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1.)What time is it if the sun is on the meridian?


2.) What does the dashed line in the figure represent?

A portion of the Zenith

3.) Suppose you are talking to someone on the phone who is in a different country. Which of the following is true during the conversation?

d.You both have the same Longitude and Latitude

4.)What time is it for the person shown in the figure below, and what direction are they facing?
b. Midnight, South

5.)The diagram shown below assumes you are facing south at midnight (and you live in the northern hemisphere). You can assume that each constellation is up for about 12 hours. Based on the diagram, which constellation was closest to the meridian at 9PM?

d. Gemini.

6.) What are the constellations along the ecliptic called?
e. The Zodiac

7.)What constellation is the Sun "in" on the day shown in the figure below?


8.) According to the figure below, what constellation rises at about noon on December 1?
c. Capricornus

9..) According to the figure below, what constellation will the sun be "in" at sunset on December 1?

10.)What constellation was the sun in at sunrise on the day shown below?

11.)Imagine you are standing at point X in the figure shown below. Is object A rising or setting?
b. Setting

12.)How many degrees those the Earth rotate in one hour

13.)Which direction does the Earth spin?
b. West to East.

14.) According to the Figure shown below, what constellation is the Sun closest to on September 21?


15.) Suppose you lived on the Tropic of Cancer. On what days of the year does the sun reach zenith at noon?
c. Autumnal Equinox

16.)On what days of the year does the Sun rise exactly (due) East and set due West?

e. Both Equinoxes

17.When does the Sun rise north of east and set north of west?
b. From about March 21 to September 21 if you live in the Northern Hemisphere.

18.)Suppose you live south of the Tropic of Capricorn. What direction is the sun at noon?

19.) Suppose you lived on the Equator. On what days of the year does the sun reach zenith at noon?

b.The Equinoxes.

20.)When is the Earth closest to the Sun?
When it is winter

21.)What time does the 1st Quarter Moon rise?

d. Noon.

22.)What time is it if the 1st Quarter Moon is on the meridian


23.) What time is it if the New Moon is on the meridian?


24.) If the Moon is a Full Moon tonight, which of the following is true ten days from now?

The Moon will rise between sunset and midnight.

25.) Where in the sky would you look to see the Sun when the Full Moon is starting to rise?

The western horizon.

26.)Suppose you are walking outside at sunrise and you notice the moon roughly 30 degrees above the Eastern horizon. What phase is it? (Refer to Examples 1-2 that are shown in Quiz1 Examples.pdf)

b.Waning Gibbous.

27.) What is the phase of the moon if, on the first day of winter, it is located near the Vernal Equinox? (Refer to Examples 3-5 that are shown in Quiz1 Examples.pdf)

d.3rd Quarter.

28.)Which of the following is true about solar eclipses?

c.They only happen if the New Moon is on the ecliptic.

29.)What do we call the tides that have the highest highs and the lowest lows?

c.Spring Tides

30.)Suppose a planet is in Opposition. What time does that planet cross the meridian?

Near midnight.

31.)Suppose a planet is in Inferior Conjunction. What time does that planet cross the meridian?

c. Near midnight.

32.)Which of the following planets can never be seen at opposition?

Mercury and Venus

33.) Where does the word "planet" come from?

d.It is Greek for "wanderer"

34.)Why are there 7 days in the week?

c.There are seven easily visible heavenly objects (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn).

35.) Which direction is a planet moving relative to the background stars if it is undergoing regular (Direct) motion?

West to East

36.) Who among the following was the first to put forth a heliocentric view of the heavens?


37.)Who among the following used parallax to argue against the heliocentric model of the heavens?


38.)If the parallax angle of star A is larger than the parallax angle of star B, which star is closer?

a. star a

39.)Which astronomer provided the data that Kepler used to analyze planetary motion?

a. Copernicus

40.)Who discovered three laws of planetary motion?


41.) It takes longer for the Mars to orbit the Sun than it does for Earth to orbit the Sun. Which one of Kepler's Laws applies to that statement?
Kepler's 2nd Law

42.) Where does Kepler's 3rd Law fail to accurately describe the motion of the planets in our solar system?

Nowhere. Kepler's 3rd Law is always valid for planets in our solar system

43.)Which of the following planets moves the slowest in its orbit around the Sun?


44.) When does the moon travel fastest in its orbit around Earth, at perigee when its distance from earth is about 370,000km or at apogee when its distance is about 405,000km?

Neither. Its speed is constant.

45.)Which of the following planets moves fastest in its orbit around the Sun?

46.)Which of the following has an elliptical orbit around the Sun?
e.All of the above.

47.)What is the period of a comet that has an average orbital radius of 200 AU
200 years

48.) What is the average orbital radius of a comet that has a period of 1000 years?

c.1000 AU

49.) Which of the following types of light has a longer wavelength?


50.) Which of the following types of light has a higher frequency?

51.)Which of the following types of light has the most energy per photon?


52.)Which of the following types of light travels fastest in empty space?

a. Red

53.) A 30 meter telescope is being built in Hawaii. What does the 30 meters refer to?
The diameter of the primary mirror

54.) Which of the following is a reason that Astronomers prefer reflectors over refractors?

All of the above.

55.) What determines the light gathering power of a telescope?

c.The diameter squared of the primary mirror

56.)A 30.0m telescope is being built in Hawaii. How much light will it gather each second compared to the Keck 10.0m telescope?
9 times more

57.)What is sun mostly composed of?

58.) Does the Sun have a solid surface?

b. no

59.)How many Earth's does it take to stretch across the diameter of the Sun?
About 100

60.)How many Earth's does it take to fill the volume of the Sun?
d.About 1,000,000 (1 million)

61.)What is the hottest region of the sun?


62.) What is the surface of the sun called?


63.) The average size of a sunspot is about the same as _______.


64.) Who was one of the first people to study sunspots?

Galileo Galilei

65.)Why do sunspots appear dark?
They are cooler than their surroundings

66.) Which of the following is NOT true about sunspots?

d.A sunspot has an average lifetime of about 11 years

67.)The total life-expectancy of the sun is about ____ years.
10 billion

69.).)The Sun rotates ______ at the poles than at the equator.

70.)In what region of the Sun do Hydrogen nuclei (protons) move the fastest (on average)?
d. Core

71.)Based on the following diagram, what type of detector would you want to use to study the a star that has a surface temperature of 3000K?

e.Gamma Ray.

72.)Based on the following diagram, what color would a star with a temperature of 3000K appear to the naked eye?

c. red

73.) What happens to the wavelength associated with the peak (max value) of the blackbody curve when you raise the temperature of the object?

It gets shorter (smaller wavelength)

74.)Suppose star A has a peak wavelength of 500 nm. Star B is twice as hot as star A. What is the peak wavelength for star B?

a.500 nm

75.)What are the main types of spectra?
b.Continuous, Emission, Absorption

76.)Would you expect to see absorption lines in the Sun?
b.Yes, because the photosphere is cooler than the interior of the Sun.

77.) Where is the peak of the sun's blackbody emission

In the blue-green part of the visible spectrum.

78.) Star A is three times hotter than star B. Which star has a larger value for the peak wavelength in its blackbody radiation?

79.)Stars A and B are the same size, but the surface temperature of star A is four times larger than the the surface temperature of star B. Which of the following is true?
The peak wavelength for star A is 1/4 the peak wavelength for star B.

80.)What is the source of energy that powers the sun?

d .fusion of hydrogen in the core.

81.) Which of the following diagrams represents the absorption of a photon with that has the largest amount of energy?


82.)Based on the following plot, at what distance from the Sun was the freezing point for water (T = 273K) located in the solar nebula?

2-3 AU

83.)Which of the following supports the Nebular Hypothesis for the formation of the solar system?

b.The planets closer to the Sun should have a higher average density than the planets that are further from the sun.

84.)What is an AU?

c. The average distance from the Earth to the Sun.

85.) What is approximate size of the planetary portion of our solar system?
10,000 AU

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