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If a ball is dropped from multiple heights whilst attached to a rope object, the higher height will result in a longer pendulum cycle. The data recorded in the charts clearly provide, as is, evidence, consisting of multiple tests concluding in expected results. The results are shown to have proven a longer pendulum cycle if an object, a ball, is dropped from a higher height. The average, or mean, or the results indicate proof, such as if Test C and B were to be compared. In Test C, the length of the string used in the test was 35 cm. The average time for the ball to start a pendulum cycle after being dropped was 58 seconds. In Test B, the string lenth was 25 cm long. The ball was dropped and was recorded to enter the pendulum cycle after an average of 47 seconds. The length of the string in Test C was longer than Test B's string length, as stated, Test C resulted in 58 seconds, as for Test B, only 47 seconds. Significantly, height is proven to affect the time to reach a pendulum cycle if a ball is dropped from a string.
Whilst conducting the experiment, the testers experienced two problems. One of the two problems was the pivot. Instead of having a dedicated pivot to experiment pendulums, the pivot was easily replaced with a chopstick with a string attached to a ball and the chopstick itself. The chopstick was craned from a chair. Held down by several books, the chopstick would act as a pivot to use. The second problem was where the ball would hit the legs of the chair. The issue was simply resolved by positioning the chopstick to where the ball could freely swing on a pivot without any other interactions of force.
In the project, the two "scientists" learned that if an object were to enter the pendulum cycle, it would take longer to reach if the object had a longer pivot to object distance. Important observations include to drop the object from the similar position and place to accurately prove results in trials. Noted that oscillation is the term when an object swings back and forth at a constant speed, resulting in a pendulum if kept long enough. The ball was the same weight throughout the experiment, allowing oscillation to naturally reach a pendulum cycle. Although the ball did not get heavier or lighter, could the time to reach the pendulum be affected if the ball had different weights?
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