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We are all busy people. And for reasons uknown we have a tendency to deal with things that are urgent however, not important before we spend time on those things which are not urgent yet important. That alone might explain our tendency toward the fast-paced busyness that defines our lives. Because we are so caught up in those urgent little information on life I wanted to make a simple package that could help prepare you for all those rare, yet life-altering events that catch us by surprise rather than in a good way. Nassim Nicholas Taleb, an expert in financial derivatives and the writer of the hugely successful book The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, would argue that it's far more beneficial for one's survival to pay close focus on, and prepare for those things which are unlikely to happen but would have an enormous impact over those things which occur frequently but are of little consequence that you experienced, relatively speaking.

For example, it's strongly suggested to have some type of fire insurance on your house and/or possessions. Despite the fact that it's unlikely your home and everything in it will rise in smoke, it would be devastating to have to replace everything from scratch. On the other hand, many people spend lots of time dealing with calls and e-mails that are not important and have little to no impact on their productivity, safety or well-being.

The purpose of this guide is not to tell one to stop wasting time on unimportant things, there are enough voices for the reason that choir already, the purpose is to give you some ideas on how best to fit in a few critical tasks that may give you piece of mind now and in rough times. As this is an evolving process, I encourage your feedback and comments.

1. The Emergency Kit

Some people refer to this as a Bug Out Bag or BOB. There are always a million variations on this and plenty of lists available online if you have the time and desire to go searching for them and in addition have enough time and money to go searching for the items to put in your kit. I am working on my very own kit for about a year now and I often feel it's incomplete. I made a decision to create something very simple that many people could come up with with items within their home already in order to avoid the dangerous and paralyzing procrastination surrounding the production of an emergency kit.

The fastest way to do this is to buy a kit already made. Both disadvantages with a ready-made kit are that the kit is a one size fits all and it might not fit you, and it's likely quite expensive. Feel free to go online for a ready made kit in order to skip this step, otherwise read on.

There are three important elements that we have to survive. Shelter, water and food. For some reason it's typically written as food, water and shelter which is strange because that's actually in the reverse order worth focusing on. Why is shelter first, you ask? Consider the rules of three. The average person may survive for three weeks without food, three days without water and around three hours without protection from the elements. Therefore shelter is always your priority. Shelter can take many forms from a roof over your head to your shoes and clothing. No matter what the weather there is some type of risk because of exposure. In the summertime the risk is from the sun by means of a sunburn or heatstroke or rapid dehydration. A sunburn is an injury to your skin that uses your body's resources to fight the injury, resources which are very valuable in a higher stakes situation. In the spring and fall rain or other water sources are a menace, soaking your clothes and other valuable survival items to keep you warm and safe. In prolonged contact with cold water or when the temperatures drop at night, wet clothing can easily result in hypothermia and death without adequate treatment. I don't believe I need to enter the risks of exposure in the winter, especially the Canadian winters where I live.

Water is fairly straightforward, but where do you get clean normal water if you can't turn on the tap or break open a fresh bottle of spring water? Most of us are surrounded by water that we can't drink as well as use to bathe so we need to either carry water, that is heavy and can quickly run out, or we have to devise ways to clean the water without a complex filtration system. Unless of course you fancy carrying around a filtration system and have one in your closet right now.

Food is a nice luxury within an emergency situation. We'll cover it a little bit but for short-term emergencies it's not the highest priority.

These three elements give a good idea what simple things it is possible to throw into your emergency kit that could be lying throughout the house or can be purchased on the way home from work tomorrow. Take into account that this kit will outfit a couple of adults and you'll have to make adjustments to consider other family member's needs.

You don't need a special bag to put these things in if you don't have one. A backpack is best but even a pillowcase or fabric shopping bag will suffice. As long as you put the kit within an an easy task to reach place you ought to be able to evacuate your home or office in 30 seconds or less.

If you are really tight for time here's the smallest amount for a basic kit:

o Bottle of water

o Emergency blanket

o 2 methods for starting a fire

o A good knife

o Chocolate or perhaps a few hard candies

o A bit of cash (whatever you can spare)

Everything else is gravy so start adding items as you think of them. Here are several suggestions for a more robust kit:


o A tarp or tent, when you have one. A few ropes or bungee cords are helpful here but not required.

o OR a few heavy duty garbage bags are better than nothing. Be sure they are the really heavy ones rather than the regular bags. You may be using your supplies hard within an emergency and you also want them to last so long as possible.

o Hat, mitts and scarf

o Pair of warm socks (cotton isn't warm but wool is)

o A foil emergency blanket is warm, compact and waterproof. You almost certainly don't have a few lying around the house, so I recommend buying one for each family member. They are not expensive, are no problem finding and take up very little space. Failing that, throw in a sleeping bag or perhaps a blanket. Wool is most beneficial but whatever you have will suffice for now.


o A few bottles of normal water. These can be reused to collect more water later.

o And/or a water filter system, for those who have one. You'll still need 2 bottles, someone to gather dirty water and another to put clean water into. Never mix up your bottles or you'll contaminate your drinking supply.

o Water purification tablets, or household bleach (not the type for fabric) or iodine. Once you've added these items to your kit spend a couple of minutes learning what quantity of chemical to add to the water. Too much could make you sick but too little can make you even more sick. Write down the directions for the clean water potion and keep it with your kit because you're bound to forget the formula.

o Small, clean cloth to greatly help filter water from a raw source.


o Compact, high energy snacks that don't require water or cooking like nuts or power bars.

o Hard candies

o Chocolate (careful, it melts!)

Other Necessities

o A sharp, good quality knife. You cannot do much of anything without this. In fact, it is possible to pack nothing but a good knife and survive in any situation. It is the one thing you might not already have in the home that you will have to buy. In the meantime, create a quick and dirty cardboard sheath for a vintage kitchen knife and throw that in your kit. You really should have a knife sharpener too or at the very least ensure your kitchen knife has already been sharp. A Swiss Army style knife will also make due here. A locking blade is preferred but any knife is better than no knife.

o A method to start multiple fires. There is a saying by survivalists that three is two, two is one and one is none. You need at least two resources of fire in your kit. Grab some matches and a lighter to start. You might also want to smear several cotton balls with Vaseline and put them in your kit (in a container of course). Fluff up the ball when you need it and you'll get a nice firestarter from it. It only takes another to do. There are many other ways to start fires and you can add those tools down the road to be able to.

o A metal container or tin-foil to boil water so that you can purify it. Tin foil is a superb addition to any kit because it has many uses. Fold it up right into a small packet also it takes up very little space.

o Duct tape. I'm sure you're alert to many uses because of this. Instead of going for a whole roll use a straw, chopstick or pencil (could also be used for writing) and roll your own mini roll so that you don't take up an excessive amount of space or weight in your bag.

o Fishing line and a hook or paper clips. You should use the line to tie down a tarp, repair something or to catch dinner. It's light and occupies very little space.

o Some cash or other styles of payment. You're likely to still be in or near an urban centre when something goes wrong so it is a good idea to carry a couple of different types of payment with you. You may want credit cards although cash is (almost) always accepted so put up to it is possible to in your emergency kit. Even if you only have $20 to spare today put that in and put in a reminder into your calendar to add more on payday. You might need it to get food or water for the family in which to stay a motel a ways out of town and soon you find other sleeping arrangements.

o Medicine. If you or perhaps a family member require medication make sure to pack enough for weekly or even more and check the expiry every 4-6 months and rotate your stock.

o First Aid Supplies. You may want a few bandages, polysporin then one to clean wounds. A small cut is generally a non-issue for most people but in a survival situation it might mean life or death if it gets infected and there's little or no medical assistance available.

o Find yourself flashlight. Headlamps are also highly useful so pack one plus a spare battery. Wind ups are excellent because they do not require batteries. Unless you have either of these throw in virtually any old flashlight and spare batteries.

o Soap or hand sanitizer. These items have many uses besides causing you to smell nice. Once you don't have the blissful luxury of the approach to life we enjoy at this moment you can't risk infection or contamination. Soap can also become a lubricant sometimes which may can be found in handy.

Nice to Have

These are items that are nice to possess but unless you have the space, time or the extra items on hand don't sweat it. You can include these items later or simply forget about them and go about your day in peace understanding that you're already prepared for the worst.

o Toiletries are great simply for causing you to feel normal when life is not. They are able to also be traded for other activities. Throw in several toothbrushes assuming you have them.

o Spare clothes can be used to keep you warm, keep carefully the sun and bugs off you or could be ripped or cut up and used in many other ways. They can also be sold or traded for other necessities.

o Batteries are important if you feel the urge to transport some electronic devices in your kit. Also, they are highly valuable trading commodities and don't take up an excessive amount of space.

o Additional, easy-to-prepare food when you have the time, space and money.

o A list of people to contact and their telephone numbers and addresses. In the event that you forgot your mobile phone or the battery dies at least you don't need to memorize all this info, although that would be ideal.

o Something fun and useful like a pack of cards. There is no shortage of games which can be played with cards to help keep morale up and have a break from the circumstances. And they can be utilized as kindling if required.

It might appear to be a whole lot, but as I've mentioned above there are many items that aren't totally necessary to put your mind at ease. You could have a kit such as this in your home, office and/or car depending on how ambitious you're. You can find creative and make little modifications like having a crisis blanket - the ultra thin foil sheet - rather than a tarp or perhaps a sleeping bag to save lots of space. The key would be to spend an evening at home collecting these basic items in a bag and having it prepared to be grabbed at a moments notice. I understand I feel far better having my kit near the front door. And if I never need to utilize it that's fine with me. Just as I hope to never need to use my fire insurance.

IMPORTANT: Just having a kit is greater than having nothing yet the items in your kit aren't highly functional if you don't know how to utilize them. After you've packed your kit find about 20 minutes to practice using a few of the tools to help you perform under great pressure if need be. Establishing a shelter, starting a fire and purifying water are the three most important skills to practice.

Don't have time to practice? Go over it in your thoughts as often as you can or watch online videos to get ideas.

2. Remain Calm

In essence, here is the most important section of any preparedness plan. It is a trait that's rather difficult to develop in the midst of an emergency situation without the assistance of a heavy sedative. Therefore, prior learning and preparation is require. Understanding how to calm yourself is probably not easy but it could be simple. Many of us live in a continuing state of mild tension. We have been so accustomed to this declare that it feels like we have been relaxed because we haven't known any different for years. It's time to retrain the body and your brain to enter a relaxed state at will.

To begin you may find that having just a little the help of some natural calming remedies really helps to remind you what it feels as though to be relaxed. You may also want to put some of these items in your emergency kit.

o Bach's Rescue Remedy is a tincture that comes in a small glass bottle and comes from homeopathically prepared flower extracts. It is soothe and comfort in times of stress. I always keep some on hand since I have a tendency to keep lots of tension in my jaw (TMJ) and it really helps to provide relief when I've forgotten how exactly to relax for a period.

o Nerval Tonic from Flora is really a soothing tea that's not only delicious it has a strong relaxing effect. I've found that it's difficult to acquire this tea at natural food stores from time to time so when I really do find it I tend to stock up. Please note that tea contains liquorice extract which is not recommended for women that are pregnant.

o There are a number of other teas that likewise have calming properties. Search for ingredients like chamomile or valerian root. Chamomile may cause allergy symptoms in people who are susceptible to plant allergies so test out all calming remedies before you should employ them.

Being truly a meditation master, although helpful, isn't necessary to cultivate a calm mind and body. A simple way to begin this relaxation process is to notice any time you feel stressed, pause for a moment and locate where the tension is. Are you currently holding it in a certain part of your system? What does it feel just like? Describe it, note any colours or images linked to the tension. Remember to breathe so when you do imagine the breath entering that part of the body, taking the strain away as you breathe out. You may need to do this several times before you start to feel relief. If you need to, seek some assistance by means of a relaxing tea or natural remedy. When you're new to this sometimes you need to throw several resources at the strain in order to know very well what a relaxed state feels as though.

It may seem like you can't afford to take any moment from what you're doing and all your deadlines so as to relax. The difference a relaxed state makes to your focus and performance is so remarkable you really can't afford not to. I suspect that most people, running around in a state of mini-crisis usually, have no idea what we're missing.

At the very least, in the event that you remember nothing else, remember to breathe (in AND out).

Below are a few other simple solutions to start you on the road to a calm self:

o Are you currently getting enough water, nutrients or sleep? Usually a lack in virtually any of these areas can lead to stress on the body. I have a feeling you already know which ones are in short supply that you experienced.

o Intense physical exercise is which can reduce stress in addition to a myriad of other benefits. This may take any form you like from running along the stairs at work, swimming, cycling, frisbee and a romp in the bed room. Whatever you're motivated to do find a way to match it into your schedule and ensure it is a top priority.

o Smile! It appears ridiculous, especially in public for no reason at all or in the center of an emergency, but the results are well documented. Check it out at this time and see for yourself. This fast, simple technique can be applied anytime, anywhere and contains no adverse side effects.

o Concentrate on facts not stories. In daily life or in an emergency situation there are the facts and then there's what everyone makes it mean. If you concentrate on the facts you focus on the truth in fact it is from the perspective of truth where in fact the best decisions are made. This will allow you to reassert control over a predicament and stop you from over-thinking and avoiding action.

By understanding how to remain calm you can dramatically enhance your performance within an emergency situation.

3. YOU AREN'T Your Stuff

Typically we become fearful or stressed whenever we feel we are losing something. It may be as intense as losing someone you care about or losing our job to little things like losing a wallet. Simply because we think that our stuff is who we are, it defines us, and we need that stuff to keep on. The people inside our lives may also be considered our stuff because it's quite common to feel a sense of ownership over us and friends. It could be hard to psychologically release ownership of the people in your life nevertheless, you can begin small with the physical items that you own.

This can be a lengthy growth process and is an ongoing experience so to create it simple all you have to to do is remind yourself that you are not your stuff. Somehow you began at birth with nothing and have were able to create quite an extraordinary existence for yourself out of so little resources. Along the way you've learned a whole lot and that knowledge cannot be taken from you. Nearly everything inside our lives can be replaced and with the knowledge you have had you can create something fresh and superior to what existed before.

Although it usually will not seem like it at the time, breakdowns and loss often feature a silver lining and if we have been patient these difficult times will probably prove to be a great blessing.

4. Go Without

check here may not sound like a good time however in reality it's a fun and simple experiment. At least one time a month spend 1 day or an afternoon without some type of modern convenience. Unplug all of your electrical devices for 4 hours on a Sunday or switch off the lights and play a card game by candle light or spend a winter night sleeping outside in the yard in a tent.

You can find no rules or restrictions - you invent those yourself. The purpose of this exercise is that will help you and the people you live with become accustomed to living without modern conveniences so that if you do need to go without it's not a shock. This exercise will also expand your notion of what is possible in situations that appear to be less than ideal. In addition, it also gets the added benefit of bringing friends and family together which brings us to the ultimate simple step...

5. Build Community

Undertaking the suggestions in this workbook is not normal. These 5 steps aren't the kinds of activities most people engage in and you'll find, if you haven't already, that some individuals think being prepared for anything extreme is a waste of time. Besides, the federal government will take care of them, right?

If you don't think that and don't look for a lot of support around you I encourage you to keep looking. There are several people out there, many of them flying beneath the radar, who believe that preparedness is important. So that you can stay on task also to reassure yourself you are not crazy it's wise to find at least one other person you can talk to who shares your fascination with this topic. You'll find the support helpful, reassuring and, most likely, advantageous. It's hard to handle everything yourself, which why we've always needed community so that you can survive and to live a complete and satisfied life.

You can join an area community or start your personal. If you are in the Southern Ontario area check out the Toronto Survivalism Group on meetup[dot]com. If you want some help with starting your personal community please feel free to contact me.

Best wishes,

Laurie Varga

Laurie Varga is and emergency preparedness enthusiast, tree hugger, business owner and the Founder of Seed+Stone.

Please be aware that you, the average person is ultimately in charge of you possess safety and wellbeing. Please practice caution and good judgment in virtually any situation. The author is not liable for whatever may occur because the result of applying the info presented on this page.
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