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Make Or Break Headlines

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"Learn one FREE technique that INCREASES PROFITS by $1,000s or more in under two minutes!'

Did that headline grab your attention? Are you anxious to learn what this amazing free technique is?

Why, it's the headline itself!

You have one chance and one chance only to grab your audience's attention like our headline grabbed yours. If your heading doesn't draw readers in, odds are that they will never even get to the second sentence. Instead, they'll move on�right to you...

improving headlines,writing headlines,improve writing headlines

Article Body:
"Learn one FREE technique that INCREASES PROFITS by $1,000s or more in under two minutes!'

Did that headline grab your attention? Are you anxious to learn what this amazing free technique is?

Why, it's the headline itself!

You have one chance and one chance only to grab your audience's attention like our headline grabbed yours. If your heading doesn't draw readers in, odds are that they will never even get to the second sentence. Instead, they'll move on�right to your competitor.

A strong headline guarantees that you will never lose a visitor before they stop to learn more. More people stopping translate directly into more sales and more profits!

By keeping just a few key points in mind, you can start writing engaging, money-making headlines in minutes. The sooner you improve your headlines, the sooner you can enjoy the wealth that has been waiting for you inside them.

Key Point #1: Be Specific!

 Stand out from the competition!
 Real numbers and dollar signs attract the most attention.

Chances are you have some competition selling something similar to the same people you are targeting. Get ahead of newtown kasino apk by specifically telling customers what they have to gain�and lose�from you right upfront.

In our example headline above, we didn't simply say that our technique increases profits. Instead, we said it increases profits "by $1,000s." By adding this tiny detail, it immediately changed from a generic headline to an enticing offer.

It's easy to overlook the thousands of messages we come across each day. They all promise to create undisclosed amounts of money in undisclosed amounts of time. However, it's hard to pass by a headline promising to reveal how to make $1,000s in under two minutes. (This second headline detail drives home the idea that our technique is *really* fast!)

Leave the vague promises that everyone else is trying behind. Today, start to attract customers' curiosities with headlines full of concrete facts and figures.

Key Point #2: Choose Your Words!

 Choose positive ("winning") instead of negative ("not losing") language.
 Headlines should always be upbeat and inspiring.

Always keep your headlines positive, upbeat, and full of inspiration. By the time a visitor gets to the end of that very first line, they should not only want to keep reading�they should be *eager* and *excited* to keep reading!

Think carefully about how you word each portion of your heading. Focus on the verbs, or action words. How are you currently describing the action? How else could you describe that same action? Which wording sounds most attractive?

For example, say that you stay home to watch a football game instead of going out to the grocery store. You could describe your action in two ways: "staying home to watch the game" or "not going out to the store."

The former ("staying home to watch the game") is the more upbeat of the two and makes a better headline. It involves a positive action ("staying") and a positive result ("to watch the game"). In contrast, the second option involves a negative action ("not going") and a boring result ("to the store"). Negativity and boredom will not interest the reader, and they'll quickly be headed elsewhere.

Key Point #3: Longer Is Better!

 Never skimp on the critical first sentence.
 Highlight key points.
 Use a sub-headline if necessary.
 Four key questions your headline MUST answer.

In most writing, we are taught to be "short and sweet." In other words, to say as much as possible in as few words as possible.

Not with headlines!

You only have one sentence to hook a reader�make it count!

By the end of that first line, the reader should know what they stand to gain; how easily they can benefit; and how fast they can start benefiting!

Touch on as much of the following as you can:

- What your product is (i.e. "an e-book," "a technique")
- How it's used (i.e. "right from your browser," "effortlessly")
- What's required to use it (i.e. "less than two minutes of your time")
- Benefits from using it (i.e. "increases profits," "doubles memory")

Make the main ideas of your heading stand out! Pepper your headline with uppercase letters, underlines, italics, and/or bold text.

Too many important details? Consider adding a sub-headline. The real headline should include the most captivating points, but a sub-headline can add information to really seal the deal. When positioned close together, many readers can be "tricked" into reading both sentences right off the bat!

Your headline is ultimately what makes or breaks a sale. If it cannot capture your readers' attention, it cannot bring in sales. If you think your current headline is doing its job, think again. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how much success you'll enjoy�all from taking just two minutes to incorporate the above key points into your headlines.
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