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Recently we have had several clients present for psychotherapy treatment who are court stipulated to a drug program because of drug charges. Needless to say this is no real surprise. But what's surprising is the level of charges and the customers we are seeing. For instance, among our clients could possibly be confused with virtually any other hockey mom (perhaps a recently available exception). She actually is white, upper middle class, college educated, and working in a professional position. And although she's drug trafficking charges, which certainly are a felony, the drugs she had in her possession were for private use and were prescription (needless to say she didn't have a prescription). What's even DOT physical best practices is that she didn't even have a month's way to obtain the pain killer for someone for whom they could have been prescribed. The objective of this article is to shed light on a few of the risks currently being taken by those abusing prescription medications.

Prescription drug abuse may be the number one reason behind drug related death in Florida. In accordance with a New York Times article dated June 14, 2008, the "Medical Examiners Commission discovered that the rate of deaths caused by prescription drugs was 3 x the rate of deaths due to all illicit drugs combined." (Cave, D.). Yet this is often not enough to dissuade new users from trying, and becoming physically influenced by, prescription pain medications. Even high profile deaths including Heath Ledger and Anna Nicole Smith have little impact on those abusing the substance. This is largely a result of substance abusers believing they are invulnerable and the false belief they have a feeling of control over their ingestion of substances.

Learn more here who use or abuse opiate based pain medications aren't even alert to its dependence potential. Most pain medications are made from opium or a synthetic opiate, that is exactly the same main ingredient in heroin. Although tolerance (the necessity for more of the substance to achieve the desired effect) and withdrawal (physical and psychological symptoms resulting from the absence of the substance) take longer to develop in prescription drugs, physical dependence can and frequently does develop. But the purpose of this short article would be to discuss drug law.

It is probably best to start with the cheapest of crimes, simple possession of a substance. In this state the initial offense is around twelve months incarceration and a fine as high as $1000.00. A second offense is incarceration for not less than 15 days no more than 24 months, and a minimum fine of $2500.00. A third offense results in at the very least 90 days in jail no more than three years, and a minimum fine of $5000.00. The penalties for cocaine base are much harsher, and penalties may vary depending on the type of drug.

What's often misunderstood may be the difference between possession and trafficking. It could seem to the common reader that trafficking involves moving large levels of a substance, or at least selling it to another individual. This is not the case. Trafficking charges are often based on weight. The weight for trafficking prescription medication is 28 grams. Now when this is applied to cocaine, it appears fair enough. 28 grams of cocaine will be a lot, and it may be reasonable to say it person is selling the drug. But 28 grams of a pain medication such as for example Percocet can be as little as 6 or 7 pills. And far of the weight of Percocet pills result from Tylenol. But when a person is caught with prescription medication that's not theirs, the intent is irrelevant to charges.

Trafficking charges, even for a first offense, can carry a penalty of up to 25 years in prison. Even when the sentence is lighter (probation, house arrest, treatment) the offender is labeled a felon for the others of these lives. This affects their rights, ability to get and maintain employment, also to live a productive life.

In a social psychology class this author teaches on the psychology of drug abuse, unfair drug laws are often discussed. This is in the disproportionate penalties facing minorities. This is best illustrated by the sentencing of crack, versus regular cocaine. Simply put, crack penalties for one gram mean 100 grams of powder cocaine. Additionally it is a the fact that 50% of our prison population is for non-violent drug offenses. It appears a few of the sentencing laws are unfair.

I am not attempting to excuse illicit and self destructive behavior. But to even consider sentencing someone addicted to pain medication or other prescription drugs to prison and otherwise seriously damaging their life seems harsh. If any reader is interested in being active in reducing these mandatory sentencing guidelines, they can contact FAMM, which works to change some of the unfair drug laws.

The purpose of this short article would be to educate readers and also require a family member abusing prescription substances to some of the risks. These risks include possible physical dependence, overdose and death risk, and, what is often overlooked and may be the main point of this article, incarceration and felony conviction for even relatively small amounts of a medication with out a prescription.

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