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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public enum FInputDirection
Down = 1 << 0,
Up = 1 << 1,
Left = 1 << 2,
Right = 1 << 3,

public enum FInputButton
LP = 1 << 0,
MP = 1 << 1,
HP = 1 << 2,

LK = 1 << 3,
MK = 1 << 4,
HK = 1 << 5,

public class T : MonoBehaviour
private void Awake()
var dir = FInputDirection.Down | FInputDirection.Left;

var dirStr = Convert.ToString((int)dir, 2);

var btn = FInputButton.LK | FInputButton.MP | FInputButton.HK;

var btnStr = Convert.ToString((int)btn, 2);

//11010101 = 213
//Debug.Log(Enum.GetNames(typeof(FInputDirection)).Length + " " + dirStr + " " + btnStr);

//Debug.Log(Convert.ToString((213 / (int)Mathf.Pow(2, 1)), 2)); last bits

//first 4 : buttons
//last 4 : directions

var last4 = Convert.ToString(213 >> 4, 2);
var first4 = Convert.ToString(213 << 4, 2);
// Debug.Log(first4);

var d = new InputMotionStepItem_Direction();
d.BufferWindow = 12;
d.InputIDs = 1;
d.ShouldBeExactInput = true;

var df = new InputMotionStepItem_Direction();
df.BufferWindow = 12;
df.InputIDs = 3;
df.ShouldBeExactInput = true;

var f = new InputMotionStepItem_Direction();
f.BufferWindow = 12;
f.InputIDs = 2;
f.ShouldBeExactInput = true;

var p = new InputMotionStepItem_Button_All();
p.BufferWindow = 5;
p.HasNegativeEdge = true;
p.InputIDs = 4;

var inputMotionSteps = new List<IInputMotionStep>();

var inputMotionStep_d = new InputMotionStep();
inputMotionStep_d.InputMotionStepItems = new List<IInputMotionStepItem> { d };


var inputMotionStep_df = new InputMotionStep();
inputMotionStep_df.InputMotionStepItems = new List<IInputMotionStepItem> { df };


var inputMotionStep_f = new InputMotionStep();
inputMotionStep_f.InputMotionStepItems = new List<IInputMotionStepItem> { f };


var inputMotionStep_p = new InputMotionStep();
inputMotionStep_p.InputMotionStepItems = new List<IInputMotionStepItem> { p };


var inputMotion = new InputMotion
InputMotionSteps = inputMotionSteps

List<IInputMotion> inputMotions = new List<IInputMotion>();

public interface IInputMotion
int InputMotionID { get; set; }
List<IInputMotionStep> InputMotionSteps { get; set; }

public class InputMotion : IInputMotion
public int InputMotionID { get; set; }
public List<IInputMotionStep> InputMotionSteps { get; set; }

public interface IInputMotionStep
List<IInputMotionStepItem> InputMotionStepItems { get; set; }

public class InputMotionStep : IInputMotionStep
public List<IInputMotionStepItem> InputMotionStepItems { get; set; }

public interface IInputMotionStepItem
int InputIDs { get; set; }
int BufferWindow { get; set; }

bool IsMatched(int currentInputIDs);

public abstract class InputMotionStepItem_ButtonBase : IInputMotionStepItem
public int InputIDs { get; set; }
public int BufferWindow { get; set; }

public bool IsMatched(int currentInputIDs)
return true;

public abstract bool IsMatched();

public bool HasNegativeEdge { get; set; }

public class InputMotionStepItem_Button_All : InputMotionStepItem_ButtonBase
public int InputIDs { get; set; }
public int BufferWindow { get; set; }

public override bool IsMatched()
return true;

public bool HasNegativeEdge { get; set; }

public class InputMotionStepItem_Button_Any : InputMotionStepItem_ButtonBase
public int InputIDs { get; set; }
public int BufferWindow { get; set; }

public override bool IsMatched()
return true;

public bool HasNegativeEdge { get; set; }
public int AnyCount { get; set; }

public class InputMotionStepItem_Direction : IInputMotionStepItem
public int InputIDs { get; set; }
public int BufferWindow { get; set; }

public bool IsMatched(int currentInputIDs)
return true;

public bool ShouldBeExactInput { get; set; }
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Regards; Team

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