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How To Dress SUCH AS A Diva
The term "Diva" has traditionally been useful to describe celebrities, both the look of them and their "greater than life" attitude. But anyone can be a Diva, not necessarily and therefore you force someone to sort out the colors of M&M's as you only want to eat the red ones, but the powerful attitude that accompanies these ladies in regards to their appearance. Here are the main 5 steps to dressing like a Diva:

1. The Top: If you are wearing a dress, you've just eliminated a step in the process of Diva Dressing, as #2 and #3 are combined for you personally. "Tight" and "Low-cut" are two words traditionally connected with our term, but this is not always the case. The painted on components of clothing that these women wear is sometimes created just for them and/sewn for this function (sometimes sewn directly onto them). One word that can describe the top of preference of nearly all Diva's is "seductive". But this term typically means something very different to everyone, for it's more of a subconscious feeling than a genuine description. The color and the style may differ immensely, but the important thing is this: Nothing gets the same affect on everyone. To be safe, a good color top works best. Red is a power color that grabs attention, while black is known as mysterious. White triggers thoughts of purity (and is why so many Diva's don't use it a lot, as they usually get ridiculed by the press). Purple is a color of royalty, while pink in every of it's wondrous shades is known as to be very feminine. Blue could make onlookers feel depressed or saddened. Green makes people think of hospitals. But no color can look Divaesque if the very best chosen is completely wrong for your physique. Be open to numerous different style options, as no Diva would go out looking such as a fool.

2. The Bottom: Skirts, gauchos, jeans, slacks- all choices that require your consideration and are all worn by Divas. Unless you have a cosmetic surgeon to remove every tiny bump or bulge at different times of the month, an individual trainer, or just don't drink water for weekly before you plan on dressing for the occasion, skin-tight might not be the best response to your undying concern of picking the perfect bottom. The overall rule is this: If your top is known as to be "tight-fitting", you may want to go along the lines of a "flowy" bottom. Exactly the same is true on the reverse- a tighter bottom will probably look better with a bit of a roomier top. Remember, no Diva looks like a fool.

3. The Shoes: Finally, the most important part of dressing such as a Diva. Flats are out, but bring them in the event of an emergency, like your car runs out of gas, leaving you stranded on the road and forced to walk 2 miles in 5-inch stilettos. Not a good scenario. Understand that the Diva's we know, love and admire have employees that will walk the two 2 miles for them. We have been not that lucky, so we need to improvise. Just pack a couple of flats and keep them in the car. Anyways, sexy high heels like stilettos will be the ultra-high, super-skinny heel, and the best way to go---as long as you know how to walk inside them. Unless you know, learn. Practice all night prior to going out for the evening, for no Diva would be caught walking in a set of sexy shoes they can't walk up and down stairs in. Shoes of preference can have a bit of bling on them, but you don't want them to be the center of one's ensemble. "Oh my God, I love those (well thought out, complimenting to your outfit) shoes!" is really a compliment and should be studied as one. "How will you walk in those?" is not actually a compliment, but it can be if you have were able to walk gracefully throughout the evening. You just have to figure out if the individual stating the comment is jealous or in disgust. It usually is tough to tell with females, so good luck.

4. The Hair: When you think of the word "Diva", the very first thing that will most likely pop into your mind is, ironically enough, hair. Whichever generation you're from, you can identify with the lustrous locks that draw the necessary attention connected with Diva status. Cher and her infamous wigs (does anyone really know very well what her real hair appears like?); Diana Ross and those carefree curls; Tina Turner and her sophisticated shag; Christina Aguilera , with her blonde bombshell look of whatever she feels like at that time. What do these fine ladies all have as a common factor? A colossal budget specified for doing their doo.

If tremendously-long tresses are everything you have in mind, as well as your current hairstyle is somewhat short, you have two really have only 3 options: First, you can get hair extensions. The downside to this would of course be the immense cost of creation. Having an average cost of $500 (without dying it to the color of your choice), the common budget just will not be able to cover this cost. Second, you could get a wig, but a high-quality headpiece that will not make you appear to be a clown (or Hulk Hogan) could cost you more than extensions. Thirdly, you can wait to dress like a Diva until your hair gets longer. If none of the ideas are viable options for you, you are going to need to work with everything you have.

Every length of hair qualifies as "Diva-able", not just long. Consider Madonna and her pre-Kabala days of short hair, with slightly edgy curls "crazy-glued' to her face. Add a touch of glitter gel or hair mascara (select a temporary color...for those who hate it), and BAM! T here is a Diva-Doo! Hair jewels are another thought, but you really need to think about it like your accessories-you don't wish to be so "blingy" that you start throwing off the flight patterns of nearby aircraft.

For medium length hair, adding some glitter gel, curvaceous curls, and/or fancy clips provides some glamour to your look. A little bit of contrasting, temporary color won't hurt your cause, either. In the event that you normally part your own hair in the centre, part it privately. If you usually part your own hair on the side, why don't you try parting it in the centre? Your hair, just like the rest of you, gets caught in a pattern of what it does, so by altering it, you're adding some zest and fervor to a traditionally tame style. Regardless of the style or length, be sure to carry a purse-size hairspray to help keep your style looking fresh all day long (or night).

5. The Accessories: Adding a "bit of bling" to your ensemble goes quite a distance in your quest for Divahood. Over-doing it is something that the original Diva's will be ridiculed for in the press. "Maybe she's trying to flag down the mother ship and get back again to her planet of origin" will be a likely comment from the entertainment media, so our respected Diva's have specialized help when it comes to this area. Yes, many of them hire someone designed for this purpose. If you don't have several thousand dollars hanging around and nothing else related to it, you're by yourself. Here's a little bit of advice.

- While "simple" sells, it generally does not exactly put you into the status of Divaness. Think Scarlett Johansson on the Red Carpet when you think "Un-Diva" and Britney Spears, Diana Ross and/or Mariah Carey on it when you think of "Diva". No matter if you can't stand a melodic remember that pours out of Mariah's mouth, you need to admit that "all eyes are on her behalf" when she walks right into a room.

- If you're choosing colossal, rhinestone earrings, keep the necklace of choice in good taste. Exactly the same goes for the contrary. Should you have a chain of bling which you have to drape around your neck, the earrings shouldn't be "over the top", especially if your own hair is short or within an up-do. Longer hair that covers earrings provides little extra leeway on wearing diamond-studded dangles or huge hoops.

- Shoes are believed by many to be more than something that keeps the feet enclosed and safe from stepping on glass along with other unmentionables. The perfect pair of shoes could possibly be the final accessory to tying together your outfit of choice. Think about that whenever picking out your bling.

Article courtesy of . Margaret Harper writes for a number of subjects including health, fashion and sexy high heel shoes [] and owns over 50 pairs of high heel shoes. Her collection of stiletto heels [] includes nearly every color, but is reportedly still incomplete. Read more on the Shoe Blog [] for articles, stories and fashion advice.
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