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Japanese Cloth: Kimono, Haori and More
Japanese Cloth: Kimono, Haori and More

In Japan There are many kinds of traditional Japanese clothing. You must be aware of them to make an informed decision when purchasing clothes.

The Kimono is the traditional Japanese dress worn on formal occasions by both as well as women, is the pillar of Japanese society. It is a symbol of respect and social status, mainly worn by upper classes.

Japanese Decoration can also be a symbol for traditions, status and a sense of respect toward the Emperor. It's a tradition that's often used to mark the beginning of a new school year or for a coming-of-age ceremony.

Shibori, the art of dyeing cloth to create unique patterns by binding either stitching or folding it and compressing or twisting it is a key component of traditional Japanese clothing. Shibori has been in use since the Heian period, however today's variants use synthetic dyestuffs instead of the natural animals and plants products.

Kakishibu is an organic brown liquid that is made from fermented persimmon's green juice. It's a traditional dye used for kimono and other fabrics. The dye has been utilized by Japanese designers for more than 500 years.

Tsutsugaki - The practice of drawing designs onto cloth with rice paste then coloring it with indigo or other natural colors - is a further essential component of traditional Japanese clothes. It is usually seen on kimonos, however it can also be found on other clothing items like Tee-shirts.

Yukata The traditional bathing suit is an emblem of Japanese tradition, and is used in summer celebrations and historic cities like Kyoto. The Kimono is more costly and is often tucked into an Obi sash.

Jinbei - Based on the jinbaori worn on samurai warriors, this style of clothes is slim and easy to move in. It's a pleasant alternative to a Kimono which can be worn in the home or for leisure activities, like going to the beach or park.

Fundoshi is a traditional men's undergarment that dates back to the Heian period. This kind of underwear is made of cotton and is available in a variety of sizes. It's comfortable and simple to wash.

Samue is a traditional Japanese piece of clothing made of hemp or cotton, and typically dyed with green, indigo, or blue. It typically comes with a pair of pants.

Tabi – These shoes are made mostly of cotton or silk, and come with the split toe. They can be very casual or formal, and are often worn with zori, geta, and other thonged footwear.

Mawashi The Mawashi style of underwear is constructed from cotton, and is traditionally worn by sumo wrestlers. Also, it is a symbol for determination and strength.

Japonism - Japanese - Japanese have created their own unique fashion of dressing over the years, reflecting their culture and history. The West has inspired them, but their traditions have also influenced them.

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