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Chapter one
I got out of the car and opened the trunk to get my bags. They seemed heavier now than they did putting them in. Everyone thinks I'm ready, but I'm not. I look at my mom and dad. I'm more worried that they're not ready to be honest.
"Well... guess this is it" I say as tears fill my eyes but I try my best to keep them in their place.
"Oh honey, we know you'll do positively fantastic." Mom, overenthusiastic as always. Dad makes up for her by giving me a slight smile but not saying anything. The silence is comforting, reminds me that even though my life is changing, not everything in it has to change.
I start toward the school, praying that I will be able to find my dorm without having to ask some sketchy senior.
"um excuse me I'm a freshmen. I just got here and I need to sign in, and get my paperwork for my dorm room. Are you the lady I'm supposed to ask about this?"
"Yep yep yep I am I am. You came to the right place"
"ugh shes one of those" I groan internally. Can't she see I'm having an emotional breakdown?
"Here's your key, and your room number is two sixte-"
"Yep thanks" I interrupt. I get out of there as fast as I can, hoping she rubs her perkiness off on anybody other than me. I walk toward the elevator I walk inside and press floor 2 after I'm all set I realize I don't even know my room number I was to worried about getting away from her I didn't even listin. with me in the elevator is a guy who looks like he is a senior. He's tall, has on fleek hair, and has the bluest eyes. he cetches me looking at him, He gives me this rediculusly cute nod. then he has this sort of little smirk on his face. At that moment I know collage will be better then I thought ;)
chapter 2
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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