottle of water Athena suspected was sea water and oddly a rock tumbler Athena had to admit it was a creative way of representing Poseidao's title of earth shaker. There were even some pictures of Percy and some of his school work that he had gotten good grades on in small stack on the alter next to a small wooden statue of Poseidao there was even a little drawing that was clearly done by Percy as a child things a child might give their parents. It dawns on Athena that Poseidao and Sally were still together even though they had to keep their relationship a secret and the alter was Sally's way of Percy know his father growing up. The alter had a place for offerings that was currently occupied by a plate of cookies dyed blue and a glass of wine. The alter also had a prayer candle that had with Poseidao's symbol carved in it the candle was recently lit. Make it really long

Write camp half blood meeting Sally Jackson for the first time. Percy showing her around. And the campers being confused how this average looking mortal woman caught the attention of a god.

Write about Percy stood in the throne room of Olympus the gods all in their thrones. The titan war was over Luke had stabbed himself to defeat Kronos who had possessed Luke's body. And all Percy could look at was Luke's dead body. Zeus seemed happy with Luke's death. Aphrodite could sense something was wrong but couldn't place what. That was until Percy had a break down over Luke's dead body pleading for Luke to wake up. Percy was sobbing over the alpha's body and Aphrodite spotted the mating bite on Percy's neck it was once covered by makeup but the makeup had been smeared in the battle. The gods find out that Luke and Percy were secretly together during the war. Luke was Percy's alpha and Percy an omega. Percy hid the fact that he was an omega not wanting to be perceived as weak. Only Luke, Percy's mom Sally, and Percy's godly father Poseidon knew that Percy was an omega. Percy is 19 and Luke was only a few months older than him. Zeus would be furious that Percy had loved the leader of the rebellion against the gods even if Percy fought for the gods. Most of the gods are more angry at Luke for defining their champion even after Luke sacrificed himself to save the world and demigods on both sides of the war. Aphrodite can't help but feel sorry for Percy. Percy is a young omega and losing a mate so young would be traumatic.

Write about after Percy's heat subsidies Percy tells Luke that he is going back to camp half blood. Percy tells Luke that he can't join the titan army not because he disagrees with what they are doing he agrees the gods were terrible and mistreated their demigod children especially the omegas. But because the he had to protect his friends at camp half blood. Luke says that he understands and that if Percy ever needs a safe place to ride out a heat he can just come to the princess Andromeda. To Luke's surprise Percy says that just because he isn't joining Luke's side doesn't mean they can't secretly hang out.telling to meet him at his apartment in New York 2 weeks after camp half blood's summer session ends. then Percy rubs his neck against Luke's senting the alpha an intimate gesture usually reserved for pack members. It hits Luke that because Percy hid his omega status he didn't have a proper pack. Percy dives off the ship into the ocean and swims back to camp half blood. When Percy arrives back to camp half blood and people ask where he's been he lies. Pretending to be an alpha as he always has at camp and says he was helping a mortal friend who needed an alpha to help them with their heat. some of the alphas congratulate Percy for getting some sweet omega tail and Percy is once again reminded how camp saw omegas. Make it really long and emotional
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