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Chemistry, Nutritional Supplements Or Whole Foods - TO KEEP the Health Tripod, Body-Mind-Spirit
Increasingly, as if you will find a "new" discovery parade for the latest cure-all, probiotics attended again to the forefront. As I read the varying articles and studies, I'm struck by what lengths afield we have come from normal, common sense.

In order to maintain a sound body, there is a tripod of health: body, mind, and spirit. Knock out one leg of that stool, and the stool topples over. Probiotics, diet, health supplements address only the "body" leg of the health tripod. So let's start there.
Anything taken externally, whether it's natural or medical (chemical or surgical) to get the physical, has only ever been intended as temporary support until we have regained or achieved the necessary consciousness to support complete and perfect health; much as you might use a crutch to recuperate from a broken leg. When the leg is healed, we throw the crutch away once we should throw the supplements and medications away.

The body knows how exactly to be well and healthy, as this is its natural and inherent state. Think about all the times you've had a cold, or the flu or a cut or bruise. They always go away. The body, developed by Infinite Intelligence, doesn't need to discover how to be well, but rather is always striving to come back to health, its normal set-point. Our job, as a conscious human being, is to make the choices - our choices - that support Life. That is to say choices which are probiotic.

These choices, if we are living naturally and following our internal prompts, always feel good, fun, joyful, and delicious. The body, itself, tells us what it requires regarding nutrition; and we, if we have been listening and aware, then eat those foods. The body tells us when it is tired and needs rest; if we have been listening and living naturally, we drift off and awaken refreshed. Your body tells us when it is cold; and if we are listening, we go inside, don a coat or sit by the fire. The body tells us when we are full; if we have been listening, we cease eating, pleasantly satiated. The body because of its Innate Intelligence - the life span Force that enlivens it, is constantly directing us if we are listening.

This same Innate Intelligence or Life Force exists in all living things: animal, vegetable and mineral. It simply may be the "spirit" leg of the heath tripod. So it is essential that we focus on the still small voice within guiding us in all things, including health, always towards our good.

The "mental" element of the tripod is where all the trouble begins and ends. The human mind with its hubris and arrogance believes that it is the infinite intelligence instead of our spirit Infinite Intelligence (knowing). The human mind is what confounds and complicates everything, over-shouting the still small voice every chance it gets. The human mind will argue with the info of Innate Intelligence that people don't have time and energy to eat, or we can not afford to eat healthy food, or that we don't possess time to be home resting. The human mind will argue that a vitamin supplement is really a quick fix, a "professional" knows a lot more than I do; that in a choice between ethics and money, money wins. The human mind will tell you firmly to stay in the job your hate, because the money is good; and it'll tell you firmly to take the "safe" road, since it is afraid and lives in the land of Lack. They are the decisions that we make every day that lead us into life-style and relationships which are as toxic to the body and chemicals are.

For instance, as science attempts to unravel the secrets of good nutrition and health, they omit or ignore or discount the idea of Infinite Intelligence or Life Force, because they hardly understand It and cannot quantify It. Therefore, they think that by isolating certain nutrients, that the benefits of that nutrient are complete in relationship to the biological body and cells. For example, scientists study, let's say, Vitamin C. They isolate it out from its original state that it is within, let's say, an orange. They identify it by its chemical composition and name it Vitamin C of a particular type. Then a nutritional company or perhaps a drug company will duplicate that chemical complex and manufacture it synthetically and patent it. Why? As you cannot patent the Vitamin C in an orange, but if you create your own synthetic clone of it, it is possible to patent that and then sell it as "a vitamin supplement". It's about money; and the marketing is about causing you to believe - unlike your personal knowing and Innate Intelligence (good sense), that it's easier to buy the pill rather than simply eat the whole food, the orange. This whole process is the human mind process; not good sense, not Innate Intelligence, rather than your Knowing.

This brings us back to the "body" portion of the health tripod. Everything we do to and for the physical body to keep or even to regain physical health. These things include medicine, alternative therapies, nutrition, supplements, and the meals we eat.

So let's go back to the clone of Vitamin C which is not Real Vitamin C. To start with, it's been separated out of its natural habitat of the orange and no longer gets the synergistic benefits of the rest of the nutrients found within that Infinite Intelligence-created orange. Another nutrients within the orange were gathered together by Infinite Intelligence in the orange with the Vitamin C to work together one with the other - such as a symphony shall we say. Altogether they release their blessings of nutrition to the buyer in a concert. One triggers another, one enhances another, and within the body, they trigger certain enzymes or other mechanism to break it down sufficient reason for nutritional perfection and elegant harmony are absorbed into the body where they nourish and sustains the cells, the fundamental building block of your body. This can be the symphony of naturally occurring whole foods in the act of nourishing the living body. The clone does not have any idea of the music.

While it is not quite the stuff of Frankenstein for science to understand food and nutrition in relationship to the body, it really is when these elements are separated out from the Whole Picture and peddled to convey the same efficacy as the Real thing, that they cannot do. Recall for get more info : he was patchwork parody of the true human, not elegantly Real.

When these synthetically created nutritional clones are ingested into the Real body, your body in fact does not recognize them and either sloughs them off (every wondered why your urine is indeed bright yellow if you are taking nutritional vitamin supplements ) or they're treated as toxins. If your body identifies them as toxins (foreign substance), it'll attempt to avoid it from your body or surround it with fat cells much like putting the bad guy into solitary confinement. [Did you ever wonder why we are so fat in such large numbers?] Appears to me, via good sense, my own Innate Intelligence exactly like yours, that the more toxins - synthetically/chemically produced foods (neo-nutrition) we eat, the more toxins your body is attempting to deal with and so produces the fat to surround and contain them to safeguard the vital organs of your body. The living body's single imperative, after all, is to live. That is basic biology 101.

The rube is that most of the food available for consumption grown here in america is synthetically altered in a few fashion. First the seed, itself, is genetically modified from its original Infinite Intelligent state. Monsanto did a grave and potentially catastrophic disservice to the world by altering seed - again for the reason why of patent - in order that now farmers have to buy seed every year.

Haven't you noticed that you can't grow a new corn crop from the old corn seed or that this year's tomato seed will not grow a next generation of tomato? My very own Innate knowing noticed this phenomenon years ago and thought then that this was very strange. Especially when the natural process of pollination would have eventually - by evolution - evolved a new seed that has been adapted to a particular climate or locality or pest. Once more, it's the mandate of most living things - Life Force, Innate Intelligence - to call home. And by doing this, living naturally and organically, every living thing will change and become naturally stronger and more resilient to its environmental challenges or perish. In the human body, this job is particularly handled by the immune system.

All you have to do is turn to the cock roach to see the amazing ability of Infinite Intelligence to adapt forever (probiotic). It is this very procedure for adapting and changing to environmental challenges - evolution they called it in high school - that creates the nutrition - antioxidants for instance - that people ingest through eating a whole food, that helps our bodies meet their own environmental challenges.

However, due to these genetically modified seeds that want chemicals in the proper execution or herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers to cultivate, the essential nutrition that we require to be healthy is currently absent from these food; and in addition, these foods contain much more toxins (synthetic chemicals) that we ingest into our bodies. These are not whole foods; they're corrupted foods.

Due to these corruptive foods, leading line digestive and immune systems are seriously compromised. When the digestive system is compromised, we can not be nourished. Once the immune system is compromised, we fight disease.

That's where the recent surge popular for organically grown, non-genetically modified foods has arisen. Simply put, organic, whole, Real foods contain much more potent and available nutrition for our bodies to use; and they come filled with Innate Life Force along with without toxins. Studies prove that these foods are up to 60% higher in available nutrition than industrially grown foods.

The long term ramifications of synthetically grown foods are actually evident by the amount of Americans that are sick. Diabetes has become a "life style" complete with its own magazines for diabetic living. Immune diseases are epidemic: multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome to mention but a few rather than to say cancer and heart-related disease. Every one of these dis-eases can be directly traced back again to our food supply and the resulting epidemic of malnutrition in Americans and the toxin load.

Better living can't be found through chemistry with regards to health, food, nutrition and the surroundings. Synthetic chemistry and its own manipulation for profit makes corporations rich, farmers poor, and kills people.

By about 40 years, the body begins to show the effects of this deadly mix of slow poisoning with the accumulation of toxins compounded by years of malnourishment. The drip, drip, drip effect reaches critical mass and the body cannot manage any more, cannot cope, and begins to breakdown showing myriad outward indications of dis-ease. Nutrition is what your body uses to correct and rejuvenate itself, but minus the proper nutrition produced from whole foods, the cells themselves cannot restore, renew or replenish to their natural state of health. Toss on the load of accumulated toxins, and it is, "Houston, we have a problem."

This brings us to rebalancing the Health Tripod.

The medical world has evolved into a lucrative business of treating symptoms of disease with more synthetic drugs with no intention of addressing the cause. This is a mindset of sickness, not wellness. At its core medicine believes neither in the essential Infinite Intelligence of your body nor its ability to heal itself. But rather as its centerpiece are sickness, disease and decay.

Alternative health methodologies tend to be more inclined to honor the Infinite Intelligence of your body and treat symptoms of dies-ease with probiotic methods: moving energy (Life Force) in your body, support with herbs and nutrition in addressing the physical complaint. In addition most of these modalities will, to greater or lesser degrees, address the other two legs of the Tripod: mind and spirit as well. All these methods are healthy, as long as the mind leg of the tripod believes and does know this as well. If you don't believe in the Infinite Intelligence of your body, you should choose medical treatment.

Because of the medical model heavily influencing our Western thought, even alternative therapies have adopted "medicine-like" models for treatment of dies-ease, such as for example prescribing supplements and herbal remedies for regular use. But these shouldn't be taken as "medicine" on a long term basis, but rather used intermittently to support your body until body/mind/spirit regains balance.

This brings us to the present phase in American healthcare, which is the onslaught of "supplements". But once more, the consumer should be educated and cautious, as some of these are the products of the chemical laboratory too, and not the merchandise of whole grown food. As previously discussed, these "nutritions" when isolated from their synergistic fellows in the complete food form do not supply the same healthful effects to the body. They are generally more chemistry and always minus the support of all of those other nutritional army within a whole food. This is largely what you see on the shelves at the drug store, the vitamin store and online. They're a poor relation to natural whole food nutrition. And remember, your body may identify these as toxins as well, sloughing them off or storing them in fat, but definitely not imparting any Real nutrition to the body for use.

Here is where the consumer must take responsibility for his/her own health insurance and come to understand the options clearly: synthetic chemistry, synthetic supplements, or whole organic food and whole food superfood supplements.

No more can we afford to be ignorant of what is on offer to us out there for "health" benefits. You need to be intelligent and use your personal good common sense for regaining and maintaining optimum health.

Two things are required, fundamental and essential, for complete and perfect health: 1. complete pure untainted available nutrition; 2. your body's capability to process and absorb the nutrients.

1. Complete, pure and untainted nutrition comes from organically grown whole foods, period.

a. Buy organically grown/raised foods whenever and whenever we can in the widest variety possible. Try growing some of your own. There's a reason that foods can be found with seasonality. Infinite Intelligence has provided us the vast and complete selection of nutrients our bodies need for cellular health with a veritable buffet of foods: animal, vegetable, and fruits in balance and moderation, and much more importantly, as your system uniquely informs you.

b. When buying a supplement, you need to determine that it is, in fact, a complete food supplement. Quite often they are called superfoods. A working definition of superfood may be any food that is high in enzymes, phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, Chlorophyll, and antioxidants. In a perfect world the goal would be to be free from anything manufactured and acquire complete nutrition from your wide spectrum variety of whole food selections. A word of warning: ensure that the whole food supplement, the superfood, is organic.

2. Probiotics are essential to the absorption and assimilation of whole food nutrition.

1. First of all, the "new" probiotic supplements aren't some new invention or creation of modern science. They are natural, living organisms which are found in the digestive tract. In fact, they are found in the intestinal tract of each creature that digests food and makes waste. Probiotics (good bacteria) are given to us naturally by Infinite Intelligence in whole plant foods (vegetables, fruits and grains).

2. It is most significant to comprehend, is that probiotics are living organisms with a life, a function and a mission. Their function could very well be to say they are leading line troops of one's body's disease fighting capability. In the digestive tract it really is their job to keep any "bad" bacteria in balance. When "bad" bacteria are out of balance and in charge, your body cannot absorb nor assimilate the nutrition required for Innate Intelligence to revive the body to perform and perfect health

3. Probiotics aid in the digestion and elimination of waste materials from the body. If the body is not eliminating its waste and toxins, they are stored, via fat; and in the colon, if not eliminated completely, setup an environment of decay: the perfect culture for dis-ease.

4. Warning: probiotic is word used on labels now to make you buy.

First, the product itself must be organic (yogurt, kefir, kambucha). Second the cultures should be LIVE.

5. If you are investing in a superfood enriched with probiotics as a supplement (addition); then once more, ensure that the superfood is organic and that the probiotics have been cultured in sunlight (not killed by heat); and they haven't been cultured from fecal matter.

Just like with vitamin supplements, manufactured probiotics are present in the market place as well. When a manufacturer can identify a probiotic in nature (in food), it isolates it by its chemical composition and manufactures it synthetically, patents it and provides it a patented name. Much like synthetically created vitamins, patented probiotics will be treated by your body as yet another foreign substance. Your body then has to either discharge and eliminate it, or store it in fat. The supposed "cure" has just added to the problem.

Since the digestive tract is the most significant place where nutrition is either absorbed and assimilated and made available for cellular health or not, it is a particularly sinister place to introduce synthetics, because neither will the nutrition be made available to the body nor if the body have to deal with another chemical impostor of the true.

It is appalling if you ask me that we find ourselves in this place in the year 2008. What's more I cannot understand how we're able to be so morally bankrupt as to arrive at methodically poisoning our people with regard to money. But the truth of the matter is that each of us has to take charge of our very own health and wellness no longer entrust it to "others."

The formula to regain and maintain health until you die is easy: body, mind, spirit. And the rule is that when anybody of the three becomes out of balance, the stool falls.

You almost certainly will address your wellbeing only when you notice a physical symptom, but that is your opportunity to address the mind and spirit aspects of your life, as well; for one or both of those aspects are out of sync if your system is ill.

We are a being. In the same way the knee bone is linked to the shin bone, the body is connected to your brain is linked to the spirit. Your body is merely the casing that contains mind and spirit for a physical adventure here on the planet; and I think you'll concur that without health, the physical experience is significantly less than optimal, to be sure.

If you are attempting to regain (or maintain) your God-given state of complete and perfect health, you should use what methods and practices that you are feeling are correct and appropriate to support your physicality whilst you do the necessary explorations in mindset and spirit, bringing you back to your perfectly balanced Health Tripod.

What we think, what we believe is what we experience. With the knowledge of a thing that is unpleasant and not fulfilling comes the opportunity to release the beliefs and mindsets that got us here, also to choose new thoughts and new ideas that are probiotic - pro Life - and support us in complete and perfect health. THE COMPLETE Tripod.

One final note: we have been dynamic beings, therefore constantly changing. The necessity to pay attention (be aware) and make conscious choices moment to moment is the essential job of spirituality and self-mastery, which a prolonged process. You never take action.

Applying your spirit, hearing the Innate Intelligence within, will always cause you to your good. Always.

Kathy Kirk was raised gardening in Ohio and Pennsylvania. She has a BS Degree from Cornell University in business. Currently she lives in the trunk country of NORTH PARK County where she grows organic herbs and garlic. In the past she has formulated her very own skin care and nutrition from her very own garden. Now Kathy is an Independent Representative for One Group and the Miessence, Mivitality and MiEnviron products, including the Superfood Probiotic InLiven, Fast Track Liquid Probiotic, and Berry Radical Antioxidant - all whole food superfoods and certified organic. Miessence and MiVitality comprise the initial extensive range of 100% Natural Certified Organic Personal Care Products in the world which are certified organic by both Australian Government and the USDA. Plus they are formulated to food grade standards. more info is committed to being a voice of good sense in the "green" world and supporting others in trusting their own good common sense. It is possible to read her other articles at her blog Her website is [] where you could shop the Miessence products. Kathy can be reached at [email protected] and she welcomes you, your questions and comments.
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