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Which are the Digestion Time of Food
People often complain they just finished food, however they feel hungry soon. Some individuals always regret eating too much. The reason being different foods have the various digestion time. At here, ?food digestion schedule" could help choose the best foods, so that will make the stomach relax.
dưa lưới ruột xanh : 30 minutes to 1 one hour. Melons (such as for example watermelon) just need shortest time to digest, and the banana just need longer time to digest. Between two meals, if you need to utilize the fruits to against the hungry, banana is a superb choice. Watermelon will begin to provide energy and increase blood sugar levels, especially were not suitable for people with diabetes.

Vegetables: 45 minutes to 2 hours. Melons and vegetables (such as melon) utilize the shortest time to digest, accompanied by fruit vegetable (such as tomatoes, eggplant), and accompanied by leafy vegetables (such as for example spinach, cabbage) and cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli). The longest digestion time may be the root vegetables (such as for example sweet potatoes and taro). Therefore, root vegetables can be utilized as staple foods. People whose digestion system is poor, they should avoid eating broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables. If you want to eat, it must be cooked to be soft.

Grains: 1.5 to 3 hours. Liquid or semi-liquid cereal (such as for example porridge) digestion time is shorter, and there is absolutely no added fat fermented foods (such as for example bread, oil-free bread), but additionally relatively easy to digest. They will have the high digestibility in body, which is around 98%. Therefore, for people with weak gastrointestinal, porridge, bread etc is a wonderful choice. However, if the oil is added, it becomes fried bread slices, fried rice, etc., it is not easy to digest.

Proteins: 1.5 to 4 hours. Milk, soy milk and other liquid protein foods are simpler to digest. If beef, chicken along with other protein-rich meat were completely digested, you need to four hours or longer.

Fat: 2 ~ 4 hours. The fat digestion rate gets the relationship with the low-level fatty acids and unsaturated essential fatty acids. The higher content fat acids are, the easier to digest. Therefore, vegetable oil is simpler to digest than animal oil. Fatty foods and cereals or protein intake will extend the latter co-digestion time. if you at too oil staple food, it'll increase great burden to stomach.
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