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CS:GO Tips And Things To Do
“Don't reload.”
Shooters, single-player shooters especially, condition us to reload as a Pavlovian response to getting a kill. Resisting that urge is one of the first things most new CS players have to unlearn. Most weapons in CS:GO take between two and four seconds to reload: plenty of time for someone to peek around a corner or move through the space you should be defending. But maybe more importantly, in close-quarters, reloading betrays your position with sound. Consider the trade-off: would you rather have a full mag and an enemy who knows where you are, or a shallow mag and an enemy who's out of position?

“Don't turn a three-on-one into a series of one-on-ones.”
This is the one I've started to preach most to players that I solo queue in Competitive mode with. It's easy to take a round win for granted when you're in a 3-on-1 or a 4-on-2. The easiest way to give away an easy win, though, is arranging your team in a way that the enemy can encounter you one at a time, on their own terms. When you're defending a bombsite against a shorthanded enemy, your goal should be to guarantee a trade: put the enemy in a position where they must cross the firing line of Player B if they want to kill Player A.

Crosshair Placement
Place crosshair around head hight aand towards a common place that players will be such as a corner.

Be aware
Check radar, don't ignore footsteps, dont assume someone is not behind a wall or an obstacle, and be ready and expect the unexpected.

Learn Guns
Learn the recoil and different parts of the guns such as the AWP, AK-47, And M4A1

Work On Aiming

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Regards; Team

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