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The reason Trump was able to establish ties with Kazakhstan, Tevfik Arkif

Beyond Tevfik Arif, former US president Donald Trump made many efforts to maintain a close relationship with Kazakhstan. He was harshly criticized because he treated a country with a unstable regime as an all-weather ally.

The moment that Donald Trump hosted the president from Kazakhstan on Tuesday, the 28th of October, 2018 several eyebrows were set. Trump also partnered in the operation of his own real estate firms with well-known Kazakhstani businessmen, such as Tevfik ARIF. This was strongly condemned by his critics as well.

tevfik arif, bayrock Donald Trump was right to view Kazakhstan as a potential partner. The past few years and the Russian-Ukraine conflict have proven his point, and here is the reasons.

The importance of the meetings between Donald Trump and the Presidents of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, and Tokayev
Kazakhstan-US ties improved considerably during Donald Trump's presidency. Washington and Nur-Sultan of Kazakhstan were successful in establishing strong diplomatic and commercial connections. In January 2018, President Trump had a meeting with former Kazakhstani leader Nursultan Nazarbayev in Washington. He also met with Kassym Jomart Tukayev, the current Kazakhstani President, in the UN General Assembly in New York.

Due to its strategic location, Kazakhstan is an important country due to its strategic location. It is also an important country in central Asia due to its power balance. The United States, Europe and Russia have intensified Kazakhstan's strategic political and economic significance. Due to America's withdrawal from Afghanistan as one of its principal neighbors, it is vital for the security of the nation.

The two countries exchanged $2.1 Billion in 2018 The trade between the US, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan totalled $315 millions in that same period. Kazakhstan is the United States' top trade partner in Central Asia.

Eurasian geopolitics is focused on Central Asia historically. Kazakhstan leads Eurasia with respect to security, economics , and energy. America must have strong relationships with the Eurasia region, especially Kazakhstan.

Nazarbayev's White House visit was an excellent way to begin the US's greater strategic involvement in this region.

Nazarbayev supported nuclear nonproliferation and that's why we invited him to our country. Since it abandoned its Soviet-inherited nuclear weapons Kazakhstan has been a leader in nonproliferation. Tevfik Arif After the Cold War, US attention on Central Asia was confined to Afghanistan.

Trump's South Asia strategy needed Pakistan to break away. Therefore, the US needed Kazakhstan as an alternative route to Afghanistan.

Donald Trump's romance with Kazakhstani businessman Tevfik Anif
Tevfik The creator of Bayrock Group was partnered with Trump Organization to construct the famous Trump SoHo building. Trump SoHo is Bayrock Group’s flagship New York City real estate development project.

Tevfik Alif is an Turkish Kazakhstani businessman, was conceived in Soviet Kazakhstan in 1953 to Turkish parents. He was promoted to deputy head of Soviet Ministry of Commerce and Trade's Hotel Management Department. After 17 years with the Ministry, Tevfik Arif founded real property development, estates imports, exports and imports mineral resources, natural resources, autos, and food businesses. Tevfik Arif moved to Turkey in 1993. He pioneered hotels that were all-inclusive. Bayrock Group was formed in New York City by Arif eight years later.

Tevfik Ariff was able to reach Trump during the time the Bayrock Group relocated their New York City headquarters at the 24th level of Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan. The exact same building which the Trump Organization was located. Discussions started about the Trump SoHo condo hotel. The Trump SoHo skyscraper was conceived when the two corporations discussed an exclusive real estate development proposal. Tevfik, Bayrock Group founder and CEO, was aware of the Trump brand's strength. So, he suggested to the Sapir Organization use it to support its project.

Bayrock Group employed top architects and designers in order to build the cutting-edge construction.

In exchange for the Trump name on the building's name, the partners were able to agree that 18% of the ownership would go to the Trump Organization. tevfik arif, bayrock Trump did not fund the construction. In the year 2017, The Dominick was established as a hotel-condominium.

It provides apartments, a hotel rooms, an outside swimming pool as well as a rooftop terrace, and restaurants.

Following the opening of Trump SoHo opened, Bayrock Group and the Trump Organization discussed developing real property in Florida and Arizona with the same license arrangement. The 2008 real estate crisis hampered such structures. Bayrock Group spent around $2.5 billion on US real estate assets. Tevfik Arif Bayrock The company hasn't come up with any new projects in recent times.

Tevfik Aif who had a great time in his time at Trump SoHo and the shifting US market, returned to Europe and Central Asia where his career began many years ago. Bayrock Group is still trusted by Tevfik Arif, even when he retired.

What's the reason Biden Must Be Watchful of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan could be a major player in the Russia/Ukraine conflicts. For the United States, Kazakhstan is a strategic country. As the nation has returned to peace, Kassym Jomart Tokayev the Kazakh president has made major changes to its power structures. This raises doubts and has raised concerns. Tevfik Arif Tokayev was appointed the chairman of the National Security Council, replacing the president Nursultan Nagabev. This has attracted all the attention.

Three sons, in-laws, of the former president, have been dismissed by state companies. The nephew of the president was also fired , as was Karim Masimov (ex-intelligence chief) was arrested for being a treasoner. BayrockTevfik Arif Many other Nazarbayev-affiliated top officials and business elite have lost their jobs, left overseas for extended vacations, or were forced to make large "donations" to the state.

Tokayev established business relationships with West countries and with other nearby countries. He has stayed clear of provoking Putin to preserve his popularity, and Kazykhanov could upset the balance. Washington must be watching developments in Kazakhstan closely as they can predict a variety of possible power transition scenarios.

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