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Minecraft Snapshot 17w43b

Do not anticipate any new gameplay mechanics or features in 1.13 because we try to focus on improving the game engine in this update.

This first snapshot will bring two major modifications to the codebase: Data packs and LWJGL 3.

Data Packs

Usage & Installation

A data pack could be either an

Zip file



inside the folder /datapacks/. Both of these data packs are valid, as an example.

/datapacks/ /datapacks/SuperPack3000/

We believe that the data pack will be a zip file if it is handed to us by a friend or downloaded from the internet. It will be automatically installed by placing it in the datapacksor folder.

If you alter, install or remove a data package while the game is in play then the /reload command will be used to apply the changes.


pack.mcmeta (Required) exactly as in resource packs, this is a description of the pack. data/ This is the reason it is a data pack, containing all data files./ - Much like resource packs, everything needs an alias.- functions/ - contains all command functions.mcfunction - A command function whose name is :

.json - A loot table named :

.nbt - A structure named :

.json - An advancement named :

.json - A recipe named :

Pack Hierarchy

Exactly like resource packs, data packs also have a load order. Unfortunately, there is no way to alter or view this currently. Sorry! We're working on it.

Note: Recipes?

? We aren't yet done supporting the idea of data packs for recipes. We don't consider custom data packs for recipes and we don't sync any custom recipes from the server to clients.

Basically... they don't work yet. Soooooon!


This isn't a new idea, but I wanted to remind you what a "namespace" is. Most things in the game have a namespace, so that the moment we add something and mod (or map, or whatever) adds something, they're both different things. When you're asked to name something (e.g. an item box), you must also specify the namespace it came from. If you don't specify the namespace, we default to minecraft. This means that something and minecraft:something are the exact same thing.

Always make use of your own namespace when you add any new features. Only use other namespaces when they are explicitly overriding another. Try not to add new things in minecraft in general.

A namespace should only contain the following symbols:

0123456789 (Numbers) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (Lowercase letters) _ (Underscore) - (Hyphen/minus)

Names of... things...

You can call anything (recipes advances, recipes, etc.) whatever you want, but these are the only officially recognized symbols:

0123456789 (Numbers) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (Lowercase letters) _ (Underscore) / (Forward slash, directory separator) . (Period) - (Hyphen/minus)

The preferred naming convention is lower_case_with_underscores.


We have also been updated to use the most current version of LW


. This will fix a variety of long-standing issues on Mac OS and Linux and should make it much more stable. The most significant benefit you'll get is that fullscreen mode is now set to borderless windowed, so that snapping into and out of fullscreen mode is incredibly quick! However, we've already identified the following issues you could be confronted with:

- Fullscreen mode on Mac OS X has a high chance of hard crashing, so we disabled this until we can come up with a workaround. In certain cases the inputs of keystrokes can be sent twice. For instance, if you hover over an item on the search tab for creative inventors and press a hotbar key it will be sent twice. - On Mac OS X, the game icon is no more a grass block. I am working on it!

Structure blocks

When you use "save" in a structure block, it now saves it in the following location: generated//structures/
< p="">

When you call "load" in a structure block, we attempt to load from the created folder before trying data packs. This is to ensure the sameness of loading and saving.

If you are creating custom maps, don't distribute the "generated folder" as is. Convert it into the data pack. Thank you!

Backwards compatibility - going back in time!

This is a challenge we all have to deal with, but we believe that we must tackle it right now.

We do not officially endorse the ability to go back to older versions of minecraft in the same folder as you are running a new version of Minecraft

. You will be able to run the snapshot and go back to an older version in the same directory.

All your keybindings are gone


It is always recommended to run snapshots (and any other version of the latest version) in their own folders. This is why tutorial toasts keep popping up;

A word of warning

1.13 will come with a


Some experimental snapshots might smell strange and break everything. This could be one of those snapshots. This is what happens when we change everything!

Install the snapshot

Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to We can't fix a bug if nobody reports it!

Open your launcher and select the "launch options tab" to download snapshots. Check the box saying "Enable snapshots" and save. To switch between the normal and snapshot version, you can find a new dropdow menu right next to the "Play" button. Backup your entire world before you run the game in another folder (in the "launch options") page.

Snapshots can cause harm to your world. Backup them and/or save them in a separate folder.

Bugs corrected in 17w43b


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Regards; Team

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