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Learning all the information you provided in just 8 hours is quite challenging, as it covers a wide range of topics. However, I can provide you with a brief overview of each question and its correct answer. You can use this as a starting point for further learning and exploration. Here's a summary of the questions and their answers:

Embedded Systems means:
- Systems designed to do a specific task on hardware optimized for only that purpose

Linux originally only ran on:
- Intel 386 PCs

Bundling utilities, management tools, and application software with a Linux kernel is called a:
- A distribution of Linux

A software release cycle describes:
- How often upgrades come out for software

Apple’s OS X is:
- Tightly integrated with Apple hardware
- Partially based on code from the FreeBSD project

Microsoft Windows:
- Is generally backwards compatible with previous versions
- Offers both desktop and server products
- Has a scripting environment called PowerShell

An interpreted programming language:
- Does not require a compilation step but no linking step
- Takes fewer resources to run than a compiled language

The two main families of Linux shells are:
- Bourne Shell
- C Shell

In virtualization, what are the host and guest?
- The host is the machine that runs the virtual machines
- The guest is the machine that runs the virtual machines

Cloud computing is:
- Is made possible by faster internet speeds
- Is useful for both business and home users

Which of the following are properties of a strong password?
- Includes symbols
- At least 10 characters long
- A mix of upper and lower case

A license where you don’t have access to the source code is called:
- Closed source

A copyleft provision in a software license means:
- If you redistribute the software, you must distribute the source to any changes you make

The Free Software Foundation believes that:
- Software should be free to modify
- Software should be free to share

What does it mean when a work is placed in the public domain?
- The author has relinquished the copyright on the work

The semicolon (;) can be used to separate multiple commands to be executed in order.
- True

To be able to output messages to the screen, use the _______ command:
- echo

The _______ command will print a list of the commands that you’ve previously executed.
- history

HOME is an example of _________.
- An environment variable

The directory where additional documentation for software packages most likely can be found is:
- /usr/share/doc

To start searching a man page, the first key you press is:
- /

To get help on using the info command, execute:
- man info
- info info

The _____ command can be used to find any file, not just commands or man pages.
- locate

Hidden files are files that begin with what character?
- A period (.)

The top-level directory on a Linux system is represented as:
- /

The ls command without options or arguments…
- …lists the contents of the current directory.

The command ls -S will sort files:
- By size, largest to smallest

When using the cp command, you must provide both a source and a destination.
- True

Which option can be used with the rm command to prompt before deleting?
- -i

Which command would list files that do not begin with a “T” or a “W”?
- echo /etc/[!TW]*

In general, for which of the following would you want to use lossless compression?
- A log file

You type gzip myfile.tar. What happens?
- myfile.tar.gz holds a compressed version of myfile.tar

Which command will show what is inside the compressed tarball with a name of foo.tar.gz?
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